University Park
It's a clear night, and only just night, the dark sweeping skies of Dallas are untouched by cloud. Even here in the sleepy suburbs, the twinkle of stars can be seen.
Utilising those quiet, measured steps that are his wont, William Grant covers ground with gentle and idle ease. Dressed darkly, tee and jeans, the King of Texas is travelling with another. His voice, when it comes, is gentle and pleasant. "Thus, it is necessary for you to learn the full pleasantries, for when I introduce you to others. We shall have you able to play the part of the perfect little lady, though I understand you do not necessarily wish to. It is necessary for you to be able to play that part to function in society." Immortal society, that is.
"I got the ball that lets you reach for the sky! I got the ball that lets you fly fly fly~ o/‘" In bounces Ronnie on her hot pink and purple Pogo Ball. She’s coordinated it tonight with her outfit. A hot pink, off the shoulder top that goes to her knees. It's wrapped around the waist with two black leather studded belts. Purple spandex are on her legs, with multi-colored slouchy socks squished down toward her ankles. "HIGHER AND HIGHER!!! I'm the Pogo Ball Master!" The little disc-and-ball combo bounce along beside him. "Pogo ball is what'cha call it when you're rockin' and a rollin' everywhere…"
Ronnie's song is cut off by having to listen to King Wil Wheaton. She hops off her wonderful toy, and stares at him blankly. "I'm like, so totally not dressed to be a lady. Did'ja bring me any bunnies?"
And lastly, a puff of smoke announces Josephine's arrival, since the money ran out again and a cab fair is but a dream best not dwelled upon. A deep intake of air can be heard as she braces herself to pass the others. She's looking down, not in the mood for merry encounters and empty smalltalk. Or muggers. Hooligans. Anyone.
Will blithely ignores Ronnie's singing, though shoots a faintly bemused look her way. "Once we have completed our little mission, then I shall take you to be measured for a dress. Then we shall work on etiquette, manners and general deportment. Perform well, and the rabbits shall be provided." Bribery? On a teenager? Surely not!
His attention shifts though, as a familiar scent touches his nose. "Josephine," he says, with a faint surprise filtering into his tone. He stops in place, turning towards the reporter "I was heading to your home just now. I have something for you." Indeed he does, an envelope (complete with a fairly hefty sum of money in check format within) addressed to 'Susie-Q'. It draws forth from a pocket, held out for her.
"YEeeeuch! I don't want a dress. I like, totally like my clothes!" Ronnie is about to protest when she spots a very moody looking person as Wil Wheaton calls out her name. Whereupon, she decidedly takes her pogo ball and hides behind Will. "She totally doesn't look like a bunny," she mutters at him. "Bet she tastes like swamp." To poor Ronnie, every human tastes much that way. "Whhhhy can't you like just accept who I am? I don't wanna fit in a neat'n' tidy square peg!"
Josephine's cool is shattered crudely when her name is spoken, then when she recognizes the speaker. The smoke she just inhaled finds itself locked down a little too long for comforts and the woman coughs her irritation away. Tries to at least. "You're joking, right," she still manages, hiding her mouth behind the hand with the cigarette, wary eyes shifting to the person behind Will, or as much of her as she can make out. Uneasilly, she casts a wider glance. Hooligans wouldn't be such a bad treat all of a sudden.
"Because square pegs are those who live under the radar, who do not receive trouble from others," says Will, idly, and somewhat distracted. "Your eventual peg shape matters not to me, simply the ability to pretend to be that square peg." The smile he releases upon Josephine is not unfriendly, quite the opposite. Open and pleasant. "I have determined that perhaps I treated you harshly. Please accept this gift with no strings, in return for your assistance. You realise, you could have just asked? Creedence? Is that the correct pronunciation?"
"But I'm not good at make-believe," says Ronnie, nose wrinkling. "Please don't make me do it, King Wil Wheaton?" The teenaged vampire gives him the most pitiful puppy-eyes, regular tears welling up in her eyes. Since she's summarily being ignored, the pogo ball is dropped and she starts hopping up and down on it again. Most vampires move very little. Ronnie enjoys moving. Then again, there's a great deal of the time where she doesn't even recall she's a vampire. As she hops she sings one of her more famous songs, not even aware that she's doing it.
"Y'think…" Jo rolls her eyes at Will. She yet has to move to take the envelope from him and he can likely wait for it some more since the woman practically freezes at his mention of Creedence. "Oh." A little more white shows in her eyes, telling them that now she knows that he knows that… Ronnie's continued singing sparks a note of confusion though and the hand with the cigarette is lowered to indicate the woman, the reporter shaking her head questioningly.
"Not an option, unfortunately," Will tells Ronnie. "It has fallen to me to teach you the proper way to comport yourself, therefore we shall teach you to act it. It may take time, but we both have that, yes?" He does not bother to watch her, trusting to her movement to leave him plenty of opportunity to stop her should it become necessary.
"A damaged youngling, I am attempting to bring into society proper," he tells Josephine, by way of explanation. Not bothering to show sympathy or dislike, or any emotion at all. "You are hardly the first to seek information on me. You have questions? I may not answer them, but at least you will have opportunity to ask."
Ronnie knows the rules enough to not disturb King Wil Wheaton while he's conducting business. Yet! She pogo ball's her way over to Josephine. Using the little device to hop around the woman, peering at her curiously. When she pogo's over to Josephine, her movements are alarmingly fast. Think, vampire running, but on a bouncy ball with a disc around it. "M'not totally damaged, y'know. Not my fault you all think it's the wrong year." Ronnie rolls her eyes at Will, then sticks her tongue out when she thinks he's not looking. "HiI'mRonnienicetomeetcha!"
Still clinging to wounded pride, Josephine glares at Will, "Now there's a change of heart," which she clearly isn't buying. But then there's Ronnie and she can't help but stare, a roqgue chuckle escaping. "Hi… Ronnienicetomeetcha…?" There's not a sliver of recognition to be found on her face, or in the drag she takes.
"There is some confusion as to the exact date," say Wills, a vaguely warning glance shot towards Josephine, as if to suggest talking about it would be A Bad Thing. "Indeed, there has been a change of heart. In the interests of good will, I have decided to give you benefit of the doubt. So hard to believe?" Completely immobile, expression impassive and voice to match. "Ronnie here is under my wing for the moment."
"Nononono! Just Ronnie!" She shoots her hand out, while still hopping around the older woman. Then rethinks it and draws it back. A curt nod is offered instead. "Dude! It's nineteen-eighty-five! Gawd!" The bouncing suddenly stops. Both feet are on the ground. Hands clasped over her mouth. "Don't like, blow a fuse or anything, please? I totally just forgot!" Her lip wibbles, and she starts to tear up again. "Pleasedontkillme!"
"Given past experiences with you, hell yes." Josephine's bemused smirk at Ronnie loses a little mirth, but she's not exactly walking away in a huff, which says more then either would probably even guess. "But…" Ronnie's crying has her easing back /just/ a little bit. "Maybe you, ehm, should be, ehm, you know?" Not taking her eyes of the woman, she wiggles a hand to her.
"Ronnie," says Will, allowing a hint of stern paternity into his voice for a moment. "Here, please. We have discussed this, and we are currently in public. First error of the evening." Three allowed before sanctions are enforced. Apparently able to flick straight back to Josephine, he allows a momentary smile to touch his lips, friendly again. "Paranoia does not suit you, Josephine. I have offered an olive branch. To cast it aside would be your choice, your decision to sever potential for congeniality between us."
Real tears, not tears of blood drift down her cheeks. Wiping them away quickly, Ronnie hangs her head. She takes only enough time to grab her pogo ball before she's back over at King Wil Wheaton's side. "I like, totally said I was sorry!" A look is given to Josephine, "And I'm like totally right here. Please don't talk like I can't hear you, it's kind'a rude-to-the-max." Frowning, she looks at Will. "I need a bunny. Or a bottle'a that stuff. My tummy's getting all knotted up."
A final drag from her cigarette before Josephine flicks it away, leaving a last puff of the cheap, nasty smell to be exhaled. All the while eyeing one, then the other. Doubtfully so. "Right… Ronnie," she nods at last. "Totally." Just a little dry. The woman frowns, running the back of her hand over a corner of her mouth and returns her attention back to Will, "Did you… Did you read the article, or something? Is that's what this is about?"
"Manners," Will reproves mildly, to Ronnie, though he doesn't bother taking his eyes from Josephine. "The apology is noted, and accepted, though the strike stands. We shall locate you some synthetic blood in short order." Slowly, he shakes his head for Josephine. "I have never read an article written by you. I assume you have been somewhat unpleasant about me?"
"Right," Ronnie says looking at Josephine. "It's like, bad manners and stuff." She beams a proud smile at Will. See? She can totally learn new things. "What happens with three strikes again?" Three fingers are held up, questioningly. "I'd rather have a bunny. It'd help control the evil in the world, y'know?"
The starting outrage narrowing Josephine's eyes proves she misunderstood Will's words, but she quickly swallows her protest over not apologizing. She clears her throat instead, fingers already searching for that packet and lighter in her pocket. "There you go again," she mutters darkly, lowering her face to find some solace in the little shade she finds - though they can both probably see the chastizing grimace just fine. "Not everything is about you, Will Grant, not in my world at least." She snorts, "Now if you ask Chloe…"
The elder vampire turns his head, slowly, to regard Ronnie with a penetrating stare. "Three means no MTV for a week," he says, levelly. "Synthetic only tonight, for forgetting the rules. You must learn moderation." Attention flicks back again, along with face and eyes, a slow touch of humour lifting one corner of Will's lips. "You have been researching me with no small measure of effort. I simply wished to know if you have been writing about. Is that so hard to understand?" Innocence itself. "Something wrong? I have somehow again offended your delicate sensibilities? I thought reporters were thicker of skin."
"I'll be good," Ronnie replies, quite contritely. "No more strikes. But… there's a million jillion evil bunnies. Do I really like, have to moderate on those?" Her head tilts curiously. While it looks like she's not paying attention to the other conversation, she'll likely be able to repeat it verbatim later on. "Researching? Are you a super star?"
SO busy lighting a cigarette, Josephine can't answer quite that quickly, which in the end leaves her with time to chuckle softly at Ronnie's last remark, amusement twinkling in the green eyes as she looks up again. "If you knew that much, you must've had someone fill you in about the rest, neh." The woman nibbles on her lip as she shifts her eyes between the two of them. "So you're serious? Will you tell me all about what went down that night at the warehouse then."
"You must moderate on all aspects of life," says Will to Ronnie. "It is the only means by which you will maintain your humanity throughout the ages. Bunnies included." Delivered deadpan, though it's hard to tell if he means to be amusing or not. His smile waxes amused. "Informants are not perfect. I do not make a habit of spying, rather seeing when others are attempting to spy upon me. I will not tell you what occured, nor will any other. Do you have a question you think I may be able to answer?"
Ronnie is sulking just a little. "B-but! Bunnies are evil! Cases of evil have been up ninety-five percent in the city since bunnies came here!" She looks appalled that she'll have to moderate on eating them. She looks at Josephine once more and tilts her head curiously. "Warehouse?"
Maybe Josephine was expecting his answer, since her smirk comes quickly, the disappointed shake of her head accompanying it. "See, that's a bit short for an olive branch, neh," her alto mocks. "Try again an- For fuck's sake, give the girl a bunny already!" Turning to the woman, she states, pointing a finger in the more-or-less-right direction even, "Ronnie, there's a petting zoo in the park. Knock yourself out. Go. Go!"
"Ronnie," says Will, simply a warning note threading through his tone. A warning note that suggests the petting zoo would be A Bad Idea. Good old fatherly voice, before he switches back to business. "You are well aware that I would not. What do you possibly feel you would gain from knowing? Will you allow me to speak off the record?"
"Oh nono. Not the park." Ronnie shakes her head rather vehemently. "Coco said that they don't like you eating park bunnies, even if they're evil. They're too hard to burn or bury the sin away there anyhow." Hence the bubbled grave near the water front. "I can wait for the syntha-whatever. At least it doesn't taste like swamp." She glances at Wil Wheaton curiously. "Y'know, there's this totally kickin' nightclub here named the Warehouse. They only play dance music though." Bleh. Totally not her style. "But the lights are awesome."
"Yes off the record," Josephine's head snaps back to Will, her frustration easy to detect even if they weren't listening to the tightness of her voice. "What did you think I was talking about. What did you think I was trying to find out, 'king'." Snap back to Ronnie, "Go there, then." Snap back to Will, "I told you earlier, I /killed/ for you. Least you could do is fuckin' tell me why?!" Cigarette to lips, inhale… Exhale.
"Perhaps at the weekend, if you successfully manage the week without three strikes in one evening," says Will, gently. "Once you have mastered the art of acting within society, then you will be able to go whenever you wish." Patience of a saint, it seems, at least by the gentle but firm tone he's taking with Ronnie. For Josephine, he allows a slow nod. "Then you shall know this. The group that assaulted the Unity Day celebration comprised of both vampires and humans. That group was dissolved as a result of discussions that occured in the warehouse that evening. The group in question no longer existed before a rogue element caused the explosion. The rogue element died within the explosion, so the matter was solved."
"Huh? Woah! I totally don't want to go there! Too much dance music." Bleh. A face is made, then Ronnie turns to Will in a quite sincerely, questioning manner. "Your human friend is starting to sound like an evil bunny. She should maybe take a chill pill or something, 'cuz it's totally not rad of her to be treating me like a lesser being just 'cuz she's super pissed at you. I hate evil bunnies."
Josephine plucks a bit of tobacco from her tongue and tilts her head, frowning her disbelief at Ronnie, then her doubt at Will, "And all that right before you got a promotion… You know," she shrugs mildly, trying /so/ hard to make it look like she doesn't care, "You two have fun tonight, okay. Find some bunnies. Or sanity pills. And when you feel like sharing the truth? Apparently you know where I'm staying." Already she's looking for the best way to round them in order to be on her way.
"Ronnie does have a point," Will says, mildly. "Manners would be appreciated by all." He does not move, simply staring at Josephine, and lifting a hand as if to silence Ronnie. "Quite where did you gain the impression I received a 'promotion'?" he wonders. He maintains a stoic politeness himself, though an impassive one. "Your aggression and poor attitude in the face of honest truth and offers of nicety speaks ill of you. I will ask you to cease your investigation into my person and private affairs."
Hey! Ronnie has a point! That in and of itself is enough to stun her to silence. She fidgets with the pogo ball, but doesn't drop it and start hopping again. Instead, she just opens her mouth to mention King Wil Wheaton. Before speaking, she closes it again. Snapping her fangs down onto her lip. Extended fangs because she's starving. Someone forgot to eat before leaving the hotel tonight.
"Mmh, and what do you call twisting the truth. Necesary evil?" Josephine smiles, "A bunny, maybe." Since Will lifts a hand, she'll choose Ronnie's side to pass, the boots hitting a small stone since she's keeping her eyes firmly on them, not the path. It disappears into the bushes nearby, making a rustling noise. Much like a small animal might make. Alright, one last remark then, just to make her feel better, "People talk, Grant…"
"Ronnie, do not move," Will says, quiet and level. The King of Texas turns now, following Josephine with an expressionless stare that shifts, as subtle movements bring him to a ready stance, all eight hundred years of murder and death burning into a dark and vicious smile. "You should be commended for raising my ire, little mortal. Your inability to read between lines continues to stagger me. I have given you fair warning. Come, child." The last for Ronnie, as the ancient creature turns with impossible and inhuman grace, light and silent steps moving him away.
There is not even a twitch as she's given the order. The one thing Ronnie has learned in the last thirty-odd years was that when the Royals take that tone, it means business. So the 80's punker-girl just stands there like a day-glo statue in the middle of the sidewalk. There is no move, nothing until she's told to come much like a puppy. At that point, Ronnie follows along. She does well to keep from speaking her mind to Josephine, so it's quietly that she drops her pogo ball and hops along behind King Wil Wheaton.