
PFSC - Cerebral Deli

A rather unique book shop, the Cerebral Deli prides itself on being able to feed both mind and body. Several deli-style tables have been set up near the entrance, the linoleum flooring shining beneath them. An old deli counter acts as the checkout, behind which is a large chalkboard sign denoting all the new and upcoming book releases, as well as pricing for coffee, tea, the odd sandwich and other small items.

Upon climbing three stairs, one enters a carpeted area filled with shelves and stacks of books. These books are fitting to every genre that one could possibly hope to find, including a smaller section for rare or now-out-of-print books. A couch and two chairs can be found at the back of the shop, near the window. A comfortable place to ensure the potential purchase is the right book, or catch up on a spot of homework.

There's something singular, about a bookstore. Perhaps it's the smell of ink and paper, not quite as evocative as a library, nowhere near as sterile as a computer lab, or an electronic catalog. That, interwoven with the scent of freshly ground coffee seems to ensure that the bookstore is as busy as ever.
Dressed, well, not casually, but so to say, less formally than she usually does, a pair of slacks, a thick sweater against the cold, with a collection of paperbacks tucked into the crook of her arm, Mignonette steps out of the mystery section, eyes lifted to scan the section heads, before she starts off for an aisle across the small store, historical, perhaps. Or young adult, they're next to each other.


James chews over the rear end of a pen while thoughtfully peering out to the pad of paper within his lap, held by his left hand while the right holds up the pen. Luckily, it hasn't exploded upon him. Not quite so luckily, hardly anything at all has been transcribed upon the whitened pages; yet, without fretting too much, the man continues onward. After a lingering moment, he jots down a few notes and passages before glancing upwards. Damn be to his sensitivities at times, familiar scents coming up louder and stronger than others. His gaze locks on to Mignonette and then he sits back, turning back to his work. After a time, he comes to a stand and debates departing from the bookshop. Then, with a passing smile to the nearby cashier, he steps after the woman. Amused, he asks, "Are you stalking me?"


Mignonette skirts one of the endcaps announcing the newest book in the Alphabet Series by Sue Grafton, '"R" Is for Ricochet', but doesn't quite make it to young adult, when James steps over towards her. "Hmm?" A questioning sound, as she pulls herself out of her thoughts, or at least out of the list of books she needs to look for that's sitting on her phone's display. A slight shake of her head, her voice as cool and personable as ever, "I was not aware that you were were here, so I would have to say no." She shifts the books from one arm to the other, settling the phone back on top of them. isn't it always thew way that, having thought you were only coming in for one thing, you forgo the basket and then need it?


James pockets the pen he had been chewing on and slips the pad of paper under his left arm, shoving his hands down and burying them within the front pockets of his jeans along the way. He leans to the side and for a moment merely flicks his gaze through the points of interest around him; a book, Mignonette, the books she holds, another book to the side, briefly a shadow rolling by in the distance, another book. Then, he turns back to Mignonette. "So, what're you doing then?"


"Refilling my library. I'm not one for keeping books around, unless I absolutely can't live without them. So, whenever I finish the list of books I've been working on, I take them over to whichever library is local, and donate them, and then have to restock myself." A tip of her head indicates the books she's holding, "I've been wanting to read the His Dark Materials series, so I thought I'd pick those up and call it a day." laughter, light, but genuine, "I came in thinking I would just pick up those three, and then, well." A shrug follows, "What about you?"


James makes a face, somewhere crossing between amused and perplexed, which makes for something rather odd up until he relaxes into a simple shrug of broadened shoulders. He refrains from commenting readily so, leading him to look at the books once again. "Never heard of it," he replies in turn before casting his gaze downwards to his shoes. "Investigating the mysteries of life, one written page at a time," is his answer. He leaves it at that and straightens up to stand into the fullness of his height. He has to spend his time some way.


Mignonette makes no comment about your expression, save for a light, "Better than throwing them out, isn't it? I had a friend in college who would do that." And in answer to your own explanation of your time, "Somehow, that doesn't strike me as out of character for you." And that is genuinely said, with no trace of sarcasm. A moment, to watch you straighten, before she turns a hand inviting you to come with her, as she steps into the young adult aisle, "They've actually been out for a few years now, but I never got around to thinking to read them."


"Thanks," comments the man with a vague tone of questioning, easing his shoulders into another shrug while his eyes water at a stray smell passing by. It wrinkles the bridge of his nose out of reflex alone and he looks aside while reaching up to rub his face. "I'm going to go sit back down, just wanted to say hi," all of that, he adds, while wiping his face and then sniffing heavily, clearing himself while taking in the air and huffing it out. "It's nice, the book-swapping business - nice to see you, too."


There's a look of concern, at the change in your expression, and her voice soon follows, "It was nice to see you too. You should try some of the coffees they have out for you to sample. It helps to clear the nose. Smelling the beans." Not that she has any idea what you're smelling that's upsetting you, but that you are upset is obvious enough, "Enjoy the rest of your afternoon, Officer Young." She steps back, allowing you to return to your seat, before she continues back into the aisle, narrowing down on the section for authors whose last names begin with 'P'.


"Yeah, I know," he pauses and starts to speak up further but at that he nods once and then once more before turning about, clearing his throat in the process of moving off into the distance. He stops walking though and reaches into his left pocket for his cell-phone, looking over its surface before shielding the screen once again by depositing back out of view. He looks aside when departing the aisle and then returns to his original seating. In the end, he returns to his idle writing with the cell on the table before him, waiting and writing as the time passes along.


It doesn't take long, for Mignonette to find the trio of books she's been looking for. Indeed, having been out nearly five years, they come together neatly in a boxedset, which she pulls out and adds to her pile, after sliding away her cellphone for safekeeping. "Alright, that's it." She's speaking only to herself, as if she were cutting herself off, as it were. A nod, as she juggles the books, coming back out of the aisle and moving through the store to head towards the cashier's station, getting ready to queue up in line. An aggrieved sound, as she walks, and she frees an arm to touch her ear, "Yes, mother?" A pause, as the woman on the other end of the line picks up the thread of the conversation, "Yes, I saw the samples you sent over." Another pause, as she settles into the queue, attention divided between the line, and the conversation.


James sighs under his breath with a small exhale and then reaches up to rub the bridge of his nose. Still, he hasn't begun to sneeze or the like and instead pays most of his attention to his writing within the bookshop. He doesn't chew on his pen anymore and has a new one, the other within a pocket. He looks up when Mignonette comes into view and then looks aside when a man steps into the building, then he shifts back to the pad of paper and continues.


"Yes, I made an appointment with the planner for tomorrow at three. I've had to make a few additions to the guest list. I'll send them to you when I get back home tonight." Mignonette continues forward, until she's next in line, "I have to go, I'm just about to check out at the bookstore, I'll call you when I get home. Je t'aime aussi, Mere." A hand reaches back up to touch her ear, before she steps up to the next open cashier, and sets down her book to check out. That done, bag in hand, she steps away, heading towards the tables and the door.

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