Grisly Bar
Worn wooden floors stained with ages of spilled drinks (and worse), creak under the feet of patrons as they enter the dark, disordered room. Though dust has settled over a lot of the establishment, making it appear abandoned, the flow of customers would speak differently. Dirty glasses, some with sticky yellow patches in the bottom where beer or scotch has been allowed to dry, stand on one end of the bar.
Several of the windows have been bricked up to prevent vandalism, but create a great fire-hazard. There is a tarnished mirror on the wall behind the bar with a chipped and fading Art Nouveau nymph painted across the bottom.
There is a lot going on in Scarlett's life. The cast is off, the guy she was sort of seeing has ditched, and her baby brother is in town. Two pluses, one minus. Things seem to be balanced. Add to that another plus of convincing her sister to join the Coven, and there's a reason Scarlett is here at the Grisly. She glances over the bar at the 'tender, and smiles. "Hey Joe. Usual." Five dollars are slipped onto the bar top, and she waits for her beer to be slid back to her. Something can definitely be said for the dive bar — it may be grungy and out of date, but it's definitely got that warm sort of know-everyone atmosphere that the woman loves.
It may as well be like walking onto the set of Cheers. Only when this person enters, no one greets her. In fact, being a relatively new face in the area she's pretty much the odd person out. This doesn't seem to bother her as she really is only here to spend money and get a buzz. She'd do that at home but even that gets boring. Quinn walks up to the bar, not noticing anyone around that she recognizes just yet. There she waits until she can actually get the bartender's attention long enough to order something. Even if no one is speaking with her, being around the general public is rather nice.
With her attention on Joe, Scarlett doesn't really catch that a newcomer is entering her "domain". She waits for the man to slide her the icy bottle of beer, and then grins at the man. As she turns to make her way to a table, she becomes face to face with Quinn. There is a moment or two while she considers how to react. "Niveus," she says, only a slight frown marring her features. "Hey, Joe," she calls over her shoulder. "Get this woman a beer." May not be what Quinn wants, but the selection here isn't all that grand to begin with. Beer is just the safe choice, due to no glass being involved.
Beer is far from what she had in mind but at this particular moment she's not going to press the issue. "I find it funny that as much as I go out of my way to avoid your family, I keep running into them." This isn't said with hostility; it is nothing more than the truth. Quinn looks around the bar, for any sort of escape, before finally looking back to the woman who could pass as her sister. "I can leave if you want. I just came in to people watch anyway." Normally she wouldn't give in so easily to anything but the Niveus is trying her best not to start any sort of coven war in Dallas.
Joe slides down another beer, it magically stopping in front of Quinn. Only, it's less magic and more physics the way he manages to do that. "I find it funny that you keep wandering to the awful area of town," Scarlett says, nodding toward the beer. "If I were planning on chasing you off, why would I make sure you got a drink." Taking a long sip from her own bottle, she nods to a back table. "Join me if you want. People watch if you want. It's a free country."
It doesn't amaze her when the beer stops just in front of her. What she does do is slide some cash onto the bar and take the bottle before anyone else does. "I'm not afraid. Not of anything, really." West Dallas hasn't been bad to Quinn so she doesn't mind continuing to venture this way. "Besides, the people are interesting and I can learn a lot." The Fontane is given a look as all aspects of the scenario are played out in her mind. "Fine. Just don't act like I'm here to cause trouble." That does get very, very old. So Quinn walks towards the table, happy to leave the bartender behind for the moment.
"Always so defensive, Niveus?" Scarlett shakes her head, sliding into her usual seat. With a bit of careful maneuvering, she twists the chair around so that she can lean against the wall with her feet up on the chair beside her, leaving the other side of the table for Quinn. "Enjoy your learning experience then. In about ten minutes Davin from the little cornershop deli down the street will come in, order a triple neat Scotch, and sit at the end of the bar. It's all very enlightening," she says with a small teasing grin.
Oh, but the look that Scarlett receives. "When I have two of you threatening me and refusing to use my actual name? Yeah." Heck, Niveus isn't even her birthname but it isn't as if she's gotten close enough to anyone to admit to that. Unlike Scarlett, Quinn sits tall and proper in her seat. For now. "That's not exactly what I had in mind for a learning experience, but it'll do." Speaking of her night time activities will only make things worse for her, she realizes. At least she has beer, and her bottle doesn't really seem to last all that long. "So you're a regular then?"
"Hey now. No threats. We got past that." Doesn't mean Scarlett trusts her, but at least she's trying to put the best foot forward. One arm dangles over her knees, and she drinks from the bottle of beer again before setting it on the table. "Regular? I guess. It's just down the street from the shop." Closest bar when she wants a beer, and to get away for a few hours. That, and it keeps her from wandering over to the Warehouse. "Better question is what brings you to this side of the city? Somehow get the feeling that it's not really your normal scene."
"Tell that to your brother. But hey, he also called me crazy and I was the one who walked away, so whatever." The empty bottle is played with, the labeled being removed eventually. "I'm bored." It's a simple answer, really, yet Quinn is being truthful. "My job doesn't start for a few months and I'm not exactly bonding with the family. And I don't really have a particular scene. Nothing social is my scene, really." A bar is actually fitting since she can be in the public without actually being social. "Though I'm starting to think that if I don't find something to occupy my time soon I'll either get a second job or just go home."
"Can't help you on the family front." Scarlett has no issues bonding with her family, and she's not about to seek out the others from the Niveus brood. "Ivan has issues," she replies. Then again, she's the one that likely planted those thoughts in his head to begin with, with her over caution and all that jazz. "I'd offer you work around the shop, but things generally get slow in the summer. With the art shows, and the jewelry vendors down by the lakes, people tend not to venture to the wrong side of the city." Ruffling her fingers through her hair, she turns and offers a friendly sort of smile to Quinn. "You could possibly help me with something, though I doubt it would endear you to your family."
The label is played with while she mentions that the Umbra has issues. "I couldn't tell over the size of his ego." She has one as well but she's nothing like Ivan. Eventually Quinn stands and runs off to the bar, only to return with two more bottles of beer. In case Scarlett needs a refill, or in case she does. There's still a beer there no matter what. Quinn puts her own bottle to her lips, drinking this one slower than the last. "Oh yeah? Well, you see just how well I get on with my family at the moment." She's all alone and doesn't really speak with anyone back in Chicago. "That's why I was envisioning a tropical island somewhere. Far away from politics and Chicago."
Ivan and his ego are something Scarlett must live with on a daily basis, so she's no stranger to it. For sake of keeping sibling relations all well and good, she keeps her mouth shut though. While Quinn is off at the bar, she finishes her beer. When the new beers are placed on the table, she doesn't bother touching it. "Mmhmm. I've been thinking, with all the witches that I've run into in the city, and no organized Coven, I've been thinking of putting one together. Something nice, friendly, with biweekly meetings, and celebration of the Sabbats." Possibly more often than biweekly if others are interested in learning more.
If the beer isn't touched, it isn't touched. It is, at least, some form of offering. Quinn loosens up slightly in as much as she isn't sitting so rigidly. Still, she's far from heart warmingly welcome, but that's just the way that the woman is. "And your family isn't going to take issue with that?" Scarlett may not be Umbra but Quinn is fairly certain that her family is. "Not saying that I disagree with the idea outright. Covens can be useful, especially in an area where there really doesn't seem to be one. But they can also bring issues with them." As both women are painfully aware.
"Everything can bring issues with it. I'd rather have witches I trust around me, rather than have some stupid vampire-witch deciding what's best for my family." There already are issues, which is what Scarlett is trying to subvert. "Helen will be joining, and Ivan…" May or may not, she's not pressuring him. "While my grandfather may take issue with it, I am not back at home, I am an adult, and I have never been part of Umbra." So he can just get the hell over it.
More drinks are taken from the bottle as she listens. She may not have people skills but she can still at least listen. "Wait, a vampire witch? Want me to take care of that for you?" It is her night job, after all. Quinn tips the mouth of her bottle to Scar as she sits back in her seat. "It is easier when you're not already part of a coven. It sounds like a good idea in the end, if you can get people to play nice." The coven is a good idea, but her mind is still on this vampire witch.
"Ivan's issue, not mine. Eberle's the name though." Just so Quinn can be on the lookout for him. "I think Ivan said it was Dieter, or Dietrich." Shows how much Scarlett was paying attention. "Would just like him to keep his distance from my younger, impressionable siblings." Trey especially who seemed all too keen on running into the man. "Well let me know if you're interested in being part of it. It really can't be called a Coven until there are at least three people involved, and so far I have two."
As if this isn't going to be filed away. "Dieter or Deitrich Eberle. That's far from a common name. I'll be sure to remember that." The exact reason she's so interested isn't specified in the least bit. Quinn won't hide who and what she is from Scarlett, but she's also not waving it around like a banner. Another drink is taken as she watches Scarlett, the woman who looks as if she's family. "Impulsive, that's me. Even so I should know more. Who would be joining? And all good natured, you say?"
That may have been the plan. Make it someone else's problem so Scarlett doesn't need to go find the guy and tell him to quit fucking with her family. There is a slight shrug as to who would be joining. "So far, Helen. Perhaps you. There are a few others that I might ask. Beyond that, they would have to be accepted by everyone in the Coven, otherwise there will be complications and I would much rather not have those." She nods once. "Good natured. No dark magic, no ill wishes. Just a group of those who aren't hungry for power, trying to teach one another and learn new things."
A wise plan, and not one that will go completely unnoticed. The problem is that Quinn has such a hatred for vampires that it truly doesn't matter. She'll take pride in taking care of him even if she's being used. "Sounds like a direct difference from certain others that I know of." Yes, she's speaking of the other woman's grandfather. "It sounds good. I can only imagine a thorough screening for those who wish to join? Not saying that I'm an untrusting person, but speaking as someone from my sphere, it could be possible for someone to try and fool you."
"It won't be up to only me. That's why I've spoken to Ivan." Though with what Quinn is saying, it's not hard to discern that she's meaning illusions. "And now you. Someone with your abilities would be able to easily see through any sort of trickery." Scarlett starts to peel the label from her own finished bottle, just to give her hands something to do. "It is completely opposite of what I currently know, yes. I want it to be back to the basics. Back to what a Coven should be. A gathering of friends who become family. A place to share knowledge. A place to teach others what we can and what we shouldn't do."
It is rather humorous how they're sharing information without actually coming right out and saying anything. All the same, in good nature, Quinn will be the first to actually bridge that gap. "There's not much I can do in the form of our craft, but that I can do well. Regardless of the situation, I don't mind lending my hand when needed." The mouth of the bottle is wobbled back and forth between her index and middle finger as she considers further. "It's a valiant idea. Noble. I can see why your little sister would be on board." There's the unspoken idea that some would not like such an idea. "I for one approve of it. I think there's been enough evil throughout history."
There may have been a little forcible nudge to get Helen to join, but at least she's onboard with the idea even if it is only to learn more. "You know what you're doing in your own area. Besides, with what I've been reading in one of my relative's books, a lot can be said for that brand of the craft." Illusion, when worked with others, can become very powerful indeed. Enough to mask a location. "If you're interested I think the first meeting will be at the full moon, and we can go from there." She watches the woman for a long moment. "It is also my hope that this can bridge the gap somewhat between our families."
There are certain things that she's not actually attempted but she can mask herself well enough. "As I said, whatever I can do to help. So long as it's positive, but that you already seem to believe in." Eventually the bottle is slammed and then placed onto the table. Perhaps this is done with more force than necessary but she's not showing any signs of anger or frustration. "It'll never happen." Just as simple as that. "Some of us? Sure. I think there's a good chance in this city. But it's going to take far more than just us 'children' getting along to change some opinions." The label stays intact for now as Quinn nods. "I will attend. It is difficult for me, I'm sure you understand." Being attached to a coven already and all. "But in order to rebuild the future we must shed the past."
"Ever hear Gandhi? Be the change you want to see in the world." Scarlett neatly pries the label off in one piece, and starts to smooth it out on the table. "The change has to start somewhere. The extension of the olive branch is going to start with me." The scary thing is that Scarlett is a very powerful witch in her own right. If someone upset her enough, she's probably not all that far different than her grandfather. It would just take someone trying to hurt her family to set her off, rather than a need for power. "Exactly. Besides, if you look at it this way… neither of us is in our home areas any longer. They can't expect us to remain attached to their Covens forever." Not that she was ever attached to Umbra.
For the longest time she falls silent. Technically speaking, the olive branch started with her, but she's not going to point that out. The possibilities are considered as she watches the Fontane before looking down at the beer she'd purchased for her. "Not drinking?" Quinn is far from a lush but she honestly has nothing better to do at this moment. Besides, the drink is about the only thing that allows her to converse with people without seeming like she has a stick up her ass. "Actually, I'm pretty sure they do expect that very thing from us. But you know what? I moved away for a reason. I like you, and I like what you're speaking of starting. As you said, we have to start somewhere."
Eyes drifting to the bottle of beer, Scarlett shakes her head. "Promised myself just one tonight." That, and she wasn't at all certain Quinn was bringing one back for her. "What they expect of us, and what they expect of us are two different things." Which sounds silly, though it's the principle of it. They'll expect them to grow up and move out of the nest eventually. Doesn't mean that they'll like it one little bit. "Good. Full moon then. I'd like to use another location than the shop, but we can use it if need be." There will likely be scouting during the course of the next week, to try to secure a location and give the address to all those she speaks with.
"Suit yourself." So she reclaims that beer and begins to drink, very slowly. Being drunk is not her idea of a good time. "Parents are odd creatures." Fools, too, for wanting children; that's a different issue entirely. The bottle is placed on the table so that she can run the tip of her index finger over the mouth. "Sadly I'm not well versed in the area so I can't suggest anywhere. I can see why you'd rather not use the shop. Since I apparently have nothing else better to do, I can help you look for a suitable location."
"That would be great." Things are going to be slow at the shop, so she can take the mornings off to look. Open at noon, just stay open a bit later at night, and do her work whenever she feels like it. Though Ivan may give her a hard time about not having a "real" job, Scarlett really wouldn't trade her line of work for the world. "This is going to be great." Using the word great twice makes her cringe. "I'm just going to keep up the hope that it'll work out. I don't want to go traditional Wiccan, since not everyone is a practitioner." She herself is not really, but knows enough about the religion that she can draw similarities. "No priests or priestesses."
It doesn't go unnoticed that the same descriptive word is used twice so close together. Quinn just looks to Scarlett due to that, even though she's not going to comment on that specifically. "You're really excited about this. It's cute." Yes, the one witch called the other one cute. Although it is difficult to say just exactly what context she means it in. "That sounds safe. I've never been a fan of that aspect, myself. Then again, I've always been the odd one out in everything." Right down to her sphere.
"I have no issues with the Wiccan beliefs. I merely want it to be even simpler than that. No one in a position of power. Everyone on equal ground." The cute descriptor causes Scarlett to blush a little. "Yes, well…" Clearing her throat, she stops fiddling with the label on the tabletop and glances around the room. "It will be good for the Dallas witch community," she mumbles, but only a little less enthusiastically.
A debate about religion inside of a bar such as this one isn't exactly on her agenda for the day. Or ever, really. "I think you're on to something. Then again, I've always had an issue with authority." Quinn has issues with everything, obviously. She actually smiles, though, at the hint of a blush from the other woman. "Well, yeah. That too. But it will also be good for you. Admit it. It makes you feel better knowing that you can make a difference."
Scarlett has had no such issues with authority. Generally, she likes it. But bringing any type of power into the group she wants to create would only be a disaster. "God, Niveus, shut up, would you?" For a moment, she almost sounds like Ivan snapping at someone — only in a more feminine voice. Twirling her empty bottle around in her hands, she looks over the top of it at Quinn. "What do you want me to say? That it makes me feel all ooey-gooey inside to know that it could help?"
The way she reacts prompts a laugh, even if her first name still is not used. At least they're speaking civilly, which is more than she'd hoped for at first. "If that's how it makes you feel? Hiding such emotions is hard and it usually feels good to talk about it." Oh, yes. Quinn has a buzz as she's being a little more in touch with her humane side. "Besides, it almost makes you glow, and I like seeing you like that. It's better than some of the other ways I've seen you."
"Christ. Now you're making it sound like I'm pregnant." Scarlett is almost a hundred percent certain that she's not. A somewhat dark look is shot at Quinn, and then she just shakes her head and laughs it off. "I'm a do-gooder. Didn't you know that? I like trying to fit the world into neat and tidy little pieces." Perhaps not that anal about it, but it's who she is. If she can pull some good out of starting up the Coven? Then she'll feel great about it.
Well, now, that causes Quinn to just stare. "Oh, I hope not." There; that's how she feels about children. "And you can glow without being pregnant. Don't brides do that, or something?" Maybe. It's certainly nothing she's ever been accused of doing. "The world needs more people like you. You continue to be that do gooder. I'll sit back and do the things no one else wants to do to help." Hunting vampires, for example. Quinn reaches for her purse and pulls out one of the business cards she had made for the college. It is slid across the table, towards Scarlett. "My nights usually aren't really free, not once the sun goes down. But anything you need before that? Just let me know."
"I'm not getting married either." Scarlett just fiddles with the bottle again, finally just letting it drop to the table. Her head shakes at the woman, and she stretches her legs out. "The world needs more people in general that are less focused on gaining power, and more focused on humanity." She's by far not one of those weird humanitarian types, but she's finding more and more things to dislike about politics and business big-wigs. The card is picked up as it's slid across at her, and she pockets it. "You have one for the shop already. Meetings will be at night, but only to work with the majority of the schedules. They won't be all the time however. I'll give you a call when I go location scouting."
It seems like she's saying things that are borderline offensive so now is a good time to just walk away. The beer is drained and the bottle placed on the table. "Good. I hear bad things about that, too." Quinn just doesn't comment on the type of person that she is. Instead she focuses on the meeting schedule. "Before sunset would work better for me, but perhaps I can rearrange some schedules. Although if this loose end isn't wrapped up by then I may find myself late to arrive or early to leave." Yes, of Dallas locals can't take down the black wolf she's going to. Still, the woman stands, preparing to leave. "I'll wait to hear from you."
It should probably have been rephrased to, "I'm not getting married anytime soon.", being as no one has bothered to ask her, and it's been years since she's been in a stable, long-term relationship. Either way, she just sort of smirks at Quinn's hearing bad things about marriage. "One night a month won't kill you, I'm sure." She has no idea what the loose end could possibly be, but isn't going to keep the woman much longer as she wants to go. "You'll hear from me soon then. Thanks again for the offer of help."