A Fight at the Museum


February 17, 2005 - Jordyn stops by the museum to pick up an artifact for her professor. She finds Orion and has to suffer through a dispute he has with Oliver.


Dallas Museum of Art:

The museum is large and grandiose, separated into different sections and containing many archaeological finds as well as works of art. The museum contains several works of art, sculptures, artifacts, and weapons. Each is divided into its separate section and each display has a neat descriptor next to the items. Security guards stand at the main entrance and are scattered throughout the museum.

Long, wavy caramel brown hair hangs in a slightly umkempt fashion most of the time, the woman not paying a lot of attention to it like most might. Her face is pleasing but far from the sort of thing one might find in a fashion magazine. Her brown eyes seem large for her face, her other features sweet and petite, often bereft of any cosmetics.

Her frame is willowy, slender and seemingly frail. She has the right curves in the right places but just as large porportions as most gals. Small of bosom, her hips are well rounded, and legs seeming even longer for their slenderness. Her outfit today reeks of college student; a pair of well worn blue jeans, an oversized blue sweatshirt over a grey t-shirt and a pair of "jesus" sandals that are so popular among college students. At times she wears a pair of glasses that usually rest askew on her petite nose. Those glasses currently tucked into the neck of her sweatshirt.


Standing at 6' tall and of a fairly atheletic build the man before you is of light complexion, his hair's dark brown, almost black and cut to a fairly short french crop. His eyes are a dark blue leaning somewhat towards green, he's got a slightly crooked smile, his nose is just a little crooked, and he sports slight dimples.

Wearing a smart, yet casual white long sleeved shirt, he's got a fairly expensive watch on his right wrist. He wears black pants and black boots.


You see a man in his mid thirties who stands a little over six feet and weighs approximately 180 pounds. One can tell by looking at him that he works out regularly. His face is rugged but attractive, usually with a couple of days worth of stubble on his cheek. His hair is brownish red and cropped short, spiking up a bit on top. His eyes are deep gold and appear to be almost an unnatural shade. He bears a tattoo of a paw print on his left upper arm. When the man speaks, he has a very distinct Irish accent. It is strong, but not to the point that he is difficult to understand.

The man is wearing a tight fitting brown shirt with blue jeans. He has brown boots on and a silver watch on his right wrist. His ears are each pierced with a silver ring, and he has mirrored sunglasses pushed up on his head.


The Dallas Museum of Art actually contains more than just paintings and sculptures. This is the museum which houses ancient artifacts, statuary, and weapons from ancient times. The museum is currently not too busy since they are about to close to the public for the evening, but a few private tours still lurk through the halls.

Orion is currently standing behind the stanchions in the Egypt display. He is wearing a lab coat and a name badge indicating that he does work here, so dont freak out and call security. The man is holding up a statuette of Anubis and writing something on a pad of paper. He sits it down and moves to the next, doing the same thing.


She never tires of this place. Sure the paintings and sculptures are lovely but that isn't what really draws her, looking up at the swords on the walls as she walks, her bookbag slung over one shoulder, her keys in her hand. She'd just gotten there and had, had to show her ID from the campus to the security guards as well as answer twenty questions about what she was here for. So good of Doctor Scranton to call ahead and notify someone for her when he sent her on this little errand. But she wouldn't complain too much. She was going to get to touch a real honest to goodness Mayan urn. That was worth putting up with the professor's crap.

Kayla's feet carry her along the marble floor as she moves toward the Egyptian Exhibit where the person at the information kiosk had directed her to talk to one Orion Donnelly. A good Irish name at least, she thinks as she walks along, pausing as she sees the man in the lab coat. "Excuse me…I'm looking for Mr. Donnelly?" she calls to the man.


There are few places better to meet for Olivers particular business than in those places that require security, it's not somewhere the police are likely to watch, and it stops either side from getting too expressive during any disagreements as such Oliver's got himself on one of the private tours, his business finished he take the chance to view the displays, he follows the group, keeping just far enough back not to be considered seperate as he ignores the guide instead simply looking at whatever pieces may catch his fleeting interest.


Orion shakes his head. “No, no. Why is this listed as Sobek? That doesn’t even make sense. Idiot interns, why do we even hire them.” He sits down the figurine of Thoth and turns around to notice Jordyn standing there? “What? Yes I am Dr. Donnelly. Can I help you some how?” His accent is distinctly Irish, but not so harsh that it is not able to be understood. He looks behind the girl at an approaching tour group, stepping outside of the stanchioned off area and regarding the tour guide. He glances back at Jordyn, “I assume you were sent by one of the universities, but I get so many of you on a daily basis. I really don’t have time for an interview right now.”

Orion glances back at the tour guide as he is asked a few questions. Orion begins to answer, talking about the creation myths associated with Egypt before stopping abruptly. He snaps his fingers and waves a hand at Oliver. “Hey, pay attention back there. I’m sure your professor would want you to get something out of this.” It seems he assumes everyone to be a student of some sort.


Jordyn smiles apologetically at her slip up. They hadn't told her he had his Doctorates! With a little sigh she tries to give off that warm, sunny disposition of hers, "Doctor Scranton sent me over. I'm his PA this term. I was supposed to pick up a piece for his lecture series?" She's hoping something in there rings a bell and she isn't just doing this totally cold with no warning. "I didn't want an…"Her voice drops off a bit as he exits the exhibit and begins answering the questions and talking, waiting, letting him take his time. She looks down at her keys in her hand and sighs, feet shuffling a bit until she hears the good Doc scold someone, peeking up to see who the unfortunate person is and her eyes widen a bit, a smile coming to her lips as she spies Oliver, raising her hand to wave with fingertips.


Oliver looks at Orion for a moment, his expression a mixture of amusement, surprise and just a little affront. "I don't think my professor'd much care, since I haven't been a student for… twelve years, and he taught law." He shrugs a little. "And even if he did /I/ wouldn't." He smiles brightly to Jordyn returning the wave, but he's soon drawn back to Orion. "And I'd think that's none of your business anyway? Don't you have more important things to do than try to lord it over potential students?"


Orion had heard the girl mention Dr. Scranton, but the guests on the tour are paying patrons. He quirks a brow at Oliver as he sasses back. “Well, You Cheekey Little Monkey. It’s MY job to make sure that the students get an education. I simply assumed you were a student, based on the age group of the people in the group here.” He gives Oliver ’The Evil Eye’ and finishes his mini-lecture on Egypt.

Orion turns back to Jordyn having noticed her wave to Oliver earlier. “Ah, you know Mr. Sass, eh?” He waves a hand, “Just kidding. No I remember now. Dr. Scranton had mentioned needing an urn for a class.” He rubs his chin for a second and looks at the girl. “I thought she said the student’s name was Jonathan, but I may have been confused. I’ll give her a quick call when we go back in storage as a precaution.”


Jordyn covers her lips, trying to keep from giggling as Oliver sasses the doctor before she smiles brightly and gives him a 'ssshhhhh!' sort of look, fighting hard not to laugh. But she is brought up short as Orion turns to her again, trying resume a straight face and smiling a bit. Clearing her throat she nods she mutters softly "We ah.. we met the other night." she says and blushes a bit. Things are fine till she hears the name, her expression falling a moment before irritation shows. "Jonathan? She…she asked -Jonathan- first?!" she says incredulously but softly "He wouldn't know a Galic sconce from a Sumerian cerimonial dagger if it was buried in his backside." she says quietly, irked that the handsome PA had been asked first. Just because he flirted with the old bat. She cleared her throat and raised her chin a bit. "Well Jonathan must have had a prior engagement because she asked me right as I was closing up the gallery at the University. But of course you can call her. I can give you her cell and home numbers as well if you need. I doubt she's still in the office."


Oli seems to study Orion, his expression mildly amused. "I'd disagree, your job is to inspire your students, it's /their/ job to get the education, and all things considered you seem to be doing a fair job of it, since it's only me that's not interested." With that he nods to Jordyn once more, his own grin wide, his eyes sparkling with amusement.


The poor tour guide is having a fit, red faced and trying to hush Oliver. “Shh! Please stop disturbing the experience for the other members of the tour. I’m sorry, Dr. Donnelly.” She turns back to the others and tries to regain control of the group. “Now if we can all please move on to our next display…” She moves on with most of the group, a couple staying behind to ask questions or look at a few displays longer.

Orion gives the girl an odd look. He really didn’t mean to cause the girl such stress. “Well I may have just misheard the name. I do that sometimes, get confused with the names. And I do need to call her to confirm just as museum policy. I have all of her contact information tacked up in about seven different locations around the museum.” He chuckles and turns back to the tour guide, “Oh don’t worry about it Gretchen, sometimes they just lash out at anyone who will give them the time of day.” He looks at Oliver sympathetically. “No one else will listen to them. They just drift through life and hope for someone to speak to them so they can lash out and prove what an individual they are. Also they apparently enjoy visiting museums that they have absolutely no interest in.”


Hello Rock. Hello Hard Place. I'm Jordyn. Or so she thinks as she bites her lip looking between Oliver and Orion. Flustered a little she nods about calling the professor and offers, trying to change the topic and make things a little smoother "Um…I'm Jordyn… Jordyn Donovan. " she offers to Orion as she looks over at Oliver and back again. "She'll be able to confirm it. I was hoping to get an internship here this summer and to work with the Museum." she says, knowing flattery is always good with the PhD types. "It's such a wonderful museum."


Oliver smiles slightly. "I never said that I didn't enjoy the museum, I quite enjoy the twenty seventh dynasty works, especially the statues of Khnum, it's just the tour that bores me, I don't need to hear the details to enjoy the art after all." He shrugs slightly. "And as for lashing out… well I'm not the one who rudely interrupted somone minding his own business now am I?" He sighs slightly. "But I suppose I should apologise, I was obviously rude to you as well, I'm willing to admit that, I simply don't like people talking to me like I'm a disobdient child, that's still no excuse for bad manners." He sounds sincere, a little offended still, but sincere at least.


Orion taps his foot in annoyance as he listens to Oliver speak. Annoying little twit. He emits a barely audible, yet frighteningly non-human growl of annoyance that Jordyn is probably close enough to hear. He rubs his forehead and faces away from the boy, speaking to Jordyn. “Are you sure you want to work at a museum? You get to deal with pompous braggards who know about one or two subjects and nothing else.” He motions toward Gretchen and turns back toward Oliver. “Well, seems you were paying attention to my guide there. I’ve been telling her for weeks that these are twenty-sixth dynasty pieces. I suppose I’ll have to have a sit down with her.”


Jordyn smiles warmly as she looks over at Oliver, the man having won some major brownie points with her, showing his maturity. Not to mention the way he seemed to know about the displays. But her smile falters as she hears that little growl that makes goosebumps run over her skin and down her spine, her eyes turning worriedly toward Orion and giving him a strange look and stepping away a bit. "I.. um.. yeah. I think I do." she answers, a little shaken as she shoves her hands in her pockets. Don't wanna risk touching something unknown after all. She stares over at the display and looks the pieces over, eyeing a few things here and there. "Actually it looks like you're both right." she says as she points out some items that were mislabeled that Orion hadn't gotten to yet in his inspection. "There seems to be a mix of things, even a couple of replicas from the Nefrekeptah period. I think your interns might need a little help setting up the displays." she offers with a small, peace keeper smile.


Laughing Oliver bows slightly. "You'd have less pompous braggards if you'd leave people to their business, or at least have the decency to admit that you were wrong to disturb them in the first place." He shrugs. "And if you feel you have to disturb them, at least do so with a somewhat respectful tone, just because they're students doesn't mean they don't deserve your respect." With that he nods to Jordyn. "I'm sorry I upset you, I really didn't mean to." He nods to the tour guide. "I'm sorry to you as well ma'am, I didn't mean to imply that you bored me… far from it, I simply never really got into tours." He looks to Jordyn. "Hopefully I'll hear from you soon?" He flashes an almost guilty smile.


Orion just sighs and shakes his head, deciding to ignore Oliver for now. “They’re never worth it. We’ll see him on the news in a month having been shot to death for saying the wrong thing to the wrong person.” That seems…Terribly harsh. The man turns to look at the figurines. “Oh yes, I suppose you’re correct. I hadn’t had the chance to check them all and had only noticed a few name errors.” He looks at Jordyn again, “Perhaps you would do well at a museum. I’ll have to see if Dr. Scranton can spare you a couple days a week.


Jordyn smiles at Oliver, nodding. She'd have to apologize to him for the museum currator on Sunday. "Bye Oliver…I'll see you Sunday." she promises, impressed with him being the bigger man and even going as far as to toss him a wink. "But you should know.. you didn't upset me." she says to him warmly. One of those little, whistful sighs leaves her lips as she watches him leave, fidgeting a bit. "He really is a nice guy." she says to Orion before turning to look back at the man and nodding. "I'd love to help. It's …it's really all I've ever wanted to do. I love being around all these artifacts. It's like…a kid at Christmas for me. Well except for the ripping of paper and making a mess. I'd be horrified to touch anything without gloves and care." she remarks, thinking the Dr has no idea how much that is true, for more than one reason.


Oliver gives a slow relieved smile as Jordyn assures him that he didn't upset her, and then he's making his way back in the general direction of the tour group, his day having been more than good enough to satisfy him.


Orion gives Jordyn a suspicious look when she says that Oliver’s not that bad, but he’ll ignore it for now. “Alright, come on. Lets get that urn for you.” He takes her into the back area of the museum, showing her a few of the more interesting rooms and giving her a quick behind the scenes tour before stopping in his office to call the doctor and verify that Jordyn is the correct student. He nods. “Yes, I just got the name confused is all. Both are ‘J’ names, you know how it is.”


Jordyn is delighted as she looks over the things she is showed, firmly keeping her hands in her pockets to keep herself from reaching out to touch things, even by accident, despite her fingers itching to feel all the artifacts. She listens avidly, making mental notes and offering a few observations of her own. She is truly an avid student and it shows as she takes it all in with wonder. She nods as she listens to Orion and smiles "Phew! Though Jonathan was tryin ta weasel something else from me. He's not a very scrupulous student. But you know how that is; rich boy used to getting whatever he wants either with Daddy's name or his own good looks. I'd be more than happy to help out around here though. My pride's enough intact to do even the dirtiest jobs."


Orion nods to the girl. “Yes well, I’ll need to set something up with your professor, but I’m sure we could use you around here a couple times a day.” He nods again and reaches under his desk to pull out a large metal chest with a combination lock on it. “Here is the urn. It is well padded in there but do try and be gentle with it. Your teacher should have the combination written down, this is the same box I use every time. If not she can just give me a call and I can give it to her.” Apparently it is already cased up. It looks like Jordyn won’t be able to see it until class after all. Unless her professor lets her see it back at the university. Orion writes down Jordyn’s name for future reference and prepares to send her on her way. “Do you have any questions before you head out?”


Jordyn slips her hands out of her pocket only now to take the case, a little disappointed but knowing if she really wanted to be all terrier about it she could ferret out that combination. She had keys to the professor's office after all. "I'll guard it with my life." she says and oddly it really doesn't sound like she's joking. "Shouldn't I sign something. I mean.. priceless artifact and all. I wouldn't be comfortable turning it over to anyone without requiring a signature to have something in writing to track the chain of possession." It would seem she is far more worried about the urn than her professor might have been.


Orion smiles at the girl. “Oh we have all of your information in the computer system. ALL of your information. The university faxed it over and you’re in our database now. If you’d prefer I can have you sign, though.” He hit’s a few buttons and a blank box shows up on the screen. He holds up a stylus, “In the box please.” It’s set up like one of those UPS electronic signatures. Apparently the entire computer screen is touch sensitive.


Jordyn doesn't seem too worried about them having her transcripts. They're good. Damn good. She's seen to that. "Oh well.." she starts to say, still not seeming convinced but when that stylus is handed over she smiles brightly, seemingly relieved at this. She signs, left handed but lovely, the metla box clutched to her chest in the other arm. "That's better." she says and hands the stylus back to the man. "It's been a real pleasure to meet you Dr. Donnelly. A real pleasure." she says, despite the confrontation earlier. She begins to turn and walk out but pauses and loks back "I was just wondering….I mean.. there's a ton of history in this land and all. Are there ever any museum sponsored digs in the area? I'd just.. I'd love to get in on one, get my hands dirty."


Orion smiles and takes the stylus from the girl, hitting a few buttons to save it in the system. “It has been a pleasure to meet you as well. And as for the digs…” He ponders for a moment. “I believe Dr. Worthington would be a better person to talk to about that. I specialize in translating and cataloging. He does all of the field work. I am not sure if he is taking new students right now. He does an internship class for undergrads. I’ll let him know you’re interested and send some information to your professor for you.”


Jordyn beams, positively beams. "That would be wonderful." she gushes as she hugs the box to her like it were a child, with just as much care and attention. "Um…" she looks at the computer. "I assume my phone numbers are in there? Dorm room and cell? If anything comes up: new shipments, special touring displays, anything and you need some extra hands I'd be flattered if you considered giving me a call. I don't really need a paycheck or anything. I mean.." she chuckles a little self depreciatingly "We college students are supposed to be poor and all right?"


Orion chuckles and nods. “Everything’s in there. Don’t worry. And if anything comes up I’ll send it to your professor, not you. She’ll get the information to you.” He checks his watch. “You should probably get going. If I know your professor she’ll be heading home soon. I want that box locked up in her office tonight, alright?”


Jordyn opens her mouth to say that the professor was likely already home and that the PAs were the ones that did the grunt work but closed it, thinking better of giving up that much info at the last second. "I'll make sure it's safe as kittens. Nothing short of an earthquake will get to this." she says patting the box a little and smiling brightly. She has that awkward moment where she isn't sure if she has more to say or not and lingers a moment by the door before laughing a little, nervously and leaves without another word.

~ Fin ~

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