A Question of Rust

Bunker's Garage and Salvage

Bunkers's Garage and Salvage sits on a rather large lot in the West Dallas neighborhood. The parking lot is small, and one spot is occupied at all times by a beat-up tow truck. Two fully equipped bays, complete with safety notices on the walls are for employees only. To the right side of the bays is an office, containing a simple desk with a grubby looking computer, and a filing cabinet. Behind the desk is a small whiteboard which lists inspection prices, and those for other services. The walls are decorated with a few small display cases where items available for sale are located.

Afternoon is settling into evening over the city, most people are on there way home from work. Save for Abbey, though she lives at the garage so this isn't to much of a surprize. At the moment Abbey is speaking to another worker, she isn't working on the car that is up on the lift but she is at least giving pointers on what needs to worked on and so forth. A large bull mastiff is laying down at the front of the open bay door chewing on a bone from the looks of it.


A small moving truck pulls up in front of the garage, settling into the open space beside the tow truck, the door opening, once the engine shuts off, and a small woman steps out, straightening her sweater, before she locks the door and starts to approach the garage. She doesn't step inside however, instead, pausing a careful distance from the large dog. "Hey there, still open?" Yes, she is speaking to the dog, but more as a way to alert it to her presence and let it hear the sound of her voice.


Abbey glances towards the sound of a truck and lifts a brow before she slowly moves towards the entrance next to where Steele is. Tilting her head Abs peers at the truck and then to the woman who stepped out. "Depends.. What do you need?" Is questioned after a moment. Steele lifts his head and looks to the new person and truck curiously.


"I'm looking to have a motorcycle rebuilt, if you can do that here. I've heard some good things about your garage." Mignonette remains standing where she is, making no move to approach the woman, or the dog. She's not stupid, "It's in the truck." A tilt of her head indicates the moving van behind her. "A Triumph T140W TSS. 1982."


Abbey ahs softly at this and then glances to Steele. "Go in the office." Is offered with a soft yet commanding tone. Steele hopes up onto his paws after a few moments, bone in his maw and he turns trodding on into the office. "Yes I can rebuild motocycles.. What sorta shape is it in?" This questioned while she moves on towards the truck. Her movement are a bit stiff and slow as if she goes. She sorta remembers this woman from the bar but can't recall a name.


"Pretty bad, I think. I'm no expert on motorcycles. There's a lot of rust, and the seat is cracked and the paint's peeling." Mignonette notes the slowness of the other woman's movements, and seems more than willing to allow her to take her time, "Let me go and open up the back." She turns, and heads back towards the back, jingling out the key that unlocked the padlock on the two part door, and pulls it open, settling in to wait until Abbey can come around. And true to her claim, it looks pretty horrible.


Abbey pauses and peers up at the truck nodding to the other, she lets a hand rest against her side as if attemping to help with some pain perhaps. "Woah.. That looks like hell rolled over on it." A glance is offered Mignonette. "So.. You looking for a full rebuilt or you want me to make sure it will be worth you time first?"


"That good, huh? I guess I made a good purchase." Mignonette's laughter is warm and bright. A shake of her head, at the last, "No, I'd like a full rebuild, I'm not bothered by the cost. My cousin's birthday's coming up in a few months, and he's always wanted one. I don't know how long it will take to get it rebuilt, but when I found it, I just…" A shrug, what could she do. "Alex's always talking about how he'd love one." And there were only ever about…what 400 made?


Abbey grins slightly and nods. "Ya.. This is gona take some work.." She glances back to the bike. "But I think I can fix it up. It might take a few months for it to get back to how it use to look. Going to take a lot of work.."


"I don't mind about the time, or the cost. And if it can't get done in time for his birthday, he'll just get it for Christmas or something, it's not like he knows about it." Which is a surprise, as that man seems to be able to find out about everything, "But I know you have other customers as well," Mignonette continues, "so I'd rather have it done right than quickly." That is to say, she's not expecting you to make anyone else wait for her order to be finished, as it were. She does, however, offer a hand, "I'm Mingonette Savoy, by the way, I don't think we were properly introduced, the last time we met."


Abbey nods at this and then looks back to the woman, for a moment she seems unsure before lifting her hand to take hold of hers for a light shake. "Abbey Wallace, nice to met you." "As for the bike.. I would love to work on it. I've rebuilt some others around the same time period as this one. An I have friends that I can get ahold of to make sure I'm doing it right. Along with finding all the parts to replace the ones for it. Will be a challenge.. But then I'm always up for them."


"A pleasure to meet you, Miss Wallace." Mignonette's handshake is firm and professional, and she looks back to the bike, "Would you like me to bring it into the garage for you?" Despite the fact that she's dressed rather nicely, she clearly doesn't seem to mind getting her hands dirty, "At the very least, i've given you something to distract you from the routine." Or one would hope, at least.


Abbey smiles and nods. "Sure.. That would be great. I would offer but its a bit hard to move at the moment." Her side is killing her as it is, the thought of trying to get a motocycle out of a truck is rather beyond her reach at the moment. "This is true. Though I do restore cars and bikes on the side. One of my best hobbies I suppose you could say."


"Not a problem at all." Mignonette steps into the truck, folding down the ramp, before she moves to unchain the bike. The trailer, not having really been built for this sort of moving, needed a bit of jury-rigging to get it to work. Once the chains are off, she starts to push the bike out, and it's slow going. The rust is not making wheel turning its friend, so to speak. Still, she puts all of her muscle into it, and slowly but surely, she starts to push it out and down the ramp, "I've never been very mechanically inclined, I have to admit. I can drive a manual. That's about the extent of my abilities."


Abbey moves back as the truck ramp is unfolded and the like. "Its rather nice to be able to make something wrong that was once unable to run.. I suppose that's why I like it." She offers with a slight shrug. "I could have picked up worse habits I suppose." This said with an amused tone.


"Quilting. Quilting is a terrible habit. Crocheting, not much better." Clearly, Mignonette has some experience with sewing circles, "I suppose that's part of what I like about practicing the law. Making things that were wrong right again. Giving life back to people who have lost it." She gets the bike all of the way out of the truck, and then stops to catch her breath. She's no Xena, Warrior Princess, but she's determined. "Into the garage then?"


Abbey grins slightly at this. "I see.." She says with an amused tone while peering curiously at Mignonette. "So your a lawyer?" This questioned while she nods. "Yes please, I don't think it should sit outside." She'll have to make sure Steele gards this thing so no one will touch it. "I take it you a on the defense side?"


Mignonette takes a deep breath, a trooper getting ready for the last hooray, as it were, but she honestly looks rather cheerful about it. "Nice to do a bit of hard work sometimes." She tilts her head this way, that, as she starts to push the bike, which is nearly as tall as she is, well, not really, but close, as she has to lean forward to get good leverage, "I do a lot of defense, yes. But I prosecute as well, mostly civil cases at the moment, but I'm hoping our client base will expand, now that the office is established. We have some good people working for us, and that helps."


Abbey nods lsightly while she listions to the other, moving into the garage and pulling a few things out of the way in the process.. Which most likely isn't a good thing. A slight cough escapes her as she leans back against a work bench. It takes her a few moments before she can speak again. "Interesting.. But I don't know very much when it comes to the law setting."


Mignonette might not be a doctor, but she can tell when someone is in pain, "You seem to be injured, perhaps I should do most of the moving, if you tell me where you want everything to do." She pauses, leaving the bike where it is, for the moment, "Do you need me to call someone?" She sets aside the talk of her profession for the moment, clearly concerned for the mechanic.


Abbey waves a hand slightly. "I'm not going to touch anything else.. An you can just put it there in the middle. Just need it in past the door." She offers softly while taking in a breath. "No, no one to call. Just me an the dog left now." Sam that had been working on the truck seems to have left as well. "I'll get the guys to move it tomorrow to the back work shop."


Mignonette nods, accepting the woman's instructions without questioning, before she pushes the bike over to the spot that's been indicated to her. Once she's finishes, she straightens, brushing off her hands as best she can, before she walks back towards Abbey, "Do you need a hospital?" With the bike delivered, well, the obvious pain the other woman seems to be in is her primary concern.


Abbey shakes her head slightly. "No.. No need for a hospital." Lie, but she isn't about to get dragged to any hospital while she's still breathing on her own. "Just pulled some muscles when I was moving stuff around yesterday." Another lie but hey, its her garage, she'll lie if she wants to! "Thanks for the concern though."


Mignonette doesn't look terribly convinced, but it's not her place to argue with the mechanic, "Alright, I'll accept you at your word." She gives her hands a final brush off on her slacks, before she nods, "Why don't I give you my contact information, and where you can send the bills. They'll be paid by my office."


Abbey tilts her head slightly while peering back at Mignonette, she can tell the other doesn't fully believe her but she's dealt with it before. A nod is seen while she picks up a piece of paper and a clipboard that has a pen attached to it with a chain and offers it to the other. "Just fill this out with all the number an so forth."


Mignonette accepts the clipboard, and begins to fill out the paperwork including all of her personal and professional contact information, as well as her business card. "Thank you for agreeing to take on the job, Miss Wallace. I know Alex will be very excited when he sees it." She hands back the clipboard, "Thank you for taking the time, so late in the evening. I should probably let you go and get your shop together." Since the shop is well, empty, she can only assume that business hours are over, or at least close to.


Abbey smiles and nods while taking hold of the clipboard and card. "Not a problem Miss. Savoy. I'll call you in a few days to give you an idea of how long its going to take and the type of deal. I need to call a few people to get some information on a few things." A smile is offered. "Its alright. I'm rather use to late nights here actually. I'm a workaholic I suppose."


"I'm almost always available, but if you can't get a hold of me, you can leave me a message with my paralegal, Desiree. She's the only one in my office who knows about the motorcycle." Mignonette offers the woman a final smile, before she steps back, "Have a good evening, Miss Wallace, I look forward to working with you." That said, she turns, to see herself out of the garage.

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