OOC: On the Issue of Claiming...

Recently, there's been some questions as to the nature of vampiric 'claiming' and how it should be handled IC and OOCly, so we've taken it upon ourselves to try and clear it up.

First and foremost, let me clear up how one goes about 'claiming' someone. It is a decision that must be agreed to OOCly before being enacted, seeing as this is a consensual game and supposed to be all in good fun. Secondly, to be recognized as official in the vampiric realm, both parties must also agree ICly. Vampires can make these decisions on their own, but just know that if their claimee argues that they did not want to be claimed in the face of vampiric authorities, then it will be overturned. A verbal declaration must be made, and both parties must be present to bear witness to it. Otherwise, that's all you need. There are no marks, no indicators. A romantic relationship is not necessary, and it can be used on any human, witch, or psychic of any gender.

What it is, in it's most basic form, is the objectification of a person. From that moment on, the claimee becomes the property of the vampire, and ought to be treated as such.

How it works is simple. It is a social contract, much like the social entity of 'marriage' in our world, with key differences being that it is not legally binding except to other vampires. It is up to both members of the party to uphold their 'claim' on one another. No one else can or will. Just know, however, that unlike in marriage, there can be serious repercussions to breaching this particular contract.

In Dallas, the Sheriff enforces 'The Law Of Ownership', so be wary of that. Breaches to this social contract can be taken to vampiric authorities at any give time to be judged on a case by case basis. If you risk breaching the contract and the claimer presses charges, then be aware that you may be punished: whether it be a warning, the removal of a fang, or even death.

So, as a last warning, ICA = ICC people!

Keep the Faith!

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