'nother round!

Bass Clef Club

It's early enough in the evening that the evenings performance has just begun, the place is of course busy as it's a saturday night and the music being played is of a more modern style than most played in the Bass Clef Club, a young woman playing the piano and singing her own works. Michael sits quietly at a booth that's very much become his when he visits of late, he's putting on the usual show of being human he fidgets, just a little he lets his eyes wander and he even emulates the act of breathing, it would take someone looking carefully and with some experience to be sure he was a vampire, he doesn't however have a drink before him. He seems to torn between watching the stage and watching the dance floor.


A fix does wonders for a girl. The chance run in the other night, the V in her system, and Hailee is walking on a cloud. Not literally, of course, but she sure as Hell feels like she is. Dressed to the nines in a skimpy little black cocktail number, she edges in on the arms of an important Dallas oil tycoon, laughing at some bawdy joke. It causes a bit of a distraction, especially when the man hunkers down at the bar and buys a round for the entire establishment. Hailee grins, rubbing her hand over the man's shoulder and takes two fingers of scotch, neat, and downs them in one quick toss before slamming the little glass back on the bar.


Michael of course is drawn to the woman with V in her system as the call for a round is made. He doesn't know what it is he's noticing of course, but it does inspire him to head over, after all it's not every evening that he finds a human he'd consider taking an interest in. He walks over with a quick, light step. Still playing his role as human he moves gracefully and quickly without ever crossing the line into the abnormal let alone inhuman. For now he simply intends to get to the bar.


Hailee is as high as a kite, possibly higher. V does wonderful things to a person, the least of which is make them feel good about themselves. At the moment, she's experiencing the establishment as it was meant to be experienced - all the smoky, hazy, bluesy feeling, the music cascading over her. Even so, she's motioning for another two fingers of scotch. Due to her current mood, the raucous noise in the Bass Clef Club, and the fact that she's just generally unobservant, she's not aware that she's (or rather the bar) is being approached. She just clinks her new glass with that of her date, and then whispers to him to pay for yet another round.


Michael looks at the date with a slight smile, he's seen the man before and so his tone's just a little cold. "I didn't expect to see you without your wife." There's an edge to the tone, Michael's only small, but he seems to manage to loom. He looks at Hailee with a practiced and charming smile. "Some men can be so inconsiderate of their obligations." With that he moves closer to the bar, he doesn't order anything though.


The model (ex) takes a look at Michael, a cool, calculating look. Her smile brightens only a little. "Well, sug', when their obligations would rather be sitting their fat arses on a couch eating bonbons than spending time with the man they claim to love, can you blame them?" Winking, Hailee lifts the glass to her lips, tosses her head back, and downs the drink. The man, her date, just shakes his head and pays up for yet another round - this being the third - all to keep his date in good humor.


Michael takes a slight breath his attention turning back to the other man, he speaks with a slightly cool edge to him. "Leave now, your wife will be waiting." He reaches out to rest a hand on the mans shoulder the intention to apply just enough pressure to hurt. "I dislike men who leave their wives at home while they spend time with other women." He looks at Hailee. "I believe I know you." He seems to ponder that a moment. "Yes, you were a model weren't you?"


"Awww…. Georgey, you really don't have to leave." Hailee hangs off the man's arm, leaning her head against it. At least until he ponies up a bit more cash, and goes before there's any trouble. The model (ex) may not realize what Michael is, but the guy she's with does. So there's a slight sulk as the man leaves, but then another drink burns through her system, and she seems just fine with that. "Am a model," she points out, running a hand over her body. "Just lovin' a new location." Wink.


Michael looks at the man as he leaves and then turns his attention back to Hailee. "He is scum, I have seen the way he speaks to his wife, and the other women he brings here." He shakes his head. "This is the first time I have seen him with a woman who actually seemed to want to spend time with him." He smiles slightly. "But of course I suppose I should buy you the next drink you wanted to spend time with even more?"


"Georgey?" Hailee laughs, then nods to the bar. "Sure thing." He called it right. The drink was more important to her than the man she came in with. "It's not like that with Georgey. He likes to look good, I like to spend his money." It's a mutual using, though it doesn't make it any better really. Though she does hold her tongue on how she feels about his wife.


There's a slight scowl. "George never looks good regardless of the quality of his date." He does however order Hailee the drink. "Let us just say my past meetings with the man are less than favourable." He smiles slightly. "Please forgive me, I've forgotten my manners, I am Michael."


"Pretty sure there just might've been a compliment in that." As it's her third? Fourth drink? She sips at it a little slower. "Darlin', anyone can look good when walking in with me on their arm." Another wink is offered, and she offers, "Hailee. Though now that you've scared away my buddy Georgey, I'm gonna have to stumble out of here on my own."


Michael smiles slightly, he seems to be highly amused by the young lady. "It's a pleasure. And no that I think would be unacceptable, and extremely ungentlmanly of me. I shall walk you to a cab as soon as you are ready to go home, and arrange the fare." He looks at Hailee for a moment.


An older guy? Well that's somewhat new. Hailee mulls on it for all of a half-second. Then she downs the rest of her drink in one shot, gives her head a shake and smiles at him. "Well that's right sweet of you, Michael. Though I've gotta ask what your interest in all'a this is." After all, he sent her date on his merry way.


Shrugging Michael offers a slightly colder smile than he has done so far. "It amuses me, I like the idea the George didn't get what he wanted, it was simple spite on my part, petty but amusing at times." He grins looking at Hailee for a moment "And as I said, I am many things, but one of them is a gentleman, I would not have you walk home alone." He frowns "I will also not have you walk home with a stranger, instead you shall take a cab that I shall pay for." He sounds sincere, and there's a firm edge to his voice that implies he's got no intention of being defied on the matter.


"But you forget a simple fact! You may have stopped Georgey from getting what he wanted, but you stopped me from having fun as well." Full on model (ex) pout. Hailee peers at the man, looking at him through the eyes of someone who's at least two sheets to the wind. "Oh, but I like strangers. Nothing wrong with one of them."


The nod Michael gives to that could almost be mistaken for a bow. "I see, then perhaps you should find a new stranger to have your fun with." He looks around the room. "There's got to be someone more suitable that George to entertain you." He frowns a little. "Although be careful, not everyone would be pleasant company."


"Well ain't you sweet!" Hailee laughs, then twists about to lean back against the bar. "I'm used to less than pleasant company. Comes with the profession, sug'. Not really used to having a father figure looking out for me though. You are quite the surprise."


Nodding slightly Michaels smile returns to the somewhat friendly grin it had been before. "I think you'd be amazed at how surprising I can be." He seems to consider that for a moment. "That's likely the problem." He turns to meet Hailee's eyes. "You must be drunk if you like the strangers usually met in places such as this."


"Maybe I'm just not choosey," she slurs. Hailee snickers, then motions to the bartender for another drink. The buzz of the alcohol isn't so great, but it beats being strung out on the coke. "Old guys typically surprise me," she says, wafting her hand about. "Though," she says with another drunken laugh, "They all generally try to make me feel more childish than I am. You're not doing that, though, you're screwing with Georgey, just 'cuz you can, which I gotta say, intrigues me… though only a little."


Shrugging Michael seems to consider the implied question with mild amusement. "When you get older you grow easily bored. I spend most of my time working out how to pass the rest of it." He shrugs. "It was a whim of the moment."


"You generally follow such whims?" Hailee pauses, as though waiting for another drink to be placed in her hand. When it's not, she makes a face and slurs, "Sho how olds you anyhow?"


Michael looks at Hailee, not forgetting the game of the evening he shrugs. "I'm older than I look, yet I feel much younger than I am." He laughs slightly. "I must ask, how many of those drinks have you had." He obviously isn't attempting to stop her drinking however as he nods to the barman, to get her another. "I would say it's more than I've seen?"


"Tsk, tsk! Tha's no fair atall," Hailee mutters, words blending together with her slur. "Free? Four? No clue. Feels good." Chances are, she was pretty drunk before she got here, considering how she's been acting. Soon as a glass is placed next to her hand, she grasps it, lifts it to her lips, and finishes it in one big gulp. "Mebbe five? S'not an answer," she points out to the response.


Nodding Michael smiles. "It's as much an answer as 'maybe five." He frowns a little. "We should get you sitting down somewhere you won't fall down." He offers an arm for support. "You are too drunk to be sitting on a stool."


"M'fine!" Hailee giggles a little, doing her utmost to stay upright, leaning against the bar. "Loouuk!" She stretches her arms out wide, and points a finger at her nose. Then again. And again. "M'fine!" She looks at the arm and shakes her head. "Sh-shoult gofind Georgey…"


Michael shakes his head slightly. "No, that would be a bad idea. Lets just get you home. I will get you that cab we spoke of?" He once again sounds like he's in no mood to be argued with.


"Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine~" Hailee nudges a guy at the bar, then hands him a handful of the cash that was left for her. "Fo' yous. 'njoy!" She snickers a little, then nods to Michael. "Afer yous."


Mike considers feeding on Hailee before he puts her in the cab, but decides against it, he's more practical than that after all. "Where are you staying?" He takes his phone from his pocket.


Would she mind? Would she even know? Hailee tries to think. She wobbles a little, then taps against the bar. "Belmont. O'er in the other side of town," she slurrs.


Nodding slightly Michael reaches out to support Hailee. He calls a cab, working out the fares in advance. He sighs slightly, apparently the games getting a little less amusing for him now. "You should feel a little better once we get outside, the fresh air generally helps." He knows he's talking mostly to himself, he even knows it's about something he's got no experience, at least not in an extremely long time.

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