Bunny Hop

Glencoe Park

Darkness covers the playground, with it a misty fog. Makes it hard to see, but it also means that the park is mostly deserted. Deserted parks make for the best hunting in the world. The seesaws tip to one side or another, seemingly on their own. Really, it's all done by the alarming speed of a slightly nutso vampire who's having fun out here all by herself. The merry-go-round spins and whirs, the swings squeak back and forth.

Somewhere in the midst of all this is a blur of black and red. A calm outfit by Ronnie's standards. Red plaid skirt, big black studded belt. Thin netted black shirt over a crop-top, with red lacy gloves on her hands. As she zooms through the park, she sings to herself. "Little bunny foo foo was hoppin' through the forest, scoopin' up them field mice, and boppin'em on the head."


Chilly, for this time of year, really. Well, maybe not excessively. Maybe it's just the fog. Regardless, Corey can't help but think he should've worn his jacket. The light cloth of his shirt just doesn't seem quite enough. Still, he's not in a bad mood. Not spooked by anything, particularly. Indeed, it seems he's not out for anything more pressing than an evening stroll. His footsteps take him into the park, through the fog, heavy work boots sounding clearly on the path that winds its way through the grass.
As he happens upon the playground, his steps slow. "Huhn," comes the soft grunt as he notes the movement of the play apparatus. The red and black blur isn't immediately registered, but it draws his attention quickly enough. Particularly with childhood song to accompany it.
Okay. That borders on spooky. Though Corey Coleman's not much given to being spooked.
A pause. A thought. His voice calls out clearly, "Nice night, huh?"


Screeching to a halt, Ronnie stands there. There is a very large picnic basket in her hands. One that seems to be struggling to get away from her. "It's like, always a nice night." The vampire would say that even in the dead of winter. Mostly, days just sort of blur for her. She spins around, trying to get a good look at the person who is speaking to her, and then does a double-take. "Woah! Total babe-o-rama!" The distraction very nearly causes her to lose her grip on the basket, but she gives it a firm look. "No, you can't come out. Stupid evil creatures. You need to be dealt with."

She seems to be moving quite a bit, and she's suddenly right up beside the man. Lashes batting, expression all cutesy. "Are you out here alone, Mister?"


"No," Corey responds lightly, giving the woman a broad, charming smile. It's an automatic response. The dame's a bit freaky. Given the Great Revelation, it's not all that hard to leap to a reasonable conclusion about her. Freaky Madonna-the-early-years throwback combined with crazy spinning playground toys and hell in a handbasket… Yeah. That practically screams vampire.
"After all," he continues, "you're here, aren't you?" So, he can't really say he's alone.


Crazy, loopy, freaky… all very good words to describe Ronnie. Rapping her knuckles on the basket, she wanders around the man in a slow, scrutinizing circle. "Gotta say, I'm like, totally loving Dallas!" Stopping in front of him, she whisks the basket behind her back and shoots him an alarmingly bright, fangless smile. "That's true! I'm totally here too. I like, forgot I was." Beat. "So, what'cha doin' out here all by your lonesome 'cept for me. Guy like you? You totally remind me of the drummer from this band. He was a babe too. Same sort of attitude. Wonder what happened to him? Anyway, you should like, totally have a date."


"Ehhhh!" Corey gives a friendly, scoffing shrug. He tosses a hand lightly in the air across the air between them, emphasizing it. "I don't date much," he says, still grinning. Yeah. The guy's totally playing the confident game, now.
Loopy vampire. Do not show throat.
Indeed, as she circles him, he watches her, turning his head, quickly shifting to the other side when she moves around too far. "Anyway, like I said. Nice night. Seemed good for a walk." Or something like that.
Another beat.
"So… why you here? Figure a girl like you'd be out clubbing, instead."


"Ridding the world of evil," Ronnie answers quite cheerfully. The basket is whipped around to the front, much to the chagrin of its inhabitants. One pops its head up for a moment, long white ears easily being seen. "Gah! No! Totally not cool, you guys. Get in there and settle down!" Bopping the basket a few times with a gentle fist, she grins at him. "Thhhhheeeeey tend to like, really not want me in the clubs. Mary's is cool, but it's just way not my scene. Too old." She would be right at home in an 80's club, but she's not yet found one in Dallas.

"Wanna like, know a secret? I don't date much either. I don't think Wil Wheaton would like it at all if I came back with a boy."


"Wil Wheaton, huh?" Corey responds. "Yeah. Wouldn't wanna compete with that." Are those rabbits in her basket? What the hell is the crazy vampire doing with a bunch of fluffy bunnies?
And does he really want to know the answer badly enough to ask?
"Don't think I've heard of Mary's," he says conversationally, still eying that basket. "But, then, I'm kinda new to the city. Haven't hit all the hotspots, yet." That's his story and he's sticking to it.


"Oh, silly! Wil Wheaton is totally not my boyfriend. He's my ward." Ronnie blinks twice. "I mean, I'm his ward." That sounds better. It makes sense in her head at the very least. "Mary's is the vampy bar. It's cool'n' all, but it's just a bit passe. Very vampy, not a whole lot of good tunes." She begins to sing one of her old songs under her breath, and then twirls around.

"Y'like my basket? It's totally cool, right? Best way to collect the evil and get rid of the sin."


Corey blinks a little, somewhat nonplussed. Still, his smile is broad and if his brows seem a little creased in confusion… well, doubtless the vampire's used to it. If she even registers it at all.
"Yeah, it's a… cool basket," he offers after a moment. Evil and sin? And fluffy bunnies.
Another beat.
"Okay, I'll bite," he says. And then, a hand comes up, waving the comment off. "Well, not literally. Still…" He peers at her. "What, exactly, is in that basket?" His tone has that rising cadence that can sometimes be loosely translated as: 'did you just say what I think you said?' and 'is there a reason that makes absolutely no sense?'


Ronnie is so used to being looked at with a confused expression, that she just deems that it's someone's normal expression. "I know, right? It's way cool. Look," she says, yanking a piece of material out the edge of it. "Matches my skirt!" She's an eerily coordinated vampire, even if she's off her rocker.

There's a pout. "Aww, you like, totally had me going there, babe. I thought you might like, actually bite!" He's asking after the basket though, and she releases it so she can clap her hands. It's only by her vampiric speed that she's able to catch the basket before it hits the ground and releases her dinner. Carefully, she opens the latch, pulling out one of the fluffy white bunnies. "Evil bunnies. They're trying to take over the world. So I totally snack on them instead of humans, 'cuz humans aren't as evil."


Corey's brows rise and the smile goes from I'm-trying-so-hard-to-be-polite-and-friendly to WTF for a brief moment. "Uhhh… Bunnies. Bunnies are good," he decides. "Good choice, that." By then, the smile has returned, albeit it's twisted wryly.
To say he's human would be inaccurate. But as a shifter in human form, there's really no difference. And, besides. Even if he did transform, he's willing to bet a vampire could still take him. A were, he's not. No additional power-ups for this boy.
Not that even that would necessarily make all that great a difference.
"Have as many bunnies as you'd like…"


"I have to." Ronnie nods at that, shoving the bunny back into her basket. "They're going to take over the world if I don't. You know, they're evil, right? Every little thing they do… and then they procreate so much. They're kind'a like tribbles that way." Securing the basket lid, she flashes her fangs at the man, though it's entirely playful. "Woah, dude! Don't sweat it. Humans taste like swamp anyhow. They really do. I avoid eating them."

Even so, she watches the rather good-looking man for a moment or two longer. Almost as though she's considering making an exception. Then she grins grimly. "But you're not really a people, are you? You totally like, don't have this people vibe."


Corey arches a brow, now. That wry smile's still there, but if he seems a trifle more wary, perhaps it's to be expected. Shifting his weight some, his shoulders straighten and he eyes her. "Oh, I'm totally people," he responds.
The freak vamp must be contagious.
"Why wouldn't you think I'm people?"
He'll have to work on that…


"It's the vibe. It's totally the vibe."

Ronnie eyes him for a long while, trying to put her finger on it. A little sniffly motion is made with her nose, wrinkling it up slightly. "You're not one'a me, and you totally don't smell like Coco. Therefore, you're not a people." Stoutnod at that. "But that's totally rad. I'm really not fussy who I make friends with. Wil Wheaton said I should like, try to find a job, but I'm not really well suited for anything. So I generally just collect bunnies, and make friends. I ran into Jannie. I didn't know she was in Dallas either, that was a fun night."


Friends. She wants to be friends… Oh, how exciting.
God knows he could find it exciting before the end.
Corey offers a brief chuckle. "Who's Coco?" he dares to ask. "And, I can't say I've met Jannie…"
Big place, Dallas is.
Still, he doesn't really think the vamp's much suited to a job, either. Except maybe as a circus funhouse hawker. That oughta be good for her. 'Come one, come all… see the bunnies… before they're gone.'


All bunnies must die. It's a mantra. A creed. They're evil, vile little hoppy creatures. Twitchy noses, and floppy ears. Euuuch.

"Coco gave me skates." Ronnie can't recall much more than that, other than burying a bunny after draining it dry. "Jannie's like, way cool. She's the bomb." Totally the bomb. Only slightly more sane than Ronnie is. "I'm Ronnie, by the way. Nice to meet'cha!"


Then no doubt, had Ronnie watched BTVS, she'd have decided Anya had it right. And, really… aren't most people on the face of the planet at least slightly more sane than this vampire seems to be? Really…
That lopsided, somewhat-nonplussed smile stays on Corey's features. But, his Daddy told him to be polite. "Pleased to meetcha, Ronnie," he says, rocking a little on his heels.
Another beat.
Be polite, Coleman.
"I'm Corey. Hi."


Modern television programs might just make her even more loopy, or throw things at people. Ronnie just grins, oblivious to the man's thoughts. "Am I like, putting you ill at ease or something? I mean, I can totally go. I don't wanna hold you up or eat you or anything." Her voice falls just a notch, like she's upset he'd think she'd be so crass.

"Corey. Corey's an easy name! I can remember that one. Hi, Corey! You're hot, y'know that? Why don't I remember guys looking like you?"


Gives a small, slow shake of his head. "I really couldn't say," he says… answering pretty much everything she's said with just that one statement. Brett would be so proud. "But, yeah. I imagine it's an easy enough name." He flashes another one of those farmboy grins. "I've never had trouble remembering it, anyway."
And, anyway, weren't there all sorts of actors in the 80's named Corey?


"So which one are you? 'cuz I totally gotta say, you're likely hotter than both." Ronnie holds up two fingers, then shrugs. Just Corey will work fine. "I like the name." Gently opening the basket, she yanks out a bunny by the ears and offers it out to him. "Well whichever you are, you're like, totally a cool guy, Corey. I like that you haven't run away, or tried to tell me that it's the wrong year. Stupid people like to mess with me, but I know they're wrong."


"Ah!" Again, there's that modest shrug and dismissive wave. "You just be yourself," Corey smiles. "Nobody's got the right to ask you do be different." Because, really? Who's gonna change her?
"But, I'm not an actor," he tells her, not actually sure what will register with her in the long run and what won't. "I work in construction. Build stuff."
Not really knowing what else to do, he takes the bunny from her, catching it beneath it's hind legs and under its chest. He looks at it a moment, feeling its rapid heart pounding in its thin chest.
Needless to say, it's not really convinced that the man holding it is actually any better than the vampire. Had it human reasoning, it would no doubt compare them as frying pan and fire.


"Oooh! I really like you, Corey! That's like, an awesome philosophy! I tried telling Rob Lowe that once, but he packaged me off and shipped me here." King Rob-somethingorother. Just like Wil Wheaton is King Will-somethingorother. Ronnie royally sucks at remembering names. They're most definitely not her forte.

"You're right. You're not. You're way better looking than either of those two dweebs." Hot they may have been for their time, teen heartthrobs even, but totally not Ronnie's style. "You can keep him. He's the least evil one. Maybe you'll have like, better luck reforming him than I did. But you'll need to build him a cage or something, otherwise, he'll totally get out and I'll have to nab him again."


Maybe it's the daredevil in Corey. Or maybe it's just that the crazy Madonna-the-early-years freak is just that amusing. Whatever the case, he decides he actually might just be okay with this particular vampire. Thus, he carefully, tucks the cringing rabbit under his arm, securing it against his body with a strong, yet gentle grip.
"I can t— absolutely do that," he says with a smile.
No. He will not say 'Totally'. Totally not.
"I'm good at building stuff."


"I know, you said that's what you totally do for a living, right? I mean, that's way cool. It'll have a chance at redemption, not like the evil ones in the basket." Ronnie does sometimes feel bad for some bunnies. Not all of them though.

The basket starts to struggle again, and she hefts it up easily. "Be good or I'll eat you now instead of taking you home and putting you in the hutch for later. You know I'll do it." Another little bop is given to the basket, and she giggles. "You're totally tubular, Corey. Thanks!"


Corey flashes a grin, now, free hand coming over the poor rabbit's head to absently scritch it between the ears. Maybe he can soothe it? He doubts it. It's heart is still pounding and he'd swear, if asked, that it actually flinches when Ronnie raps the basket.
"You're welcome," he replies, not really certain what else to say. His lopsided smile is less WTF and more 'ah, what the hell… you only live once,' now.
"So. Uh. You live around here? Or is this just the best place to dig up evil fluffy bunnies?"


Had Ronnie a heart, she'd likely feel just awful for the critter. Once upon a time, she really would have. These days? Well they taste better than people, and that's what matters. She's controlling the bunny population of Dallas, and no one can fault her for that!

"I guess. Well not like, right around here. I've got a suite at the Hotel Carmilla. It's pretty nice. It's got a movie theater sized screen and it plays MTV all night long!" In this case, MTV is really VH1, because MTV rarely shows music videos any longer. "Wil Wheaton got me the room. I think I creeped him out a little and he didn't like, want me staying at his estate."


"Geez, can't beat that," Corey smiles. 'Course, given his choice, if he had a screen that big, he'd have the latest action blockbuster on it… or video games. Video games could be fun.
Not, mind, that he plays them all that much.
"I'm sure Wil's a busy guy. So, you know, probably for the best. And you can keep up on the latest music. Not too shabby, right?"


"I know, right? It's totally awesome! I can't wait to hear the new Mr. Mister song!" Ronnie bops around, dancing to the music that only she can hear. Then she stops in front of him and smiles. "I'd invite you over to check it out, but I get the feeling you'd way not feel comfortable in a vampire hotel, and you'd probably think I'm trying to bite you, which I'm not." Since really, if she wanted to bite him, she could have done it quickly and without his knowledge, thanks to glamouring and all that jazz.


Yeah. Corey eventually came to that conclusion. Especially with the whole spooky playground thing earlier. Not stupid, this boy. Just a little slow on the up-take, occasionally.
"Yeah," he says aloud. "You're kinda the first vampire I've ever met." He gives her his most winning smile as he says it. According to the various PSAs he's seen, though, she's also quite likely the craziest vampire he could hope to meet. Hope being the operative word. He actually doesn't want to meet crazier. Then things actually could get messy. At least Ronnie's got a good enough grasp on reality to keep her friendly.
Though, on the bright side, he'd probably not be around to help with the clean up, had he met someone unfriendly.
"And, I don't think you're trying to bite me. 'Sides, you got bunnies, right?" He hefts the little guy along his arm, much to its chagrin. "But, y'gotta figure. If I've not any vampires before, I'd probably not really fit in at the vampire hotel. One step at a time, right? First, the PSAs, then a vampire friend, and then later you find out where they hang and who they hang with, right?" He puts on a not-quite-serious and officious expression. "There's a sequence to these things. Just like putting up a house. First the basement, then the walls, and then you get to move in."


"I never had a house," Ronnie laments. Probably a good thing, since the poor house would be over run with bunnies for her to eat come wake-up time. "Ooh! I hope I'm not like, making a bad impression. Wil Wheaton told me not to make bad impressions on people, or I wouldn't get any more MTV." MTV and bunnies get taken away from her if she doesn't behave, and she most certainly doesn't like that at all.

"If you ever meet Wil Wheaton, please tell him I was good? He's not the type of guy you ever really want to upset." Should Will Grant get upset at her, she'll be sent off again, and Dallas is so much nicer than the last city she was in.

"Bunnies! Right! I don't eat humans, I totally swear I don't. I tried one once, and I didn't like it at all. But that was before there was synthetic stuff too. You know that stuff only tastes good cold?"


"Cold." Corey blinks. "Really. Who knew?" He certainly didn't.
Still, he gives her some reassurance. "Yeah, well, if I ever do meet Wil, and I probably won't, you don't need to worry about a thing." Frankly, he kinda hopes he's right: He probably won't meet Mr. Grant. Certainly, he's in no hurry.


Ronnie will only drink it cold. Much as the other vamps prefer it to be warm, if hers is warm she throws a fit. Then again, it really doesn't take much.

"Oh oh, thanks, Corey! I'll like, totally owe you one for that." She almost looks as though she wants to drop the basket and hug him. After a second, she does just that. Drops the basket; causing two little bunnies to go hopping out of it quick as can be. Then she lunges forward to hug the poor man. Not at all vampiric in her characteristics.


Whoa! Like, that was totally unexpected.
Corey finds himself embracing the girl reflexively. He gives another lopsided grin and looks down at her, tall enough, doubtless, that her nose ends up buried in his chest. "Hey, no sweat," he tells her.
Of course, her bunnies are escaping. And the one that was in his arms is now squished between them. Poor thing.
He slides an arm in to catch and cradle it, carefully extracting it.


Bunnies always escape. This is probably partially why Ronnie finds them so evil to begin with. The hug is nice, and she's loathe to move away from it. Only because she rarely touches people to begin with. Except Jannie, and only because Jannie is like her BFF. When she lets go of him, she grins. "You're totally like, my number one friend now. I think you even beat out Coco for that slot, and she gave me the super best roller skates ever!"

She seems to have no care about what he thinks about being her new BFF. "Aww, look! Your bunny totally wants you to hug it too! You're reforming the evil out of it already. I've like, never seen that happen. You're a special guy, Corey."

Randomly, she looks around. Then she whispers, in a completely awed voice, "Where's your sunglasses?"


"I'm just that good," Corey says, puffing up his chest some and giving another one of those casual shrugs. Yeah, he's just playing the role, but he does it well. Apparently, this sort of casual bravado comes naturally to him. "Don't even need the sunglasses to prove it."


"When I get my job, I'm going to buy you the swankiest sunglasses I can." Since he's a Corey, and therefore he must wear sunglasses at night. Ronnie notices her basket is empty, and shuffles her feet a little. "I guess I should like, go collect more of them evil bunnies before I head back. It was totally great to meet you, Corey Babe." She looks almost like a fangirl flipping through the pages of a teen heartthrob magazine. "I can't like, wait to run into you again."


Corey laughs lightly, now, a warm, friendly sound. "You, too, Ronnie," he chuckles. "Better go catch those rabbits, 'fore they start trying to take over the city again. Cunning critters, you know. Go to ground faster than just about anything."
And he's seen a lot.
"See you around."

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