The Vicious Vampiress


March 16, 2005 - Beatrix is hindered in her attempt to feed on some homeless kids by Abbey & Jamal. She is generally displeased.


West Dallas:
West Dallas is a largely blighted area of poverty. Several geared-to-income housing projects are in the beginning stages of springing up along the streets in these neighborhoods. For the most part, the area is classified as 'industrial' and plays home to quite a few warehouses, bars and salvage yards.

Oddly enough, it is also home to the historic Belmont Hotel which rests on a beautifully landscaped bluff overlooking Oak Cliff.

There's no telling what her age is, somewhere in the early twenty's if someone was to guess. Her height is about 5'9 a bit on the tall side but nothing that abnormal. Long bright red-orange, lose spiral curls are found upon her, it flows down to her mid back and can be often found pulled into a pony tail to keep it out of the way. A few lose curls fall to either side of her cheeks, and bangs rest just a bit above her eyes.

Her clothing isn't anything un-normal. A short or long sleeved shirt can be found on her depending the day or the weather, most dark colored. Black or blue ankle length jeans are found on her lower half, they tend to be a bit snug on her hips and flow down the rest of her leg. Her foot wear also depends on the weather, or what she's doing. Sneakers or boots are her choices though. A thick leather cord rests around her neck with a pewter dragon charm upon it, the two inch charm holds within its grasping forepaws is a pale blue gem. Depending on the weather is what jacket she wears a long black leather duster or a more simple leather jacket.

Three golden studs can be found upon the edge of both ears, another silver stud found in her right eyebrow. She also has a good collection of tattoos and scars. An old small slightly jagged scar rests across her right cheek, others found elsewhere on her. Black tribal like tattoo markings curl around and then down both of her forearms to circle around her wrists in a Celtic knot work pattern. Other tattoos are unseen thanks to her clothing. Her eyes are an interesting pale icy blue color; rather eerie in a way which tends to make her stand out if anyone pays enough attention to her.


You see a woman who appears to be in her late twenties or early thirties. She extremely thin and yet very toned, giving her a fragile yet dangerous look. The woman's skin is flawless and of mixed complexion, and her long limbs give her an elegant look. Her face is very pretty, with full lips and dark eyes. She usually wears bold lipstick and dark eyeliner, and her hair is black and tends to be pulled up in a complicated fashion.

The woman is wearing a black and red dress. The dress looks almost like a modern variation of an older style, though it is hard to place the design. She often wears fingerless black gloves which leave her well manicured fingers exposed. A pair of tall high heel boots click on the ground as she walks. The woman is wearing a choker, earrings, and rings that are all silver in color and are inlayed with black stones.


Jamal is a tall, lanky young man, maybe a little awkward and not yet full grown, as evidenced by enormous hands and feet. He has rich brown skin to go with his tight-curled black hair and broad-nosed face, but his eyes are an incongruous gray-green.

He wears what he likes. Today, he likes to wear blue jeans - quite new, that look like they were trashed by a professional jeans-trasher - and a warm new sweatshirt that says 'Hard Rock, New Orleans' His shoes are also new, or at any rate clean. He's coming up in the world. He wears no jewelry except a single gold stud in one ear; he wears no watch. There is however a chain running from (presumably) a belt loop to (presumably) a back pocket, securing his (presumed) wallet to his person.


The night is rather pleasant, not too warm and not too cool. There is a slight breeze blowing through the streets, ruffling weeds and tossing scraps of litter about. For it being such a nice night there are not too many people out this evening. It seems that the denizens of this region of the city know better than to venture out after dark. There is a small group of people standing near the entrance to an alley way, one of them dressed in a manner that makes her stand out.

The person in question is Beatrix, standing in one of her usual black dresses and frowning at a couple of frightened looking teenagers. Anyone within earshot is sure to hear the woman speak, she is not quiet as she talks to the humans. In most areas she would speak in a hushed manner, but she has many clients in this part of town and wants to make an example of the two before her. “I said three fifty. You have had more than enough time to acquire the money, humans. Pay me or I will take something else from you as payment.” The two are begging with the woman for more time, but she seems less than interested in their sob-story.


Abbey is in search of her dog.. That is why she is out at the moment when she should most likely be at home nursing the busted ribs that ache as she walks along. A burning cigarette rests between her lips as her pale blue gaze slowly drifts over the area, looking for some trace of her beloved mutt. She's been up and down a few blocks and is actually on her way home. Even with the cigarette burning she can still catch the different scents on the breeze that trickles by, no sign of Steele but there is a vampire and a few humans some distance ahead. The voices come to her as she catches the last bit of what is said from the woman dressed in the black dress. Abs clothing at the moment is her normal black tshirt with her button up gray shirt over this, black jeans and boots. Even though its a cold night she doesn't find a need for a jacket. The wolf is walking ever closer towards where the ally is, her pale gaze narrowing while she lifts her head and soon pauses some distance away to just eye the vampire.


One of the teenagers tries darting past Beatrix. The woman nonchalantly grabs the human by the collar and tosses her back into the alley. "I will not be refused my payment. If I were to let you slide then my other clients may begin neglecting their dues. And yet if I simply kill you then there is no lesson learned." The woman steps forward toward the two, "But maybe if I were only to take one of you, the other would have to live with the fact that…" The vampire stops and turns suddenly, facing Abbey and raising an eyebrow. "Another one? Interesting." She grabs one of the human’s wrists as he tries to flea past her and just holds him there. She ignores him for the moment and speaks to Abbey, "There are so many of you here. I find it odd." She notices the bicyclist, but he has done nothing so far to merit a response from the vampire.


Abbey blinks as she watches Beatrix, the cigarette is thrown to the ground as she steps forward, busted ribs an all she isn't about to stand there and watch a vampire harm a human. "That's enough.." Her voice is quick, thick Irish accent picked up while her eyes narrow. "No one iskilling anyone tonight.." For all the humans know she could be another vampire. As for the biking Jamal she doesn't see him yet. "Let them go.. Now.." She states with a thin tone. One thing Abbey can't stand is a vampire trying to harm someone, it makes her madder then just about anything.


Jamal seems oblivious to the situation, at least until he comes abreast of it. But it's hard to miss things like one person casually tossing another one around, even in the dark. He slows down. He's not close enough to grab, himself.


Beatrix roughly tosses the man she’s restraining to the ground with his partner. She places her hands on her hips and frowns heavily at Abbey, “What did you just say to me you mongrel? These humans have gone bad on a deal that they made with me. They knew the consequences of doing so when they made their transaction. This is none of your business.” She makes a shooing motion with a hand, “Go eat some road kill or something.” The vampire holds up a hand as she is temporarily blinded by Jamal’s light. “And you, go home before you see something you shouldn’t.”


Abbey glowers at Beatrix, one hand balling into a fist while she takes another step forward. A slight glance is offered to the two humans and she then looks back to the vampire. Perhaps the humans can run off with Beatrix's attention upon her and who ever is behind her. "Only way I'll leave now is if you make me leave.." Which at the moment won't be that hard actually. "I don't care what matter they have with ye. Yer not going to harm them when I'm around." Her anger is kept in check to a certain degree now. She knows she can't go shifting into her wolf form after all, not many witnesses around at the moment.


Jamal reaches to tilt his light right up at Beatrix's face. "Hey. Yo. Vampiah lady. I know dis a sanctuary city an' all dat, but I's pretty sho' dat loan-sharkin's illegal no mattah who you ah." He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a cell phone. "Way I see it, you c'n let dem go, o' you c'n see what you gonna tell de p'lice when dey show up."


Beatrix huffs at Abbey, “Really? You would really oppose one of my people alone? I thought that your kind always worked in groups. I’m surprised to see that you’re capable of making such decisions without a pack behind you.” She covers her eyes again and glares at Jamal, “That is just stupid. Why on earth would you try and piss me off? Do you really think you could dial that phone before I snatch it out of your hand?” While she has her little tiff with the two confronters the humans have managed to sneak around behind the vampire. They dart off down the street, too far away by the time Beatrix realizes what has happened for the vampire to do anything. “DAMMIT! You have cost me my meal, beast.” She points menacingly at Abbey. “If I was fond of animal blood I would take you as a replacement.” She glares over at Jamal, “Or perhaps you.”


Abbey smirks faintly as she hears Beatrix talk about the pack, one thing that is and will always be a thorn in her side it seems. "Not all of us do." She is careful to what she says, humans around after all. Her gaze drifts to the fleeing humans, hopfully they will keep running, right out of the city at this rate. A simple chuckle escapes her and she lifts her arms opening her hands to just grin at Beatrix. "Aww.. So sorry.. Did I do that?" She questions with a shake of her head. "Kid.. I suggest you leave while you still can." This is offered to Jamal, she doesn't have to look back at him yet. "You don't scare me.." This said after the menacingly points she gets from the vampire.


Beatrix is seething right now. Though it is not typical for most vampires to display their emotions so blatantly, this one seems to have difficulty controlling her rage. “Shut your trap you filthy beast!” She narrows her eyes and ponders for a moment. Killing a few street-rats that owed her money could be overlooked, but killing a werewolf could lead to a dispute between the vampires and werewolves. She turns to regard Jamal and sees him vanish. “What!? And that accent.” She reaches into a pocket in her dress and pulls out a small pouch of something. “What is this?” She sprinkles a red powder around her in a circle. “Show yourself!” She seems to assume that the man is planning some sort of sneak attack.


Abbey ehs softly and just smirks while watching Beatrix. "Right.. i don't have to lisiton to you last time I checked." This said with a soft tone, she finds herself rather amused as how mad the vampire is getting. She tilts her head and looks towards where Jamal was, well once was. She blinks at the sight while lifting her head and watches as the light starts to move away. "What the fuck.." Escapes her.


Beatrix remains on guard for a few minutes until she is certain that Jamal really has left the area. She remains within her circle of brick dust just in case. “What is with this city? I have seen more non-humans in the few weeks since I’ve come here than I usually do in fifty years.” She shakes her head and looks back at Abbey. “See here, creature. I will spare you this one time to keep the peace between our races, but if you interfere with my business again I will hunt down those most beloved to you.”


Abbey looks back to Beatrix and just smirks while watching her. "Lucky me.. I don't have anyone that close then." She states with a thin tone. Well that's not fully true, she has feelings for some but there is no reason to bring that up now. "This is my block leech.. I roam here at night. You think about hurting someone here and I'll known.. If you touch a human again in that manner I'll be after you.. Got that?" She states with a thin tone. Her side aches dully, but her ability to deal with pain is coming in handy right now.


Beatrix outright laughs at Abbey. “Well, I’ll keep that in mind. The wolf that holds no one dear to her wants to protect everyone in her territory.” She smirks, “Well a word of advice. If you decide you want to try and take me down for protecting my own interests, you may want to try not doing it alone.” She holds up a hand and surveys her nails, “I’ve read in the paper that there’s a wolf attacking the humans in this city. You know anything about that? I suppose I could just take you out and pretend you were that wolf.” She smiles again at Abbey, “But what’s the fun in that?”


Abbey shrugs slightly. "I protect what I feel like protecting." She doesn't know anyone on the street, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't do this again and look death in the face once more. "I don't know the wolf.. An you could try to. Your find I'm not that easy to kill though for being a wolf." A faint smirk is all that is offered to Beatrix. Needless to say Abs isn't worried about Beatrix, if she spreads lies she spreads lies but that won't change how Abbey feels on the matter at hand.


Beatrix rolls her eyes at the wolf and sighs. “Right, your kind is always so difficult to kill. That’s why I’ve never had trouble in the past. I’ve heard it all before.” She takes a thorough look around before deciding that Jamal really is gone. She finally steps outside of her protective ring and heading in the general direction her prey had fled. “Thanks to you I may end up having to settle for something less satisfying tonight.”


Abbey watches Beatrix a few moments as the other tends to leave. "Not every wolf is the same." She points out with a faint tone. "An i'm glad.." This said with a shake of her head while she starts to move off, heading in the opposite way from the dear vampire. Abs knows she mad the other rather mad, though this is something that she is rather use to doing to say the least. Won't be the last time either if there meetings are always like this.

~ Fin ~

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