Bloody Mary's Bar
Given to irony, Bloody Mary's Bar is decorated primarily in black and varying shades of red. From the black bench seats and chairs, black tables, black walls with chilling red blood flowing down them in a continuous manner, it's quite obvious why this bar has the name it does. Deep red mahogany makes up the floor and bar. Dangling red star lights illuminate the bar, lending to it's somewhat creepy look.
A rare occasion for a vampire establishment to be celebrating a holiday perpetuated by the greeting card companies. Still, in keeping with the ironic style theme of Bloody Mary's the decorations are actually quite "bloody". None of those cutesy cut out heart-shapes, or miniature cupids dangling around. Instead, there are animatronic human-shaped hearts, beating and pumping faux blood. While it may seem creepy to some, the tourist crowd that is generally in attendance at these things appear to be enjoying it.
Nestled into the very back booth of the establishment is a lone hooded figure. One who appears to be keeping everyone at bay for the moment. He is absolute in his unmoving status, no drink or bottle of blood in front of him. So still is he, that he seems to blend right into the booth which is also helping to keep the revelers at bay.
A great number of people are milling about the bar trying various Valentine's Day specials, and getting a thrill out of chatting up the vampires that work here.
She ought to be ashamed of herself, she should, for even the very thought of such an event. It is cheesy and purely on the demand on the general populace. That populace, however, pays the bills. In the end, it may be lame, but it is bringing in patrons so that is all that matters. With the event underway, the normally wild and cheery Mary can be seen here and there, checking on decorations and drinks. She'll be socializing soon enough, but for now it is all business.
Chloe is here alone. A dangerous thing for her to be doing, especially thanks to the foreboding discussion she had a little earlier in the evening. Still, she is here for two reasons. One, to see if Will decided to attend the event. Two, she did sort of tell Mischa she would likely be in attendance. So she will be, at least for a little while. She's currently wearing a cute little black cocktail dress with red trim, and a red ruffled shrug. While she's not milling about the bar with the crowd as most of them are human, she's trying her best to scan through the minds of everyone in the establishment to see if she can pick up signs of any ill will toward the vampires. She learned her lesson from the parade.
It's a busy night for the young waitress, as Mellie juggles the crowd adeptly. Lots of customers means not getting bored, so she doesn't seem to mind in the least. Returning from another frantic round of collecting orders, she passes them along to be filled and then returns to her spot on the inside of the bar, returning to her conversation with Josephine while she waits for the drinks to be readied in their turn. "Guess you'll get to see first hand just what goes on here," she notes with a grin. Her good mood would suggest she hasn't yet noticed the presence of another Cornett.
"That a promise," Josephine grins around her whiskey to Mellie, leaning her elbows on the counter. For the x-teenth time tonight, she shakes a cigarette from the packet and starts to light it.
Cooper is behind the counter, currently shaking up a particularly complicated concoction with a rather dreamy smile on her face. Dressed for the occasion, in a tight pink shirt with a neck so low it's indecent and tight jeans, she's just working on making sure everyone's quenched and merry. After all, that's her job.
Bought and paid for, Hailee's come for the night's event and can be found looking for her "date". Normally the model (ex!) would be out having a bit of fun of her own on a night like tonight, but she's well on her way to having a good time. Even so, she's gone all out for the evening, her hair is twisted up with strands caressing her face, her outfit is a bright fuschia strapless number with a sweetheart neckline, and is very short. She unfortunately has spotted Cooper and is making her way right over to her.
Michael enters the bar and takes a quick, thoughtful look around the establishment, his gaze taking in the decorations with a cool neutral expression as he makes his way to the bar, still scanning the room for familiar faces.
Mischa enters into the bar, carrying a box of chocolates and a bouquet of daisies. It's nothing short of amazing that's he up walking around after his collision last night. His forearm is heavily bandaged, concealed for now by the brown leather jacket he wears. He's not wearing his glasses, he's fresh shaven, and he's looking rather dapper — save for the laceration in his hairline, covered with a butterfly bandage. He takes a long few moments to scan the room, and once he spots Chloe, he does a double take. He moves over towards her and presents her with the bouquet of daisies. "I'd hoped you be here. Happy Valentine's Day, Chloe." Mischa turns in time to notice Hailee enter through the haze of people. For now, he lets her continue on her path, figuring this will afford him a few moments alone with Chloe.
The figure remains unmoving, though he's got his eyes upon everything that is happening. The people who enter, those who are of interest to him, are watched with a dry smirk. It cannot be more perfect that the red-head he was recently discussing with Dallas' Sheriff has shown up, and he moves very imperceptibly to better keep an eye on that particular situation.
Of the revelers near the bar, one attempts to flag down Mellie to get a refill. Near the bar isn't quite at the bar. When she seems busy, he wanders up to her and wiggles the glass. "Fill me up, and I'll get them to set one aside for you when you're off duty."
It isn't that the ominous fellow in the back is unnoticed; it's just that she's too busy to concern herself with such things. So long as everyone is getting along that is all that matters to her. With everything seemingly in place, Mary moves herself up to the bar to assist Cooper however she can. The owner actually adds quite a bit of flair while pouring her drinks, all in attempts to keep the crowd asking for more. "I didn't expect such a turnout," she comments to the other bartender. "You'll be earning your pay tonight."
The daisies, suddenly shoved in her direction make Chloe eep a little. She looks up, expecting it to be Will, but instead finds a bandaged Mischa. "Oh my God. What happened? Are you alright?" The daisies are taken though, and sniffed at happily. First time anyone but her brother has brought her flowers. "They're beautiful, thank you, Mischa." Her cheeks color a little, but thanks to the red glow of the bar that may just go unnoticed.
"Either that or a warning," Mellie replies with good-humour to Josephine, shrugging a shoulder. But she's only playing, really. If there's any truth to her words, she honestly doesn't mean it. As she's called upon to perform her duty again, she holds up a finger to Josephine. "'scuse me." With that, she slides down the length of bar enough to flash that patron with a flirtatious grin. "Well then, let me see what I can do for you. And what are we drinking tonight?"
"Or that," Josephine murmurs into her glass, taking a moment to turn around and watch the comings and goings through the door, then on to the people already present, trying to get a feel of who's who - or at least who they really think they are. It's an old game and it makes her smirk as always.
After warming yet another bottle of O negative, Cooper flits about with two large, bloody mugs in hand. She's just able to offer one of them with her best high smile when, bam! Mary appears out of nowhere, and Cooper - used to having most of the bar to herself, accidentally crashes into her employer. Synthetic blood sloshes over the pair of them, and the blonde woman lets out a gasp of surprise. "Huh? Oh, oh, God, I'm so like - so like sorry!" She certainly sounds a bit out of it, but considering the number of people about, is it any surprise? "I'll fix that up in like, a second and…Jesus, is it loud in here or is it just me?" The thoughts, the pounding sounds, are permeating even her drug haze.
"Try something stronger," Hailee murmurs to Cooper. Luckily she just missed being covered in blood, so at least she doesn't look like Carrie on prom night. "Odd place for you to be working, hmm?" When the shakes are gone, and she's all cleaned up, she may be unrecognizable. It won't last, it never does. The shakes will return. For now, she's dosed and dosed good. "You might want to be careful though. Wasting blood in a place like this? Tsktsk." Having no idea that Mary is the proprietress of the establishment, she continues, "We need to talk about that little sale… but not here."
"It's just a flesh wound." Or several of them. Not to mention the bruising on his torso from the airbag. "I'll be fine, my car… I had a little accident last night. There doesn't SEEM to be brain trauma though." It's his light-hearteded attempt at a joke. Mischa smiles at Chloe. "Don't you worry. I'll have my stitches taken out soon…" Wait, that comment about stitches? Probably not helping, he realizes. Now is a convenient time to point out the fact that he sees his date! "Oh, my date is over there. I should go…say hello to her. It's not really a date it's more of a thing…" And with that, he's slipping away rather bashfully, moving up beside Hailee.
Suddenly, there is a crash heard from the back of the room. A heavy thud, indicating the fact that a chair of some sort has been knocked over, and further scuffling and grunting from a handful of bodies involved in an altercation. Just as the Bar's security arrive on the scene - two burly, intimidating vampires who do not take kindly to interruptions to their knightly routine - a female figure with a haggard, almost crazed appearance proves to be the core of it all. The music is lowered in the background as the DJ prepares his next set, leaving most everyone with the opportunity to hear what leaves her crooked hag-like mouth. For she is screaming, loudly.
"FILTHY," She screeches, struggling against the arms that are holding her down. "FILTHY, FILTHY HEATHENS. YOU AREn"T VAMPIRES, YOU'RE PUPPIES. A NEW TOY FOR THE HUMANS." She is being physically lifted off of the floor, carted towards the exit, and it's making her laugh. "Filthy, filthy, creatures! You don't even know, do you! Ignorant swine! Your precious Sheriff will know, soon enough. I say? Give him ten days or so. For surely then…he'll see the light! Ahaha!" Her insane cackling can be heard, reverberating in the structure of the building, even after she has been removed. It is an ominous, eerie sort of feeling.
The ominous figure in the back booth is on his feet at the first sound of an altercation. Beneath the hood, he smirks, though whether one of pleasure or displeasure is difficult to tell as the hood is still drawn mostly over his face. It is only when he reaches the security that he draws the hood down, and nods at them. "I will take care of her," he says in a sternly hushed tone. "You take care of the establishment and ensure none of the patrons are harmed in what is likely going to result in a riot." With that, Kegan disappears into the back to deal with the little problem of the crazed woman.
The man that's with Mellie shrugs. "Dante's Inferno? That's what the guy at the bar called i- HOLY SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK? They kidnapped the chief of police or something? Dude, that's totally fucked up."
The initial reaction to the crash behind the bar is laughter? Why, yes, Mary is laughing more than anything. "Nonsense. It will take care of itself, dear." Despite the hectic event at least she can be somewhat calm. A look is given out to those near the bar as she grins. "Now, who would like to help me out with this situation?" Perhaps this is not the best means of attention but this is the lifestyle that Mary is accustomed to. Her thoughts are right on board with what she says, not that there is much traffic in her mind currently. A curious glance is tossed in the direction of Hailee, then Cooper, but such things will not be spoken of at this current time. Well, hell. That nice little interruption with security sure seems to be killing the mood. Thankfully they're on top of it so she doesn't need to be. Keegan's interference causes Mary to look in that direction far longer than she should, but she won't ignore any advances made to her request.
"Stitches? How serious /was/ this accident?" Chloe does do a quick 'scan' of Mischa's brain, as much as she can, to see if there's any damage. She's a telepath, Jim, not a doctor! "Oh, you have a date! Go Mischa!" Winking at him, she waves him off, and then draws a daisy out of the bouquet to tuck it behind her ear. Chalk it up to the overall strangeness and ominousness of the day.
Just before Mischa is able to disappear from her view completely, all the color drains from Chloe's face. She's statue still, white, and looks like she's going to be sick. Is that what he was warning her about earlier? Should she flee now? Get out of the city? The state? She /did/ promise to, but she's got to find out if there's any truth to it first. Her mind goes into overdrive, pulling out every human voice in the establishment. Or every near-to-human even. All just to find out /anything/.
Working here and leading the life that she does, it's really built up Mellie's tolerance for the spooky. Even so, she seems rather unnerved by that bizarre screeching and the unsettling laughter. It takes her a moment to realize she's in the middle of helping a customer. "Sure it'll be fine. Just a drunk and crazy," she tosses out without bothering to be horribly convincing. "I'll get you that drink now." Quick, before he can change his mind about sticking around. There's a quick (if not horribly sincere) grin flashed before she starts edging back towards the bar. Her thoughts aren't terribly illuminating: she's curious and a little wary, but has no idea what's going on.
Josephine looks up sharply as the woman starts to screech and she's one of those keeping a /very/ close eye on what's going on, who's where - and what's probably the safest place to stay out of harms way should it come to that. Having been in a war zone will teach you crazy things like that. Makes you notice things. Like Chloe going all white. Fingers drum on her glass as she ponders, finally to finish it, be drid of it and shift off her stool to move over to the librarian.
Cooper clutches at her head mildly, looking up to Mary with wide, glossy grey eyes and subsiding panic. "Oh…okay." That's about as intelligent at the bleach blonde can get at the moment. Automatically moving forward, she proceeds to refill the blood and give it to her intended target the first time, paying no mind that at the moment, she still has artificial, sticky, warm blood clinging down her front. It's like she doesn't even notice. It's only then that she blinks at Hailee. "Oh…uhm. Hey. M'workin' now, so…when I get out. Who're you…" She narrows her eyes - then gasping. "Oh! You! I know you. Okay - so like, what d'you want?" Beat. "To drink, you know!"
The shit just hit the fan, and for once it has nothing to do with Hailee. Having no idea on vampire politics, she just shrugs it up to a pre-party show and then looks at Cooper with a sly grin. "Scotch'll do if you have any. Make it two. My date for the evening looks like he's on his way over here." Though that may change when all Hell breaks loose in the back, but whatever. She can double-fist the drinks if necessary.
Mischa's brain is perfectly fine. Or at the very least, it's the same as it was before. And as old fugly harpies stand up and start to yell, he looks rather shocked, if not completely scared witless. He tries to put on a brave face though as he approaches Hailee and presents her with chocolates. "These are for you. Though I guess that doesn't matter much now. You look great…" He pauses and surveys the scene, his eyebrows quirked. "Just stay behind me. I know…" Kung fu? Jujitsu? Aikido? "..French." He takes his wallet out of his pocket and puts down several bills, paying the nearest bartender for Hailee's drinks. Until he realizes that bartender is Cooper. "Oh…I…hello."
Theodore was dressed up to come out tonight, though it wasn't much more than a pair of black jeans and a buttonup black short sleeved shirt. Totally fitting in! He takes a few steps inside only to come to a slow halt, hands tucked into his pockets and eyes sweeping curiously through the room. Buh?
In light of the recent disruption, there has been a lot of whispering and murmuring. The music is back on, but the atmosphere is still heavy with speculation, tension, and anticipation. As a result, there are a number of people piling out the doors, their enjoyment ruined.
Just as the music picks up again, there are some noises at the back of the bar. The odd cackling laugh has stopped, a resounding crash heard just as the people begin to exit the back. There is, however, four members of the security team blocking that way. When the noises have stopped, only then does one of the security guards duck outside. Another moves up to Mary, whispering something to her. The other two continue to block the back door.
"Y-yeah, I totally need it after that. Man, dude, they totally kidnapped the police chief or something. That's just whack. I wonder if the media picked up on it yet," babbles the drunk guy to Mellie. "Whatever, chick'a. Make it a double. A triple. Somethin'."
This is not going to do, not at all. Mary sighs as she prepares to head towards the commotion. This is -her- bar and she is going to be approached and whispered to. There is a moment where she considers scowling but instead just nods. "To those who can get to the bar in the next ten minutes, this round is on me!" Yes, the vampire is shouting over the music, but she has to do what she can, after all. Back to the bar she goes, adding that flair that she's learned so well. A look is tossed to Cooper. "Look, I don't know what's going on, but we need to get these drinks going." In the process she happens to loosen her top just so slightly, revealing more than she normally would.
Still frozen, perhaps more so now, Chloe mentally jumps at a voice in her head. She starts to relax as she recognizes it, but she doesn't turn to smile at Josephine at all. « N-no. No I'm not okay. I'm… I need to get out of here. /Now/. I need…» Another bout of information hits her and her face goes even paler. « Shit. » Summoning all of her strength, she turns to Josephine, refusing to cry. She marches toward her and simply says, "We should go. I can explain, but it's… just trust me, please?"
"You got it," Mellie replies, waiting until she's turned away to roll her eyes at the drunk babbler. She passes back to the bar, pausing to cast a glance at the back door when the crashing sound is heard. But there's work to be done, so she continues on her way. "Hey, before the rush hits, can I get a Dante's Inferno, strong as you can make it?" she orders up, nodding towards the bartender and proprietress. Turning back to offer an aside to Josephine about how this is so totally not what she meant earlier, the teen is stopped in her tracks by the sight of her distraught sister marching through the crowd. Her brow furrows and she can't help but find herself heading that way without waiting for a response on the drinks. "What the hell is going on?" is asked of either Josephine or Chloe.
Not exactly what she expected, Josephine looking at Chloe rather stunned, even if she did take the initiative to go and check up on her. "I ehm…" A glance over her shoulder to the bar, the milling people, Cooper and all those lovely, lovely bottles on display. "Shit." Another glance goes towards the back, to the muscle, that closed door. Searching? And still she hesitates. Around the time Mellie closes the distance, she's made up her mind, killing the smoke with the heel of a boot, laying an arm around Chloe's shoulders. "Think she's going to be sick sweety. Going to take her out." She's not even being cynical about it.
There are simply too many things going on right now. Cooper is liable to freak out at any given moment now. She cant determine what's being thought from what's being said. She can't tell what's happening from what's in her mind. And, were she not used to feeling as though her entire world was going to explode at any given moment, then she might pass out from the stress, or curl into a ball on the floor. As it is, she merely closes her eyes for the moment, them turning cool ans glassy when they open once more. An automatic, insincere smile is given to Hailee then Mischa. "Hey. Okay, two scotches comin' up, dears. Give me a moment!" She is a blur of motion, moving to and fro to grab the drinks.
"Lucky duck, you get to the bar and we get free drinks." Hailee winks at him taking the box of chocolates. "Aww! Librarian! How sweet. No one's bought me chocolates in ages." For that, Mischa gets a quick peck on the cheek, then she moves in behind him. "You know what they say about a man who knows French, don't you?" Eyebrow waggle. "You look pretty damned amazing too." Makes her almost happy she caught him skulking about the other day.
When everyone starts to disperse, Mischa is afforded a better view of Chloe. The two have been acquainted for years, and never has he seen her looking quite so distraught. He watches the woman for a long moment, not seeming to much notice the insincere smile that Cooper gives he and Hailee. "She doesn't look very well, does she." Then when Hailee starts to talk, complimenting him and making innuendo about French…he turns a bright shade of red and rubs at the back of his neck, giving her a bashful smile. "You're welcome. Just promise me you'll EAT the chocolates. Your figure is fine." They're a fairly expensive brand of chocolate, too. He reaches out, gently putting a hand on Hailee's arm while nodding towards Chloe. "That girl's a co-worker of mine. You stay here and have my drink, I'm going to go check on her." He flings a sizable tip in Cooper's direction before he turns.
With everyone rushing out the door, Teddy is forced to skip and trip out of the way of the people on their way out, flattening his back against a wall at first only to then attempt to wade through the crowd. He manages it, albeit barely, enough to approach one of the tables with bench seating, where the young looking vampire falls lightly onto a seat. Meep. He looks a touch disoriented.
More commotion can be heard outside, the sound of a large pressure hose and some voices, though only dimly over the music. That being done, Kegan re-enters. His eyes fall upon Chloe, and a small smug smirk appears before he masks himself in neutrality. Then he makes his way toward the bar, giving Mary a look. "Madam, you have my sincerest apologies. I had thought that my security would have been able to detain any troublemakers outside your fine establishment. Any damages will, of course, be taken care of."
During the whole process of keeping people inside, as she feels so inclined to do, Mary loses her top completely. This reveals only a corset, which is done to further help keep the crowd occupied. Many things are noticed but no comments will be made for now. There are times for such things. She does stop what she's doing the very moment that she's approached by Keegan. Her head dips low, respectful, before she flashes him her typical smile. "Where there are people, there will be issues. I am grateful that you were able to help as you have. Worry not about damages. In fact, I should be inquiring as to how I might be able to repay you." Not the typical response from the business owner, but this is not a typical situation.
"Mellie, look. You may hate me, and you may not want to listen to me, but please trust me. Get out of here now. /PLEASE/." Chloe gives her sister a look of worry coupled with absolute fear. Going to be sick? Well, maybe not. She's never been ill except mentally, and she refuses to get sick now. Not here. But she needs to get gone, and that's as good an excuse as any. "I need air," she agrees quietly. Poor Chloe is so lost in her thoughts and her concerns, that she doesn't realize Mischa is ditching his date to check on her, she just needs out of there /now/. Especially since she needs to go find a certain blonde secretary who she doesn't trust but who can get the word out to people that can help. Then get home and pack her bags.
Mellie looks between Josephine and Chloe for a moment. Something about Chloe's desperation in urging her out keeps Mel from just completely brushing it off, but she doesn't rush to comply either. "I'm working," she points out, dropping her tone just a bit, and casting a sidelong look to her boss, who has somehow wound up in corset during the few minutes Mellie hasn't been paying attention to that end of the bar. It doesn't even phase her. Still a little bit conflicted, she gives a glance between her sister and the door of the bar. Seems the trouble has passed, doesn't it? A screeching woman and a crazy sister aren't going to have her skipping out on work. "So go get some then," she replies belatedly to Chloe, shrugging as she steps back from the edge of the bar.
While Chloe tries to persuade Mellie to leave, Josephine has time to take one last look at that back door, Kegan noted with equal interest, until his smile at the librarian, her eyes narrowing, looking altogether uneasy. "We're going," she confirms to Chloe and she starts leading her outside, telling Mellie over her shoulder briefly, "Reconsider…" She doesn't, speeding up the departure another nodge. Gone.
"Yeah, sure, eat the chocolates," Hailee says, somewhat unused to being summarily ignored by a date. "Can do, I guess." Free scotch is great. Two free scotches are better. There she stands, box of chocolates tucked under her arm, a glass of scotch in each hand, just shaking her head before she downs the first one rather neatly. Then, since her "date" is occupied with another girl, she starts scanning the crowd for someone else to have fun with in the interim.
Mischa is torn between the lovely blonde (ex) model his co-worker, who looks strictly awful. It's a sheer moment of crisis for him — one that many men would probably gladly switch places with him to be in. Nevertheless, Mischa cries out to Chloe, "I'll call you later!" Then he turns back to Hailee and smiles at her. "She's…well, she looks alright. She's being helped." Then he pauses, leaning on the bar. "Your hair is really shiny." Great come ons abound. He notices the little vampire boy falling onto a seat and gives the faintest of chuckles, though Mischa is just worried, conflicted, and clueless.
"Mm," Kegan replies to Mary. "Attempt to pass this off as nothing more than a lark of some crazed vampire, if you would. No need to get the entire city in a panic over someone missing." A pointed look is given to the door where the two women are exiting. « After all, we already know where he is, » he thinks. "Other than that, please be kind enough to feed my security detail some O-Negative, and we shall call it quite even."
What an interesting turn of events. Mary nods deeply once more, keeping the most of their conversation from being repeated. "As you wish. It would be most beneficial, I agree." Even as she's speaking, the owner of the bar is filling order requests, especially those for Keegan's security. Those drinks are slid towards Mellie, of all people. "Get these out to them." She indicates who exactly is getting the orders. "Then you can leave if you'd like." It looks like there will be little party for her, but drastic times call for drastic measures. Addressing Keegan once more: "Anything I can get for you?"
As she makes it to the threshold under Josephine's nudging, the thought nearly bowls her over. Chloe spins quickly to try and discern where it came from, but in that crowd there is very little chance that she'll be able to determine it. Mischa is given nod, then she allows herself to be pulled out of the establishment by Jo, waiting until they are far enough away to explain a few things.
"You got it boss," Mellie replies, summoning up a grin as she tries to shove aside any, ugh, concern for her sister. Sure, she's left the other patron waiting on his Inferno, but she can prioritize, and a direct order from the boss ranks above a blabber-mouth drunk. She loads the O-Neg onto a tray, and heads off towards the indicated men with it, weaving through the remaining crowd, approaching on them with her flirtatious grin.
Just as she's about to chat up a guy, her "date" returns. "It's cool," Hailee says breezily. "Here's your scotch." At least she didn't drink both that quickly. She's not that much of a lush. "Thanks. I try. So you want to stick around here, or you want to head somewhere a little less dangerous?"
Mischa shakes his head at Hailee and smiles at her, pushing the scotch in her direction. "Sorry, I'm…sort of on painkillers right now. I shouldn't mix." He reaches up to run his fingers through his hair, glancing off towards the exit. "That depends, do you actually want to spend time with me, or are you just being nice? Because I don't really want to make you do anything you don't want to…" Mischa says, looking more than a little flustered. And moreso, just downright confused about whatever the Hell has transpired in the bar tonight.
"No, I do believe I will be leaving now, so as to assure that this terrorist cell has not managed to capture any others in the city. My men will stay here until they are no longer needed." Kegan nods his head at Mary, then slips back toward the doors at the rear of the building and disappears for the evening.
The security men wait for their O-Neg, and then nod to the girl who brings them. One eyes her for a moment, but reaches out to grab a bottle from the tray without saying a word.
"Thank you, Sir." She barely has time to say that much before Keegan is gone. It is one of those situations where she feels that she has too much information. Pushing past it for now, Mary slaps her hands together and then begins cranking drinks out as fast as possible. She's now using all the flair she has, even going as far to be in tune with the music. As long as she's able to, she'll keep the majority of patrons from even thinking about recent events.
As she's eyed, one of Mellie's eyebrows arches just ever so slightly, but the smile doesn't fade. "Enjoy, gentlemen," she invites, holding the tray aloft to let the others also snag their drinks from it, doling out those that remain. That done, she lowers the tray to begin heading back to the bar, pausing just a moment to cast a glance towards the door, but it seems her sister and Josephine are now long gone. Onwards, then.
"It's fine." Downing the scotch, she winks at him. "Sure I want to spend time with you, but you seem a bit preoccupied. Go take care of whatever it is, Librarian. I'll be okay on my own." Hailee gives him a nudge to the door and whispers, "If I was just being nice, I wouldn't have shown up to begin with."
Mischa leans in and kisses Hailee's cheek very briefly, turning a bright red as he does so. "Thanks. Look me up in the phone book. I'm the only M. Alexandrov there is. Have fun tonight!" He says, as he runs for the door.