February 10, 2005 - Abbey, Cooper, Jamal, Josephine, and Orion happen upon each other at Bloody Mary’s Bar. Light conversation ensues. Unbeknownst to Abbey and Orion, Josephine and Cooper are able to read their thoughts. Michael shows up later to crash the party.
Bloody Mary's Bar:
Given to irony, Bloody Mary's Bar is decorated primarily in black and varying shades of red. From the black bench seats and chairs, black tables, black walls with chilling red blood flowing down them in a continuous manner, it's quite obvious why this bar has the name it does. Deep red mahogany makes up the floor and bar. Dangling red star lights illuminate the bar, lending to it's somewhat creepy look.
There's no telling what her age is, somewhere in the early twenty's if someone was to guess. Her height is about 5'9 a bit on the tall side but nothing that abnormal. Long bright red-orange, lose spiral curls are found upon her, it flows down to her mid back and can be often found pulled into a pony tail to keep it out of the way. A few lose curls fall to either side of her cheeks, and bangs rest just a bit above her eyes.
Clothing at the moment a black short sleeved shirt that shows off her tattooed arms without a problem, match black leather pants and black boots. A thick leather cord rests around her neck with a pewter dragon charm upon it, the two inch charm holds within its grasping forepaws is a pale blue gem.
Three golden studs can be found upon the edge of both ears, another silver stud found in her right eyebrow. She also has a good collection of tattoos and scars. An old small slightly jagged scar rests across her right cheek, others found elsewhere on her. Black tribal like tattoo markings curl around and then down both of her forearms to circle around her wrists in a Celtic knot work pattern. Other tattoos are unseen thanks to her clothing. Her eyes are an interesting pale icy blue color; rather eerie in a way which tends to make her stand out if anyone pays enough attention to her.
Tall, statuesque, and blonde, Cooper is the kind of woman that demands attention and typically, she gets what she wants. She is lightly tanned, with high cheekbones and a prominently pointed chin gives her a vaguely modelesque facial structure, which is only supported by the rest of her features. Her blue eyes are clear and flecked with spots of green around the pupil, where as her lashes are long and elegant. It is slightly slanted, giving off a particularly feline appeal. Her eyebrows are high and arched, giving her a polished, but judgmental and almost unapproachable air at times. Her nose is small and upturned slightly at the tip, and her lips are on the thin side, revealing white, if not completely straight teeth when drawn into a smile. Her hair is of different tones, giving one the impression that it is dyed often. Recently, it's a dirty blonde at the roots and a lighter pigmentation further down. Shoulder length and heavily layered, it's not exactly a fashionable cut, but it is serviceable. Always straight, it can be easily tied back into a quick ponytail or a bun depending on the occasion. Her bangs sweep to the side, occasionally obstructing the view of her left eye when not checked and kept in control.
Physically, the woman is rather fit, although not particularly as toned and tucked as a model, athlete, or actress might be. She veers on the slim side of things. She is tall for a female, standing at a good 5'8", and is usually seen sporting a heel that adds an inch or two to her already substantial height. Her clothes, when out of work, are sloppy and casual at best. Usually, she sports a pair of tight, dark-washed jeans coupled with red stilettos and an old, beloved 'The Cure' band shirt that has seen better days. She doesn't wear jewelry - and when she does, one can always know that it is for an especially important occasion.
Jamal is a tall, lanky young man, maybe a little awkward and not yet full grown, as evidenced by enormous hands and feet. He has rich brown skin to go with his tight-curled black hair and broad-nosed face, but his eyes are an incongruous gray-green.
He wears what he likes. Today, he likes to wear blue jeans - quite new, that look like they were trashed by a professional jeans-trasher - and a warm new sweatshirt that says 'Hard Rock, New Orleans' His shoes are also new, or at any rate clean. He's coming up in the world. He wears no jewelry except a single gold stud in one ear; he wears no watch. There is however a chain running from (presumably) a belt loop to (presumably) a back pocket, securing his (presumed) wallet to his person.
Rather messy dark brown waves fall a little down her back and frame a face marked by classical features. The expressionable curve of her brows is as dark as the lashes above green eyes, a mostly straight nose and a mouth with full lips. The sharp line of her jaw accentuates the angled hollowing of her cheeks. A little mascara and lip balm are all she uses by way of embellishment.
This tall, lean thirtysomething holds herself with confidence, bordering on aloof. She's straight of back with curves she is neither showing off nor hiding. She's dressed simply, starting with a white longsleeved t-shirt topped with a bright red short sleeved tee with a large white '+' printed on the front, following the line of her frame closely at first, then falls down to her hips, ending about two inches over brand new jeans. The denim fits snugly around the thighs, but the legs are a good few inches too long and she rolled them up a little. By way of footware there's a rather new pair of high black Allstars. A short woolen jacket protects her from the winter cold. She wears a thin silver chain around her neck, with a tiny anchor dangling from it.
Standing at 5'7 and somewhat on the slender side this man appears to be in his middle years, his short cut blond hair's just starting to grey and his deepset blue eyes are ringed with wrinkles. He's clean shaven and extremely neat, apart from the signs of age he appears in good shape, and had strong well defined features.
Dressed casually the man wears a dark grey shirt, under a black jacket, blue faded jeans and a pair of black boots.
You see a man in his mid thirties who stands a little over six feet and weighs approximately 180 pounds. One can tell by looking at him that he works out regularly. His face is rugged but attractive, usually with a couple of days worth of stubble on his cheek. His hair is brownish red and cropped short, spiking up a bit on top. His eyes are deep gold and appear to be almost an unnatural shade. He bears a tattoo of a paw print on his left upper arm. When the man speaks, he has a very distinct Irish accent. It is strong, but not to the point that he is difficult to understand.
The man is wearing a tight fitting brown shirt with blue jeans. He has brown boots on and a silver watch on his right wrist. His ears are each pierced with a silver ring, and he has mirrored sunglasses pushed up on his head.
There is a bit of sound coming from the club as Orion approaches from the parking lot. He turns and sets the alarm on his motorbike, hesitating for a moment before taking a deep breath. “Come on now, best place to find answers, right?” He mutters to himself before continuing forward to the door once more. He nods to a couple standing outside the door before proceeding inside.
The club has slightly more people inside of it than Orion was expecting. He stands there for a moment looking around before proceeding to the bar. He looks up at the bartender and shrugs, “Um…Got any vodka in this joint?” His accent is distinctly Irish. Anyone who is capable of sensing such things will notice that he is Two-Natured and smells vaguely of a dog or wolf. %r
Jamal comes in out of the night. He smells of good honest sweat and, more faintly, of industrial strength cleaners. He looks weary, but happy. Proud of himself.
Bloody Mary's Bar is a curious amalgamation of class and trash - of sophistication and desperation. There are two distinct crowds the bar happens to cater to: vampires and the humans who revere them. And so, while those creatures of the dead lounge with the elegance immortality often brings, those with beating pulses lounge around hoping to look oh so delectable and desirable to be fed upon. Since it is not too late, there aren't too many people about.
Well, at least most of those living do. Not Cooper, though. Despite the fact that there is already music playing in the background, she has a set of earbuds plugged into her ears and is running up and down the bar with enthusiasm and gusto, seeing to it that everyone is pleased and happy. Even with her own personal music, she seems to be able to hear the orders being placed perfectly - seeing as she has yet to garner any complaints. Turning to Orion, a bright, almost mischievous smile splits her features. "Oh, wow, aren't you delicious? Vodka, huh? Sure thing, doll. Give me a moment."
Orion nods as the woman takes his order, giving her a strange expression when she says he looks “Delicious”. He gives a crooked smile “Uh yea, with like…Tango or something if you’ve got it. Er, Sprite! Sorry. Sprite’s fine.” He had forgotten again that the beverages of the British Isles were not the same as the ones here in America. The man sighs and looks around, feeling like everyone in the club is staring at him. In truth, it seems as though most seem disinterested in his presence. He wonders to himself how he should approach one of the vampires, how he will recognize which ones are friendly, and what he would even say once he made contact.
Out of all the ones here Abbey didn't plan on coming to this place, something about being around so many vampires gives her to creeps. Especially when one is a long wolf wandering around places likethis isn't the best ideas. Abbey enters, her pale gaze slipping around the bar, when all the scents hit her a faint cough escapes her. She gives her head a slight shake while she moves inside letting the door shut behind her. Her reason being here is she's looking for someone, someone that isn't stil alive and figures this might be a good place to search, and there is drinking involved so that's always a plus. Her movements take her closer to the bar as she catches a empty spot. Clothing at the moment a black short sleeved shirt that shows off her tattooed arms without a problem, match black leather pants and black boots. She at least knows how to wear things differently that her garage clothings and figures if shed going out she'd at least look good.
Jamal makes his way right up to the bar, brushing past Abbey. He's still alive. He radiates heat. He'd probably show up cherry red on an infrared reader. Oddly, he doesn't seem to be more than vaguely wary, coming in here amongst people who might enjoy him for a snack. He doesn't even have a garlic necklace in the shape of a crucifix hanging around his neck. He wears confidence instead. "Hey," he calls cheerfully to Cooper, "When you get a minit, you bring me a beer please?"
"Tango, huh?" Cooper is clearly intrigued by the foreigner, and the smile she offers him is a clear indication of this fact. Moving with practiced ease and dexterity, she gets to assembling his drink. "Where are you from, sweetheart? You have a gorgey accent." And as she moves to slide the mix drink over the bar counter towards the individual, she manages to catch Orion's roaming eyes, smile becoming more knowing and pronounced. "A bit vamp-curious, are you?" It's a reasonable assumption to make. After all, they are at a vampire bar.
Her attention is then summoned towards Jamal, and after flashing the younger client a bright smile, she excuses herself from Orion with a quick, "Bee-Arr-Bee! Hi there! So - beer yeah? Tap good for you? How's you, anyway?" It should be, because the vivacious blonde is already in the middle of filling up a mug with the lager.
Orion continues to look around and sighs again. Maybe after he’s had a couple drinks he’ll work up the nerve to approach one of the vampires. Although he is not entirely sure who is human and who is undead, he is fairly certain of a couple of them. He wonders briefly if this is really a good idea, as he had seen a few news reports and heard some propaganda that labeled vampires as dangerous. After pondering for a moment he shakes his head. No, the people here do not seem concerned. And Orion decides that his blood is probably an unlucky thing to drink given his circumstances.
Orion looks up at Cooper as she snaps him back into consciousness. “What? Oh I’m from Ireland…Thanks, I guess? And uh…Yeah I guess I’ve never really met one. I suppose I’d like to ask a few…Something.” Like maybe if any of them knew what he was. He offers a “Ah, thanks miss” as he receives his drink and holds it up in cheers as she moves on to the next customer. Orion follows her with his eyes as she heads down the bar, recognizing Abbey from the other day. He gets up and moves down a couple of seats to sit next to her, but stops suddenly as another man appears between Abbey and himself. He offers Jamal a quick smile and looks him over, deciding that he is probably not a vampire. His expression is a mixture of relief and disappointment as he continues past him to sit near Abbey. “Hey there Um…Ashley?” He’s not very good with names it appears. “Thanks again for fixing me bike. She runs perfectly now. I uh…Didn’t know you were into the whole Vampire thing.” He makes an odd hand gesture as he says ‘Vampire Thing’.
Abbey glances to Jamal slightly, a faint smile offered while she leans against the bar, waiting her turn it seem. Her pale gaze drifts over a few faces, yet it seems she has not caught sight of the one she is looking for. Stupid racer, wait until she gets her hands on him.. A voice catches her attention, one she recalls from the night before and she blinks while glancing past Jamal and catches sight of Orion, a warmer smile is offered. "Abbey.." She says with an amused tone, not seeming to mind the mixup with her name. "Not a problem, glad it wasn't anything to serious." Her own Irish accent heard while she speaks. A faint hum escapes her, brow lifting before a faint ah escapes her. "Naw.. I'm looking for someone that vists this place at times."
Jamal gives Abbey a brilliant smile, and by brilliant, I mean 'teeth so white in his dark face that they look like they have a black light shining on them'. He says, "Abbey, huh? I know you ain't talkin to me, but I's gonna say it anyways. I's Jamal. So now you know." He takes his mug of lager and gets a foam mustache, like a moostache only less nutritious and more fun.
But, around the bar, there are quite a few non-vampires flitting about. And Cooper, the current bartender, happens to be one of them. After sliding Jamal his beer with a broad, only slightly impish look, she is given the opportunity to rest by leaning against the counter. "Mhmm? A few questions?" She asks of Orion with clear interest. "Well, I know a thing or two about vampires, sugar. If you want, I can try answerin' the preliminary questions for you. Give ya the courage to keep on, you know?" But then, the name 'Ashley' is spoken, and she looks to Orion and Abbey with surprise. "What? You're an Ashley too?" She inquires, wryly bemused. When Abbey disproves this fact, the blonde can only nod. "Oh, okay. Well then, non-Ashley, what can I get for you?"
Orion nods to Abbey. “Ah, Abbey, right. Sorry ‘bout that.” He grins as she talks. “Someone living who hangs out here?” He glances around again and frowns. Most of the living folk here seem a bit eccentric to say the least. He looks up at Jamal and quirks a brow. While he’s not exactly speaking to him, he offers his name as well. “Erm, nice at meet ya. I’m Orion.” He glances over to Cooper for a moment, after learning her name as well. He waits for Abbey to order before speaking to the bartender again. “I um…I guess My questions are about. Well not really about vampires, just something that vampires might know about. Like, people who have been alive for a long time might know about maybe. Don’t want to bother you with them.” He gives a nervous half smile and looks back toward Abbey.
Orion is about to say something else when a small crash can be heard. It appears that one of the bartenders has broken a glass. Orion frowns and looks a bit embarrassed. He can’t help but feel responsible for the act, even though in truth he had absolutely nothing to do with it. He clears his throat and looks back toward Abbey, glancing in the direction of the broken glass a few times. “Does your friend just come here for drinks? Or maybe he’s friends with some of the folks here?” A friend of an acquaintance with vampire friends? Maybe Abbeys friend could get Orion in touch with someone.
Bringing in another draft of wintery cold as well as an aura of cigarette smoke, having tossed it just outside the bar, Josephine walks into her very first vampiry establishment. To say she's curious would be an understatement, to say that she isn't cautious as well, far from at ease. She shrugs off her coat and ties the sleeves around her waist and gives the room a thorough once over. Twice over, the non-vampires at least. « Okay dan. Schouders recht en gaan. » She squares her shoulders and walks over to the bar where at least there's one familiar face. "Jamal," her cynical alto greets in that northern European accent, "Doing your homework, I see?"
Abbey peers back at Jamal curiously a moment, a brow lifting with a faint ah escaping her. "Sorry.. Um, talking to Orion.. But nice to meet ye." Her gaze then turns to Cooper and she tilts her head while a soft chuckle escapes her. "I'll take a beer, what ever ye got on tap is fine." She's easy to please. With the drink order placed, an a friendly thanks offered to Cooper as well her gaze turns back to Orion, the small crash is heard but she doens't both looking over, at least yet. "His not actually the living type of friend.. Not really a friend, more of an acquaintance then anything." She lets her elbow lean against the edge ofthe bar as she ponders where Orion might be going with the question he asked Cooper.
Jamal turns his brilliant grin on Josephine. "An whass so wrong wid dat? If I moved to anothah country, you fink I wouldn' study de people so's I could get along? Course I would. Probly learn de language too. Same as you guys probably got to do, to get along in de worl' as open vampiahs. De worl' aint gonna bend fo' you, so you guys muss be makin some 'ccomodations. Same heah."
Nothing wrong, Josephine grinning wide and on a whim ruffles his hair, "Good for you kid, keep that up and you might be going places." « Or land in the gutter plenty quick. » The promise is followed by her taking a barstool to place near Jamal, and a quick nod to the others, "Evenin'."
Orion frowns toward the direction of the broken glass some more, hoping nothing else unfortunate happens this evening. He hears Jamal speaking to someone and turns around with a start, not expecting to see someone new to have appeared. He looks closely at the woman and decides that she too is not a vampire. He sighs and shakes his head. “Well I suppose the vampires wouldn’t be standing next to the bar.” He says it to no one in particular. At this point he seems to have just realized what Abbey had said. “Not the living type of friend, eh? As in…a Vampire?” What other kind of not-living thing would he be? Actually Orion has read some interesting things in his studies. If Vampires exist, why not other things? “Well hopefully he’ll show up, then.” Why is he so interested in vampires, anyway? He glances at Josephine down the way as she acknowledges he and Abbey, giving her a short wave / pointing gesture. “Evnin’ miss.”
Abbey glances towards the new voice, she watches Josephine a moment and offers her a slight nod. "Evening." Is said with a polite tone while she glances back to Orion and chuckles softly. "Well.. Ya, unless there are some zombies wandering around to." This said with a joking tone. She curiously watches Orion, pondering a few moments. "Perhaps he will.. But I just have to ask, why are ye so interested in 'em?" Though she is rather sure that he won't come right out and tell her.
Jamal grins at Josephine. "Yeah, I know. An what you ain't sayin is, shut up boy, you bettah keep yo head down, o' us vampiahs gonna bite it off. I already got dat freat now from evy vampiah I has met. I moved away fum N'awlins on account a nearly gettin my head blowed off in my own bed, fum some idiot finking I was some othah Jamal, yeah? Outta one fryin' pan, into anothah. Well, I ain't cowed. Good ta see ya 'gain, miss." He drinks more beer, gets another beerstache. "Good fing my hair's a'most impossible ta mess up, huh?"
After excusing herself to serve one of the more premier vampire regulars with a warmed bottle of B-positive, Cooper returns in the general direction of the human conglomeration, wry amusement on her features, and Abbey's beer in hand. "Here! Sorry about that, seriously, that was one of our more fickle customers. Anyway, folks, we all good here? Anything I can get for anyone?" She's just another bubbly, blonde hostess, it seems another pretty face out to use her wares to her advantage. Nothing special to see here. And when she notices the newcomer, she grins over to Josephine. "Hey there, darling! What can I get you?"
Leaning closer to Jamal, Josephine smirks softly, "I ain't an 'us' kid, but yeah, beats getting blown. Gun blown, 'course." She straightens, turning to Cooper, "Got any good single malts? If not, just a rum-co-" Something is taking her attention completely away from the order, staring at the waitress with her mouth falling open, the green eyes -slowly- shifting to Orion. "-coke?"
Orion takes a long sip of his drink, looking slightly dodgey when Abbey asks her question. He thinks to himself, «Um…Because I can turn into a dog and they’re the only other supernatural entity I know is real.» He decides that might be a strange thing to say, so he goes with “Oh well, you know. I do a lot of research with the museum. It’d be nice to get the perspective of some people who’ve been around a lot longer than I have. Maybe someone out there is old enough to have some interesting outlooks on my research. I mean, they don’t age, do they?” He shrugs. “And as for the bit about zombies. They…They’re not real, are they? I mean, vampires are real, who knows what else could be out there that we used to think were just myths and legends, right?” He ponders to himself for a moment. Zombies do seem a bit farfetched, but perhaps about as unlikely as a vampire and a dog-man. He looks up at Cooper and holds up a hand, shaking his head. “I’m ok for now, thanks.”
Orion cocks a head as he overhears Jamal speaking. He isn’t terribly familiar with that accent. Orlean? Is he from France perhaps? Orion is having some difficulty understanding him, but it seems as though he is referring to this new woman as a vampire. She doesn’t particularly LOOK like a vampire, but maybe she is. He narrows his eyes with concentration as he looks Josephine. How could you tell really? Maybe she is one. And now she’s looking directly at him! He tries to make light of the fact that he was intently staring at her by offering a quick grin and looking away.
Jamal smirks a lot at Josephine's comment. "You know, I got no objection whats'eva to bein blown. Blown up? Sho', I gotta probem wif dat. Blown away? Head blown off? Dem too. But not blown." Young punk, full of bravado. Smirk. Smirk. He drinks more. It's only his first beer, so he's not tipsy.
"Sure thing, sweetie, we've got some great ones. Here, let me whip you up something good." And with a flash of her white teeth, Cooper twirls around to the proverbial wall of liquor that is assembled behind her, plucking at the appropriate bottle to offer to Josephine. It is in mid-pour that she blinks, not once but twice, and lifts her head to just peer at Josephine. Her eyes are narrowed almost suspiciously at this point. "…Are you alright, hun?" What a weird thought for the other to have.
This isn't altogether strange. However, when her eyes fly over to Orion with wide eyes and her mouth agape. "Excuse me?" She asks, and not about the words that escape his mouth verbally. And then, soon enough, her attention swivels over to Abbey in surprise. And here she thought she had seen it all.
"Yeah, sure kid," Josephine murmurs softly at Jamal, "Any time, neh." But it's all too obvious she hardly has a clue to what she's responding to. Like Cooper, she blinks at Orion -though it could've been a wink gone wrong-, then shifts her attention to Abbey. Then shifts her attention back to the single malt and the woman pouring. "Not sure yet," she answers truthfully.
That seems to catch Orion’s interest. “Werewolves, eh?” He is pretty focused on Abbey now. “You know, I haven’t really ever thought about that. You suppose they would be like Hollywood werewolves? With a therianthropic form? Or maybe they just turn into wolves…” He just throws terms like ‘Therianthropic’ around, must come with working in a museum. “Well that would make sense with the full moon…” He catches himself and looks at Abbey quickly. “I mean, the myths…And uh…Increased aggression among people.” It may seem as though that was not the point he was going to make about the moon. Orion seems to be thinking rapidly now. Wondering about various things and asking a couple questions without waiting for answers. “Do you think they are allergic to silver? No, can’t be. Or maybe wolf’s bane. I’d have to check that one.” He finally catches himself and looks over at the others, they all seem to be looking at him strangely. “What? I mean…I do research on this sort of stuff for the museum.”
Jamal finishes up his beer, offers the empty mug back to Cooper, and slips out. He doesn't say goodbye, but this is a bar, after all. Goodbyes are for once he makes friends, assuming he doesn't make enemies first. He ambles out, casual as you please.
Abbey hums softly while she peers back at Orion, a shrug offered. "Maybe, that would be interesting wouldn't it?" ((More fun then..)) She pauses as Orion goes on and brings up the full moon which she tilts her head to. "I suppose so.." She's getting a bit vague now, seems common sense kicked in and talking about this isn't the best place in a vampire bar. "Anyone can be allergic to silver, there is an actually allergy to it you know?" There's a pause and she peers towards Cooper and Jo, blinking slightly. A soft ah escaping her and she clears her throat. "What.. Like you /really/ never heard stranger conversations in -this- place?" Someone seems a bit defensive now.
Josephine blinks as Jamal leaves so suddenly, a rather wry smirk sent to both Orion and Abbey, "Not really." There's another odd pause however when Cooper serves her the whiskey and though she started with an understanding smile, that too fades, telling her, "I mean really. Werewolves…" She runs a hand through unruly hair and the set of her shoulders is even more tense than it was before.
Cooper slowly shakes her blonde locks, her brows furrowing into a look of consternation on her features, and she quickly finishes pouring Josephine's drink and returning the bottle to its location before lifting a hand to her head tenderly. "Mhmm? I mean, yeah, okay, nevermind. I've just…got this splitting headache, you know? Never mind me…" With a simpering smile, she attempts to hand over Josephine's drink, fixing her eyes onto the other woman with a surprising amount of intensity for her. Now, there's a question to ask.
Orion continues to think rapidly. «Why were they looking at me like that? I didn’t say anything overtly strange, did I? No…Maybe one of them is a werewolf? They don’t LOOK like werewolves, but I don’t look like a Werewolf either. But I can’t be a werewolf, Uncle Gillecomgain would have mentioned that. Or maybe he didn‘t know? But no, the Hound legend‘s been around forever. Werewolves don‘t cause bad luck, do they? And why do they keep looking at each other like that? Maybe they‘re lesbians? I wonder if there are Gay bars in Texas…» Orion loses his random tirade of thought when he realizes he is out of drink. “Hey, uh…Miss Ashley? Can I get another please?” He holds up his glass to Cooper and fishes around in his pockets. He looks back toward Abbey. “Well yeah I guess normal people could be allergic to silver. But on the movies it like, burns them or something.” He glances over at Josephine, “Why not? Vampires are real, right? Why not Werewolves or Shapeshifters or whatever?”
"Right.. Never heard a strange conversation in here.. I'll have to remember that for later." Abbey rolls her eyes slightly at the thought while just slipping quiet and sips at her drink once more. A slight glance is offered to Orion as he goes on talking about silver and vampires. "Movies like to get carried away with thing ye know?" ((..Though.. silver does burn like hell actually..) This thought rolls cross her mind after a moment.
Cooper does not freak out, although to those who happen to be paying attention, she does twitch. Her brows furrow, and her tongue darts out to lick her lips thoughtfully. "…Can you do that to everyone, too?" She inquires out in the open, for the moment leaving the other abnormals and their thoughts to the side. This is big. This is a serious revelation that can possibly changer her life. No longer does she look like the bubbly bartender that she is.
Josephine breathes out very, very slowly, all the time it takes for her to bring that glass to her lips and drink firmly - proving once and for all that a vampire she's not. "Maybe you'd like to catch up when you're done, /darling/?" she says to Cooper, but the teasing bit fails. Shifting a little uneasy on her seat, she makes a show of looking around the bar again. Vampire bar right. Then where the hell are they when you need 'ehm.
Orion strokes his chin for a moment, running his fingers over his stubble. "Well yeah, I mean the movies will use whatever is available to them. But They get their ideas from old myths. Maybe those myths hold validity. I mean, the vampires seem to not like sunlight. That's an old myth, too." He shrugs, "And I'm not saying that werewolves are or are not real, but they do show up in many mythologies across the world. I suppose it's possible. You'd think they'd come out after the Vampire Revalation, though."
Orion glances around the bar quickly, deciding that Vampires might not like people sitting in their bar discussing silver and sunlight. No one else seems interested in them at the moment. Either the other patrons cannot hear them or they don't really care about what they're discussing. He looks up at Cooper with a confused expression. "Can who do what to who? What are you talking about?" Apparently she's talking to Josephine? They have some weird little facial expression communication going on over there it seems. And it's apparently more interesting than getting him another drink. One of the other bartender comes over and refill's Orion's glass, gives Cooper an odd look, shrugs, and walks away.
Abbey curiously watches Coop and Jo for a few moments, pondering what might be going on between them. Not that she is about to ask mind you. Her gaze turns back to Orion and she shrugs at this. "Who knows.. If they are real maybe there just scared of what might happened, ever think about that?" She questions while smirking, she knows more then she's telling that's for sure. As to the talk of sunlight and silver she really doesn't mind talking about it, and so far any vampire near them hasn't attempted to stop the conversation so why stop it? "I think there talking to each other.." This is offered to Orion before she takes another sip from her glass.
"Why, are you hitting on me?" Cooper responds to Josephine with exaggerated emphasis and a broad grin, clear amusement written on her face. "You know what, honey, I'd be flattered." And she deliberately leans over the table, resting her hand upon Josephine's arm for a second. Anything to throw off prying eyes. She turns to beam infectiously at Orion, her smile turning a bit more flirtatious. "I was asking her if she could stop everyone dead in their tracks with those eyes of her. They're really pretty, aren't they? Almost as pretty as yours!"
The smile darting over Jo's lips is only half teasing, the other half simply relieved. "I was hoping you would be," she drawls around her whiskey, she too taking time to shrug towards Orion, less so at Abbey, "See, there's some things that are just that more exciting than, well, everything else." A hand on an arm? Ohno, surely that won't do. A feathery light finger traces little circles on the one hand of Cooper that remained close. "So, sugar, what time are you getting off, hm?" Josephine's grin grows truely amused now, the double entendre hard to miss.
Orion cocks his head to the side as he looks at the two women. “How? Morse code by blinking? “ He chuckles “Or maybe they’re psychic.” He makes a spooky hand gesture when he says ‘Psychic’. He waves a hand dismissively. “Naw, they’ve been studying that for how long? Psychics aren’t real.” He leans in and whispers to Abbey “I think they’re flirting.” He nods sagely at Cooper’s actions. “See? I thought that was the case.” What a terrible come on line. When Cooper seems to flirt with him he seems a bit uneasy, but he just shrugs and tries to smile warmly. “Eh, I guess. Thank you?” Orion makes a mental note to ask Cooper if there are any gay bars nearby before returning to his earlier conversation with Abbey. “Well yeah, I suppose if werewolves are real they’d be in hiding. Do you think one would respond to a Craig’s List Add?” He chuckles for a moment and then looks serious “Actually, do you think they would? I mean, one might…If it was worded properly.”
Abbey blinks slightly as she watches Cooper and Jo, she finds it amusing really. A glance is offered back to Orion and she hums softly. "Heck if I know, it an't my business after all." She points out with a slight nod. A faint ah escapes her and she grins a bit. "His eyes are rather nice.." This said with a joking tone more then anything. "Seriously.. I don't think they would." There is a pause. "I know someone you can talk to if your really that interested in the subject. There a friend of mine." Which could be anyone one, or mean anything.
Cooper lets out a bright, emphatic laugh. "Well, I guess that depends on you, don't it? Nah, but I'm here all night. Literally. Maybe…I dunno. We could meet for some coffee in the morning?" She offers to Josephine, before recalling her arm and turning to see where her name had been called - an older gentleman on the other side of the bar. "Well, folks, I've got to run! It's been a pleasure, really. Hey, just hit me up if you need any refills and all, yeah? Ta ta!"
"Sure will, sugar -and- cream," Josephine smirks, watching Cooper go back around her business. She sets her glass down and shifts her attention to Orion and Abbey, brows cocked, "What. Never seen a girl that pretty before?"
Cooper and Josephine's actions are no longer of much interest to Orion. Abbey's mention of knowing someone who could be of interest to him is much more appealing to him. "Oh? About Werewolves, eh?" Come to think of it, Abbey DOES seem to know a bit about Werewolves. Maybe she knows one? Or maybe her Vampire friend knows one. "Actually yes, I'm a bit more interested in Werewolves than Vampires…No offense to any who might be able to hear me…Do you think they have terribly good hearing?" He glances around quickly. One of the vampires not too far away is chuckling to himself, but it might just be coincidence. He decides if the vampire CAN hear Orion, he is not terribly offended.
Orion looks back at the group of non-vampires he's with. "Where did Ashley go? Oh, there she is. She left us." He offers her a wave from afar and gives Josephine a strange look. "Maybe? Femlaes don't really interest me that way." He shrugs and glances at Abbey, "How easy is it to get a hold of this friend of yours?"
Josephine watches the other two at the bar with her for a little while, then shakes her head, a thread of amusement lingering, but her general mood quickly shifts back to thoughtful and the whiskey sure is going to help with that, the glass picked up and sipped from. "Yeah, brilliant," she murmurs under her breath, eyeing the snickering vampire for a moment, fingers drumming idly on the counter.
Orion glances back at the vampire looking a little embarrassed, but he doesn't seem to care anymore. The man lets out a sigh of relief and turns back to the women "Yeah, have to keep that in mind from now on." He checks his own watch. "Um…Any time works for me I suppose. I don't have much going on when I'm not at work. As long as it's not…Um…There are certain nights that don't work well for me. I can't think of any right now, though." Those nights would be nights of the full moon, but that is probably a very strange thing for someone to say who is inquiring about werewolves.
Abbey half listions to Jo, but her fully attention is on Orion at the moment. A slight nod is seen to this while she thinks. "Ya.. Just call the shop then. I'll try and work out a day or what ever and then go from there."
Despite the fact that Michael detests fangbangers a vampire has to feed, and its either them or the synthetic blood and he certainly has no intention to live on just that, so he's making one of his usual visits to Bloody Mary's it's not hard of course for any vampire to get swarmed by fans in such a place, and he's somewhat known as old, which means that he's always careful to make it obvious he doesn't desire people coming to him, in this case he does that by going to the only two people in the bar he actually knows from somewhere other than here, namely Abbey and Jo. He nods his head slightly to each of them as he approaches. "Miss Wallace, may I say I am most pleased with the services of your garage." He smiles slightly. "Quick and courteous I rarely see the two together." He then nods somewhat slowly to Jo. "Josephine." He then makes a point of getting the attention of whoever's working behind the bar.
Listening half to the conversation going on beside her, Josephine works her way through her drink, the other half focussing on whatever's going on in her own mind, yet the fingers keep drumming. Until, that is, Michael's voice filters through and she tenses visibly. Turning, whatever amusement was in her expression has been run over and died, "Oh no."
Orion nods quickly to Abbey. "I'd like that a lot. I'll call sometime and see if I can't get a hold of you. That way we can set up a time that's good for everyone." He hears someone approaching and winces, hoping it isn't that vampire who had apparently overheard them earlier. The man turns slowly and sees Michael, who is certainly no one he is familiar with. But he apparently knows the two women he is sitting with, and neither of them seem terribly alarmed. "Um…Hi!" Wait a second, this guy seems a little off. This IS a vampire bar so maybe he is a vampire, but again it's hard to tell. Maybe they have some distinguishing feature about them. He's a little lost in thought at the moment and doesn't give his name.
Abbey smiles a moment and nods to Orion. "Sure.. We're work something out." She pauses at the voice and glances back to Michael, watching him a moment. "Glad we could help you out.." An yes his a vampire, which actually makes her tense slightly. It takes her a few moments to relax before she seems at ease once more. A slight glance is offered from Jo to Michael and a soft hum escaping her before she goes back to finishing her drink, half listening.
All the signs are there that Michael's a vampire, his face is impassive, void of any emotion and he doesn't move so much as a muscle more than is required for whatever action's performed. At it's speaking to the barman. "I will have a True Blood, O negative." That alone should of course remove any doubt. He nods to Orion it's a very slight movement, but then he's talking. "Ladies, your drinks this evening shall be on my tab." He turns his attention to Jo. "Don't worry I don't intend to stay long, if you still don't want to talk I will understand."
Josephine simply glares at Michael, rising briskly while she downs the last of her scotch and removes the jacket tied around her waist in order to reach a wallet, from which she pointedly starts to remove a few dollars, "In your dreams, you son of a bitch." She doesn't care whether Abbey and Orion can hear, everything about her challenging anyone to say /anything/ and risk meeting her temper.
Orion watches the situation for a moment, actually the women do seem slightly nervous, Josephine more so than Abbey. But having just learned how well vampires can hear he isn’t going to risk whispering with either of them right now. His theory is proven correct when the man orders a True Blood. This is the closest he has ever knowingly gotten to a vampire, and now that he’s so close he finds himself a little too nervous to speak up. Maybe it would be safer to simply ask this other acquaintance of Abbey’s. He sips his drink a bit before tapping Abbey on the shoulder. She had mentioned that she had an undead friend, perhaps this was him? But how to ask… “Say, your friend never showed up, did he?” He tries motioning to Michael with his eyes, wondering if this is the one she mentioned earlier.
Orion doesn’t even begin to speculate on what Michael and Josephine are talking about. The woman appears a bit unhappy with his presence. When she stands up and swears at the vampire Orion becomes a bit uneasy. He was under the impression that vampires should not be made angry. He inadvertently looks toward the door, subconsciously plotting an escape route should he need to.
Abbey smirks as Michael offers to buy her drink, she is actually alright with the idea. A faint nod is offered to Michael, her version of saying thanks. A faint hum escapes her while she glances to Orion curiously. "Ah.. No, that's not him. he might not show up, it was a guess that he would be here more then anything." There is a pause as she hears Josephine and blinking she peers back over to see what may happen from the sudden outburst.
There's maybe a flicker of frustration across Michael's otherwise impassive features, but when he speaks it's with a very mildly annoyed tone. "Josephine, you are beginning to try my patience." There's a slight pause. "And I have been patient. I told you, I merely told them what they would have learnt, if they hadn't already known. It was for /your/ good. You are acting like a child lashing out at an adult who stopped her from putting her hand in the fire, just because she didn't know she'd get burnt."
"Hmpf." Josephine slaps a ten dollar bill on the counter and with a 'there'-face she stuffs the wallet back in the pocket. With another huff, she puts on her jacket, then goes to stand right in front of Michael and tells him something for his ears only, but judging by the clenched jaws, it's not a thank you. Once she's said her piece, she turns towards the door, fully intending to walk away.
Orion just kind of sits there and watches the display between the two of them. He is not quite sure what is going to happen, but the vampire at least seems calmer then some of the propaganda groups would have you believe. He suddenly becomes very interested in his drink when Josephine storms past, not wanting to get in the middle of whatever is going on.
Abbey hum fiantly before casting a glance back to Orion, watching him a moment. "Do you want to go meet that person I was talking about now by chance? I know where to find them at the moment.." An its a good way of escaping the whole vampire scene here in her book. She's a bit over rubbing elbows with vampires at the moment. She is quiet for a moment as she hears Michael's responce to Jo and she watches the other woman storm out from the bar without saying a word, not like she's in the conversation after all.
There's actually a faint smile from Michael as Jo finishes speaking and begins to leave, his attention turns back to the bar and his drink. "Some people are more stubborn than is good for them." He sips his drink casually his attention returns to the rest of the bar.
Josephine will pretend she hasn't heard a word and walk out with back straight as a board, shoulders pulled back and chin airborne. Hah!
Orion perks up instantly at Abbey's suggestion. "Oh? I would very much be interested in meeting that person now, if you do know where they are." He finishes his drink quickly and grabs his wallet. "How much do you suppose? Oh never mind…" He lays a twenty on the counter, assuming it will be enough to cover his two drinks. He pretends not to see Josephine leaving, and pretends not to have heard Michael's words. Orion turns to Abbey, "Shall we?" He pauses for a moment before nodding to Michael. "Erm…Have a good evening, sir."
Abbey nods to Orion while standing up. "Yup. It shouldn't be a problem." This said while she glances to Michael. "Suppose I'll see you around.. An thank you for the drink." Seems they always have a way of bumping into each other when one least expects it. She moves on towards the door, holding it open for Orion once she's outside.
~ Fin ~