Cameron's Cult Classics
Cameron's Cult Classics does good business, mainly on Friday and Saturday nights. It is neither of those nights, however, and as a result, traffic is a little less. If the shop hears the entrance of a person every ten minutes or so, it'd be a lot. There are a a few patrons in the shop, and a few are looking at the back wall where the independant horror films are displayed. Cheesy looking vampire cutouts line the wall, as well as random bits of decor such as blood-tipped rubber swords, and wolfman masks. The tongue-in-cheek productions are interspersed with the 'serious art', and at times, each can be confused for the other.
Sunday night.
Last night before classes begin again for Brett Coleman, and as is his wont, he's spending his night in, but not before he gets a movie to fall asleep to. It's a habit he's learned from a young age; being forced to watch programs that he had seen a million times, the only escape was to crash. And he did. Many, many times.
With hands in his pocket, and a black jean jacket over his clothes thanks to the chill in the spring air, Brett scans the film boxes, looking for that exact title that he might actually stay awake through.
Night is the most wonderful time in the world. It allows Ronnie to be out exploring. Tonight she's not looking for bunnies, she's got a hutch full of those back at the hotel. Tonight she's looking for an old horror movie to keep her company while she snacks on the poor bunnies that reside in her room. Sleepaway Camp. The trouble is, she knows how to make a smashing entrance — almost quite literally.
"WOAH, EEP! LIKE WATCH OUT!" The door is pushed open very forcefully, and her arms flail backward. Seems she can't get control of the rollerskates that are on her feet. She crashes right into one of the vampire cutouts, then starts to giggle. "Dude, those teeth are just tacky!" Picking herself up, she dusts herself off a few times and then stabilizes her footing with the nice brakey-bits at the front.
Once she's up, the whole image of Ronnie is visible. The feathered bangs, the black and pink dress, complete with the messy, fluffy tulle skirt, chain belts, fishnet stockings that come down only as far as mid-calf, and lacy black gloves. "So like, where's that movie?"
Abbey hadn't really expected to go and rent movies of all things.. After all she was trying to not spend time at the garage, not like she actually has any other place to go and watch anything other then the garage. And yet still here she is.. Though she blinks while pausing in time to catch sight of Ronnie goes skating right into the shop. She lifts a brow and a faint ah escapes her. A look of confusion crossing her face before she catches the door with her hand and steps inside after Ronnie's grand entrance.
Brett's head whips around at the entrance of the woman on skates, and immediately he can feel the hair on the back of his neck rise as he moves farther in to the shop, just in case he's in the way of the accident waiting to happen (that's happening?). Train wreck time, if only for those brief heartbeats as the vampire rights herself and brushes herself off. Hissing a breath in, he releases it slowly as he studies her, but really tries not to stare. Compared with Michael?
No comparison.
Because he's looking at the door, Brett can see the entrance of Abbey just behind; even if the garage owner wanted a grand entrance, there'd be no hope after that… and he can't help but grin at the nonplussed response given by the were. Seen it all? Giving Abbey a wave and a "Hey, Abbey," to acknowledge seeing her, he goes back to looking back at the offerings, if only long enough to re-find where he was in his search.
The poor lost girl knows no one, but she knows what she's looking for. After picking up the poor cardboard cutout, and setting it (mostly) to rights, Ronnie skates down the shop. Unfortunately, the movie she's looking for appears to be at the wall of movies that Brett is currently scanning. While she skates her way over, she starts belting out a Pat Benatar song. "You're beggin' me to go, you're makin' me stay… why do you hurt me so bad? It would help me to know do I stand in your way? Or am I the best thing you've had?"
Spinning around twice, she nearly crashes into the poor man but eases her way against the wall to avoid the collision. "Woah! Sorry dude. Totally didn't mean to like, y'know, bump into you or anything." Wrinkling her nose once then again, twitching it sort of like a bunnies, she asks, "You're not a bunny are you?"
Abbey merely watches Ronnie for a few moments, her pale gaze narrowing slightly before she shakes her head. The voice catches her attention and she glances towards it. A soft smile seen. "Evening Brett." She offers while moving towards where he happens to be. "Find anything good?" This questioned once near to where the other is. A glance is sent towards Ronnie as the other happens to be wandering towards where Brett is as well. She blinks at the question. "So he look like a bunny?.." She'll just state the obvious. Vampires are not high on her 'like' list..
Brett doesn't have anything vaguely resembling fast reflexes, and it's more thanks to the checking that the vampire does herself than his ability to get out of the way that there isn't another collision. "Whoa.." It's a pretty basic statement that includes everything up to that moment.
"Yeah.. that's okay.."
Taking a deep breath, Brett forces himself to take a step aside again, putting a little more distance between himself and the vampire before he shakes his head. "S'okay.. and.. uh.. no?" Looking down at what he's wearing, he's gotten himself collected again from her .. unique entrance, and after doing the theatric check, looks back up. "Nope. Not a bunny. Though, I have been known to eat one or two while camping. Jack-rabbits. A little stringy, but not bad when you're hungry."
Abbey's question brings his attention around and he shakes his head. "So far, no. I'm looking for.. bloody and funny."
Brett's head ducks slightly as his brows raise, "I'm.. pretty sure I don't look like a bunny. Ears are all wrong, for one thing…"
"Oh oh oh! So like, you totally eat bunnies?" Ronnie seems quite interested in this. She leans in conspiratoritally and whispers, "They're evil you know, so thanks for getting rid of some. You're like, totally doing the world a service." Then she's leaning back away out of his personal space, grinning quite happily as she busies herself with reading the movie titles. "Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope."
Peering over her shoulder at Abbey she tilts her head. "Well he doesn't look like a bunny now, but I've had bunnies that weren't bunnies before. They taste swampy." Slowly turning toward Brett again, she tilts her head in the other direction. "You sort of smell like those bunnies, but that's like totally not right."
"Well.. There is Shaun of the Dead.." Abbey points out with an amused tone. "Blood, zombies and funny." This said while she grins a moment before a glance is offered towards Ronnie once mose and she lifts a brow. "Right.." She says while shaking her head slightly.
"Yup. I do." The niggling little 'eeeeeeh' that Brett feels, that actual physical discomfort in the vampire's presence is offset by the fact that this one is, well.. pretty damned funny. Who was it that he was talking to that they'd agreed that vampires were probably all individuals, just like everyone else. Mignonette? His eyes fall briefly on Abbey. Was it her?
"And they're good." His brows crease slightly, though there is definitely some amusement that plays in those blue eyes of his, even as she first leans in to offer her inside information, and then she's back out. "Evil? I don't know, but there are times, I swear, that they're in cahoots with prairie dogs."
The vampire's next words, however, really does give him pause. For a moment, there's the vision of an armadillo that flashes before him before it changes over to a bunny, and he mouths, silently, his expression truly puzzled, 'A bunny shifter? Who in their right mind —'
"No, no.. I eat bunnies. Honest. Chase 'em down…"
Abbey's recommendation brings his attention around again, though there's never both eyes off the rollerskating queen. "'Shaun of the Dead'?" He reaches out for the video case — "Zombies.." Pause. "Huh.."
"They are good. Scrumptious. I think it's the evil. It adds flavor." Ronnie will tell anyone and everyone that bunnies are the most evil, vile creatures in the world. Has something to do with teeth, ears, and hoppity legs. "Cahoots with the prairie dogs? Wouldn't know, totally never tried one of them. But I will tell you that bunnies are like, trying to take over the world. Why do you think they like, make so many babies?" It's a fact. Rabbits spend a lot of time procreating. That's why there's those sayings about them.
"Shifter?" Someone can read lips, and she's quite focused on Brett and his talk of bunnies. "Well I don't know. I mean like, I guess, but I've never really met any bunnies that could talk." Pause. "Unless you mean Bugs, but he's just like way ancient." Her hand reaches out right beside Brett's head and she snatches it back, holding a movie, with a giggle. "YES! This is totally the most gore-tastic movie ever!"
Abbey tilts her head while she curiously peers at Brett and then Ronnie at the talk of rabbits, a soft oy escapes her. "They're not that bad.. I mean.. You know for rabbits." She lifts a brow and peers at Ronnie at the shifter comment. "Since when do bugs talk?.." This questioned while she glances towards the movie that Brett picked up. "Its a good one trust me." She says while smiling before her gaze turns to Ronnie and she lifts a brow while trying to peer at the movie she is talking about at the moment.
The little bell over the shop door — okay, maybe it sounds more like a ship foghorn 'WHAAAUGH-WHAUG'… just because Cameron has an odd sense of humour, or maybe someone's idea of a practical joke that no one heard earlier on account of the smashing entrance and the related noise? — sounds out with the entrance of another patron. There's no way, of course, that this young fellow could possibly top Madonna-the-early-years for an entrance, but he no doubt attracts his own share of attention.
He's whistling… tunefully, even. In fact, the astute ear might even recognize the tune — the opening bars to Wham's 'Wake Me Up Before You Go Go'. Why that particular song?
Earworm. Total earworm.
Realizing just what it is he's whistling, he stops, glances about, perhaps a trifle guiltily, and then shrugs amiably and wanders down the nearest aisle.
"Evil adds flavour? Why not just add hot-sauce? Or.." Brett waves a hand in a general circle, "you're talking about— yeah. Not adding hot sauce." Of course, he tends to eat more rabbits raw than cooked, and hot sauce just isn't an option.
Putting his hand down in a silent request to keep her voice down on the entire 'shifter' thing, Brett goes for the obvious answer over the procreating bunnies question, "Because they like it?" Shrugging a single shoulder, his smile becomes lopsided, "Just a thought."
Moving to the side, finding himself dodging once more from the movement of the vampire, Brett pats himself on the back figuratively for the movement. He's getting better?
"Bugs— Abbey, no.." Brett's starting to explain the comment regarding the 'Ancient bunny' when he catches a familiar form and a more familiar—
"Cor-" Brett's brother. "Hey." Oh yes, he caught him..
Chances are, it's less of an earworm, and more of a jitterbug. A jitterbug that bites Ronnie right in the brain. Conversation is forgotten for a moment, and she skates over the the hummer. "You put the boom-boom into my heaaart! You send my soul sky high when your lovin' starts." From a pocket (don't ask where) she whisks out a pair of dark sunglasses and goes to plop them on Corey's face. "Jitterbug into my braaain~ goes a bang-bang-bang 'til my feet do the same!" Twirling around the man on her skates she grins. "Hiiiii babe-alicious!" She'd likely throw another hug in his direction, but the conversation chooses that moment to plop right back into her head.
"Blood and hot-sauce? Never tried it. Plus, it's like a totally horrific pain to try to drain a bunny. Takes too long to do it that way. I like it warm from the source." The conversation will likely gross everyone right out, but the stuck-in-the-80's girl just doesn't seem to care. "Bugs Bunny," Ronnie says, twirling on the skates again to face Abbey. "Totally like, an ancient bad cartoon. Bugs is evil too though. Totally is. S'why poor Fudd gots to kill him all the time, only he keeps failing 'cuz the bunny is way evil."
Abbey blinks and ohs a moment. "You mean bugs bunny?" Well it's been a while since she's actually /watched/ cartnoons after all! A glance is offered towards the opening of the door once more and she catches sight of Corey before she looks back to Ronnie. She tilts her head while peering at the vampire girl. "I see.." Abs really isn't /that/ sure what to say to the girl, other then the thought of this one getting dropped onto her head a few times must have happened at some point.
"Heeeey, Brett…" Corey would say more in greeting to his brother, but he's suddenly attacked by…
A pair of sunglasses?
He blinks into dark lenses and then registers just what's happening as Ronnie starts singing and bopping around him.
Oh, sweet mother of God… It's Super Killer Bunny Girl.
"Hey, Ronnie," he adds, then, hands coming up to his face to take the sunglasses off and look at them. He grins, realizing she's fulfilling a promise, and a trifle surprised that she has. "Gee. Thanks… How goes the evil bunny wars?"
He registers Abby's presence as well, giving the woman a light nod and friendly smile in greeting, though entirely unsure who she is. But, since she's apparently here in the aisle, too… why not be polite?
Then, to Brett: "What's up, bro?"
All thoughts of the bunny has been blown completely out in the scene that opens before him. A loopy vampire on roller skates rushing up to his brother, declaring that he's 'babe-alicious' and giving him a pair of sunglasses as if she was crowning him. Brett simply.. stares, and that lopsided grin finds its way onto his face again.
Hooo, boy.
"Cor— there something you're not telling me?"
He's got 'Shaun of the Dead' in hand and he can claim victory for the evening. Everything else is, well, icing on the cake. And, just.. wow.
Shaking his head, Brett's close to speechless. "Ah.. nothing's up. At least nothing near as interesting as what you've got going on, apparently."
Nodding at Abbey, though now it's a little distractedly, "Yeah.. Bugs Bunny.."
Promise fulfilled, Ronnie grins. "The evil bunny wars are like, totally going great! Caught'em all the other night, and now they're just waiting for me to get back with Sleepaway Camp. Then we'll watch, and I'll like, eat, and then get rid of all the sinful creatures, and leave the rest for the next night." Much as she loves bunnies, she supplements her eating of them with the cold synthetic so that she doesn't totally kill the bunny population. That would ruin the hunt! "How've you like, been, Corey?"
Ronnie; crazy-vampire-extraordinnaire; seems to have a crush. Likely has to do with the name. Since Corey was a very, very popular name in the 80's. Seems all the heartthrobs were named that.
"That's Abbey. He said she was an Abbey. She looks more like a Red to me. Could be wrong. Jannie, my totally awesome BFF? She'd like, be able to tell you the totally rad color that she is."
A grin is offered to Brett as she spins around Corey happily again. "Every Corey needs to have sunglasses at night. 'sides, I like totally promised them to him."
Abbey glances to Corey as he wanders over and speaks to Brett, she lifts a brow and ohs softly. "That your brother huh?" She questions with an amused tone before offering a smile and nods. "Hiyas.." There's a pause as Ronnie goes about giving her name, a slight smirk is seen. "Ya.. I'm Abbey, nice to meet you." A glance is offered to Ronnie once more. "So.. Why do you think bunnies are evil anyway?" She attempts to follow along with the whole sunglasses convesation but seems a bit lost..
Hey. Like, what's not to crush on? Totally, right? Blonde hair, blue eyes, cleft chin. Corey's, like, totally da bomb. Totally!
Ooooooor, maybe not.
As it is, the poor fellow gives his brother a lopsided, 'oh crap, I'm so screwed' sort of smile. "It's not what you think, bro," he mutters, knowing damn well what his brother thinks it could be, but saying it anyway.
"Nice to meet you," is offered to Abbey… and it's not particularly a lie, but, if he's honest, he'd have to say he wishes he met her sometime when the crazy Sin de Lopper wasn't gushing all over him. Ah well… Y'win some, y'lose some.
Still, he returns his attention to Ronnie, because, well, she's the crazy vampire of the bunch. Emphasis on the 'crazy' part. And his theory is that, even if she isn't really a threat, he's still not interested in seeing her upset. Crazy people do crazy things when they get upset.
Er… well… CraziER things, that is.
"'M good, Ronnie," he tells her, giving an easy shrug and waving a hand lightly. The sunglasses spin in his fingertips. "Thanks for the glasses. Really."
"Totally?" Aw, hell. Brett actually said it. Lifting a curled hand to his mouth, Brett lets out a quiet cough before dropping it again, "Promised them?" He brings his attention around to his brother, his brows raised, his eyes gleaming with amusement. Oh, this'll last years..
"Bro, we apparently just don't talk enough." Of course it's what he thinks, only he's not going to cut his brother a break. Not while the pickings are sooo good.
Abbey's question brings Brett around, and there's a moment when he's genuinely embarrassed that he's forgotten his manners. "Uh.. yes. Miss Abbey Wallace, this is my brother, Corey Coleman. Cor, this is Miss Abbey Wallace. She fixed the truck for me.."
"You're totally welcome~!" Ronnie stops twirling around on her skates, then noddles her head at Brett. "Yuh-huh. Totally did. Gave him a bunny even. So he can like, reform it's icky evil ways." Lashes flutter, and she while she should feel self-conscious or worried that she's the center of attention in a bad way, she just sort of giggles a little. "Soooo you two guys are related?"
There is a look sent from one to the other, then back again. She does this a few times, then points at Abbey. A very accusatory finger. "But you're like not doing the nasty with either of them?" No sense that this may not be her business. Though she does know enough that she slams her hands, video case and all, over her mouth at that. "Oh oh, please don't say I asked that? Wil Wheaton won't like it at all, and then he'll take away my bunnies!" Sad little pout.
Abbey tilts her head and offers a smile to Corey while nodding to him. She's a bit unsure what else to offer though as Ronnie is pretty much taking over the show here. "Well.. They are nice glasses." She points out with a slight grin upon her lips and an amused look across her face. Hearing Brett she smirks a moment. "What's with the Miss stuff?.." She goes to say something else but Ronnie catches her /way/ off guard. There is a blink of her pale blue gaze and she is utterly unsure on what to say it would seem. "Um.. no.. I'm.. not.." She isn't that sure /just/ what to say, but her Irish accent is picked up more now as she looks slightly unsure about all this.
Okay. To be fair? Ronnie probably caught pretty much everyone off guard.
"Noooooooo!" Corey says quickly, now, the word extended with a falling cadence as he swiftly tries to dissuade that line of thought. "No, no. She, that is, Miss Wallace — " .oO(It was Wallace, right?) " — she doesn't… ah…" He glances between Brett and Abbey for a moment.
Now, he's pretty sure that if Brett were, um, dating someone, he'd've heard about it before now. Unless he just picked her up in the past couple of days, and even then…
He forges ahead, letting the thought trail off. "Yeah, um, right…" Inhaling a sharp breath he smiles wryly, apologetically, to Abbey, and then turns to Ronnie. "Don't sweat it, Ronnie. Really… Brett's my brother and, uh… Well, heck, he just likes to give me a hard time. Don't pay him any mind."
He glances, then, between the vampire and the others. "Ah… Have you and Ronnie met before, bro?" 'Cause, if not, he probably should be the one to make introductions… though he really doesn't wanna.
And not because Ronnie's crazy, either. Just because it'll only add fuel to Brett's fire.
'Toopid bruddahs.
Well, Corey's answered the question that yes, they are brothers. And the fact that the pair are giving and taking, only Corey seems to be the one taking a whole lot more than he's giving, though that can change at any given moment, it suggests that the pair are close. Probably unheard of, mostly, but they have a close family, so it only stands to reason.
Brett has a grin permanantly plastered on his face at this point, though it turns immediately embarrassed and he's just as quick at the denial as his brother. "No.. no. We're not sleeping together.. no." And as Brett knows that Cor's never met her before tonight—
"Oh, don't worry.. we won't tell.." In a way, Brett actually feels for the loopy vampire. He honestly doesn't want to see her get in any trouble. As odd as it is, he.. sorta likes her.
Miss? Brett catches Abbey's complaint and turns back around to face her, his expression a little sheepish. "It's a.. southern thing. Really."
Ronnie looks between the trio of non-humans for a long while. Spinning around as she does so. Just so that she doesn't miss anything. "Sorry Red. Totally like, didn't mean to embarrass you or anything." Skating over to Brett, she holds out her hand. A very un-vampire-like thing to do. "Pleasedtomeetcha Corey's brother." She peeks over her shoulder at the blond man then turns a grin back to Brett. "Did you like, know your brother is a total babe-o-rama?" Absolutely no clue that she may just be embarrassing someone.
"Y'know what'd be like way choice? A double date. Any'a you guys ever gone to the roller rink? They've got a rockin' one not far from here. Oodles of flashing lights, and like, great music!" By great music, she means that they play mostly 80's stuff. "What'dya say, Red? I can like, totally lend you a pair of rollerskates! Thanks to Coco I have two pairs now."
Abbey peers curiously at Corey at length of his no.. She smirks slightly while taking in a slight breath. "I just met Corey after all.. An Brett is just a friend." Sorta hard to sleep with anyone when you haven't met them yet! Hearing Brett she glances over to him curiously. "Suppose I'll just have to get use to it. She catches the look from Corey and shrugs slightly, she doesn't seem mad, a bit unsure about sticking around especially if this part of the conversation keeps up. Though at how nervous Ronnie just got maybe not. She blinks while watching and listening to Ronnie. A faint ah escapes her. "Naw.. I'm good at just walking." Wait.. double date?.. She just blinks while peering at Ronnie.
Double… WHAT?!
"Ooooooh…" Corey says, intonation matching that earlier 'no'. "Oh, wow. Hey, Ronnie. That's… You know what? Brett doesn't rollerskate. And, actually, neither do I. Skateboarder, y'know?"
It's cooler.
He tries desperately to ignore the 'babe-o-rama' comment… and prays fervently — vainly, no doubt — his brother does the same.
He runs a hand through his hair, causing it to spike up a little higher. "So, you know. Dating… probably not a good idea, right now."
Or… you know… ever.
He looks about the store, wondering if there's anything at all around that he can use as a big enough distraction to avoid the oncoming trainwreck.
Brett takes a moment before he.. yes, he puts his hand out to shake the vampire's. "Brett.. and, uh.. no." His brows raise in askance, the grin still fixed in place. "I didn't know.. Babe-o-rama, huh?"
Blue eyes flicker over to the now thoroughly embarrassed brother of his and taking the opportunity the moment Ronnie's back is to him, mouths 'fangbanger'. The game is played, however, that when the vampire's attention is back, the innocence is played all over his face, and the smile still remains.
"Double date.." Brett pulls his hand back, and shakes his head, gesturing towards Corey, and virtually repeats every words said as it's spoken. "… I don't rollerskate." Rather than going further, and claiming skateboarding, he instead moves towards the, "Just not coordinately enough for anything really.. athletic. I can walk and chew gum, but that's about it."
Brett looks over at Abbey and thumbs, "Like her. Walking. Walking is good." Yes, she will have to get used to 'miss'…
Everyone is safe tonight. Ronnie isn't wearing slouchie socks or legwarmers. Those are generally the only thing she throws at people when she's having a tantrum. The happy expression just drains slowly from her face. "Dude, you like, really need to chill. I mean, there's nothing wrong with a group of people skating." It's not like she's planning on ravishing anyone on the wooden rink. She's honestly not that type of vampire!
"Party poopers! They like, have skates with training wheels you know!" Then she seems to get it. It clicks in her head. "What? Not like a date date. Y'know, just like a total group outing of fun and no bunnies." She's trying to take Wil Wheaton's advice and make friends. "It's not hard. It's like walking, but you only totally slide your feet instead."
A look is given to Corey, and she rolls right over to him to show how easy it is. Then she points a finger at his nose and goes to doot it. "You're like totally spazzing for no reason, babe. So I'll just like, leave the offer out there and get the movie back home so I can have dinner."
Abbey peers at the two brothers a few moments and then to Ronnie as she starts skating around. "Walking is good.." This is said with a soft tone and lifts a brow while peering back at Ronnie. The wolf doesn't seem to care that the vampire's feeling is hurt over it. "Ya.. I tend to be a party pooper.." She shifts away from the three, like she is right now!. "I think I should just get back to the garage.. Was great talking to you all.. And meeting you Corey.. And.. Ronnie.." Though she isn't to sure she wanted to meet that one. "You guys have a good night and what not."
Corey gives his brother a brief, dark scowl that says, ~oh, don't even start, ya jerk!~ Especially since he was nice and DIDN'T tell the ladies that, compared to him, his brother's a hopeless klutz at sports. (Said as only a brother can, of course.)
He blinks in surprise as Ronnie doots his nose — though why anything she should do surprises him, even after only one encounter with her, is a mystery. He has the grace to give her a boyish, wry smile… the puppy dog type that always won him forgiveness from the girls back in high school.
"Well. Maybe we'll take you up on it later," he offers as sort of token apology.
He glances to Abbey as she starts to make her retreat. "Nice meeting you, too, Miss Wallace. Perhaps we'll bump into you later." A beat. He flashes a grin. "Oh. And thanks for helping Brett with his truck, huh? God knows, he can use all the help he can get." The sparkle returns to his blue eyes as he finally gets to tease his brother in turn.
It's the little things.
See now, the reaction from the vampire is exactly what the boys were raised -not- to do. Courtesy. Being a gentleman. Brett actually feels guilty— not over harassing his brother, hell no, but over the obvious disappointment that the vampire (vampire!) is feeling.
"We could always give it a shot." Once. A conciliatory gesture, and one that echoes his brother. No doubt Corey heard mom in the back of his head, too.
"Abbey? Oh.. okay. Take care.. and I'll probably see you soon. Be safe getting home." He'd offer to walk her home, but, well..
"Cor.. I've got to head out myself. Back to school tomorrow." Brett waves his movie choice. "Zombies await.. though you know me, I'll probably crash before the end." And he never gets to see the rest of the movie. "Just need to sign this out… It was nice to meet you, Miss Ronnie."
Brett begins to make his way to the desk, his hand going to his wallet to pull out his card, "Good night.."
There is no heart that beats within the vampire's chest, but even her suddenly icy demeanor is melted by the puppy-dog eyes of a Corey. Can't be helped. It's that winning smile, coupled with the chiseled looks, and the 80's name. "Really? You're like not just psyching me out or something?" That might make her quite a bit more upset, but as is, she seems to take it to heart that some day she'll be able to get him out on the wooden roller rink. "That would totally be the bomb, Corey!" She looks down at the movie, then grins in a decidedly girlish manner. "Or maybe you could like, teach me to skateboard? That'd be rad as well!"
Brett is given a really big grin as well. "Awesome! Totally awesome! You guys rock. You're my new favorite non-bunnies." He gets a giggle too, when he calls her Miss. "Y'know, no one's called me that since like, my pageant days, and back then it was Miss Veronica Potts." They may recognize the name from her 80's mall pop-punk singer stint, but they may not. Either way, she's very much not going to dwell on it.
"It was nice meeting you, Red! I'll get'cha those skates, 'kay?" Abbey may not want to skate, but she's going to get a nice little gift for putting up with Ronnie. "G'night, Mr. Corey's brother!"
Abbey hums faintly at her name and glances back towards Brett curiously. She looks to Corey and nods with a friendly smile. "It wasn't a problem fixing his truck.. Bet I could teach 'em a few things if he really wanted to know." A slight glance is offered back to Brett. "Thanks.. You too." The door is pulled open then and she wanders on outside.
As Abbey disappears out the door and Brett escapes to the video counter, Corey's lopsided smile stays in place. He lifts the sunglasses, twirling them in his fingertips again. "Thanks again, Miss Ronnie," he says, echoing his brother just because it seems to tickle her.
A beat.
"Oh. By the way… I got a hutch for Roger. He's gonna be just fine." Not, he supposes, that it really matters. But, it seems the thing to tell her… now that his brother's out of immediate earshot.
"Anyway. I think I'm gonna go find myself a movie and then go chill. Long day today and I'm bushed. You take care, and enjoy your own movie. I'm sure we'll see each other around."
After all, he's now seen her twice in less than a handful of days. That makes him pretty convinced he'll end up seeing her again… whether he wants to or not.
Things could be worse.
A lot worse.