Kidd Spring Park
The remnants of the dense forestry are located in here, as paths lead from the woods to the more entertaining features of the park. A jungle gym, complete with a small clubhouse and slides make up a play area designated for children, as do a few sandboxes. A community rec center can also be found in the park.
Separating the trees from the busier points of the park is small lake. During the summer months, a life guard can be found on duty so swimming is allowed, and there is also a small dock from which paddle boats and kayaks are available for rent.
Afternoon in the park is in full swing. It's not quite summer yet, as the cool breeze indicates, but the sun in the sky is enough to warm up the ground. That, of course, means that picnic weather is beginning. During the day, there are more singles in the park; it's not until after work, into the dinner hour and beyond that couples begin to enjoy what nature has in store for them.
That said, Brett Coleman is out and settled on a park bench. He's got a small bag of peanuts beside him, and a hot dog in hand. Leaning forward, Brett is watching a grey squirrel cross the distance between his 'home tree' and the couple of peanuts in a shell that lie on the ground a couple of feet away.
"Come on.." is said softly, encouragingly.
Not too hot, not too cold, perfect weather for an afternoon jog. It's just about the only time the man will ever be seen wearing 'runners' rather than boots or sandals. Jogging, however, doesn't warrant any other change in his usual wardrobe. It's still a raunchy t-shirt and a loose fit pair of jeans for this Texas 'homeboy'. Hell, Sebastian is even wearing his hat. That could be the reason behind the looks turning his direction when his path leads him into the park. He stops short of the park bench, the peanut offerings, the squirrel, and the peanut offer-er, perhaps ten feet away. For now, he's just the curious observer.
The little squirrel freezes in place the moment rapid movement is seen, its little front legs splayed out to the side, little bright beady eyes staring, assessing the danger. At the whispered encouragement, it actually looks like it's considering its options; peanuts or haul its little tail back up to safety in the trees?
Within seconds, the decision is made, and there's a tail flick in confirmation. It moves ahead, step by step, pausing in its journey to keep an eye out for danger.
The behavior of the squirrel attracts Brett's attention and without moving too much, twists his head around so he can get at least something of a look at what caused the little rodent consternation.
A double take.
Narrowing his eyes, there's something familiar about the form under the hat, but maybe it's just too low over the other man's eyes? But..
Back and forth, and there's that nagging little thought in the back of his head that says that he should know, but he just can't put his finger on it.
The hat gets shoved back just a little bit on Sebastian's head. The bracelet he wears on his right wrist reflects the sunlight in the process.
He winks to acknowledge the narrowed eyed attention he suddenly finds leveled on him. "Just y'imagination," he offers along with that wink. It's not as if the man isn't used to the 'don't I know you' stare.
"Crack one open." That and nothing more. If the sight of the peanuts and the smell within their shell is enough to draw the little creature this close, the scent of one open and ready to be munched might just make all the difference in the world.
Balancing the hot dog on his knee, Brett nods at the advice and dips his hand into the bag, pulling out a nut. The soft *crack* sound brings the squirrel up short again, but there, ever so subtle in the air, is the smell of the roasted peanut.
"Uh huh.." Another native son. Brett's sure to keep his voice lowered and even, however, as he speaks. "I know I know you from somewhere," and it's going to bother him. "But I'm thinking you get that a lot." Judging from the reaction.
Then, putting the cracked nut on the ground in slow motion, he freezes in position, waiting.
The squirrel, for his part, stares at the two— sizing them up, perhaps? Then, in a rush, he's in and out with the cracked peanut in his mouth. Racing across the short distance to his tree, he climbs up while spinning around to the back, now hiding from view.
The little squirrel darting forward all ninja fast causes Sebastian to let out a chuckle. "He'll be back." He seems sure of it. He reaches up to remove the Stetson from his head. That chestnut mane of hair of his is plastered down in a sweat induced 'hat head' shape from his jogging efforts. Hat held in his left hand, he extents his right.
"Name's Sebastian. Most folks just call me Tian." No last name, for that would certainly confirm his identity to anyone that really followed The Heart of the Wild.
As an afterthought, he quickly wipes his hand on his jeans. Hat head and sweaty palms, talk about first impressions.
"Yeah, probably now. They're pretty funny to watch. Trying to guess how they'll react."
Rising from his seat, though not before putting his lunch into the bag of peanuts (for lack of a better place to put it), Brett wipes his hand off on his leg before extending it and clasping the other man's, "Brett. Brett Coleman." The smile turns into a lopsided grin; his eureka moment. "I knew I recognized you." A laugh exits the man before the courtesies are finished and he retrieves his hand. "I had to sit and watch those programs," he explains dryly. "I gotta tell you. Great when you're a kid, but as a teen?" Brett shakes his head, "Not so much."
Quickly, he adds, "No offense, of course."
"Dude." Yes the local Ph.D holding authority on all things wild just said.. dude. "I had to /live/ those programs," Sebastian continues. "Great when you're a kid, but as a teen? Yeah, not so much."
He flashes that smile that made all the little girls go weak in the knees once he hit about fourteen. The one they always wanted him to use in those horrid spots in rags like 'Teen Beat'. "No offense taken," he assures. His attention strays up to the tree, eyes scanning and searching for the little squirrel. "Behavior is more difficult to predict in a more urban setting. They're too used to the free meals and the humans that provide'm."
Brett laughs out loud at the 'dude'. "I swear.. there were times when I honestly thought your parents were using you as bait. My father said that it was fine, but I swear.. what the hell was it about using you as sacrifice to the chimps?" He shakes his head slowly, "Did they actually like you?"
Moving over on the bench, he shifts his bag as well. "Want to join me, or..?" The other man was jogging, after all.. and stopping to shoot the stuff int he park may not be on the schedule.
Looking out to where the squirrel took off, the grin remains, "Guilty. I'm trying to watch their mannerisms.. see if I can't try and predict what they'll do." Shaking his head, Brett looks up at Sebastian. "Not that I'm a nature expert. By any stretch of the imagination."
"I was never in any danger," Sebastian does point out in regards to it all. He seems one hundred and fifty percent sure of that statement. He doesn't, however, elaborate further.
"I'm not either." Even though he's considered one. A nature expert that is. He still knows he doesn't know it all. Finally he addresses the invitation.
"I'd love to, but…" There's always a but… "I need to get back to the Zoo in less than an hour or so. We're getting ready for a new Sun Bear and I need to make sure everything's in order for a smooth transition for her. Hopefully she'll give us some cubs in the next few years."
Ever seen a man that truly loves his job and really shines when he talks about it? That would be Sebastian.
"Ah.." Brett sounds a little dubious there, but he's willing to give it a rest, as it were. It's obvious that there's the silent 'if you say so' couched in there, however.
"The zoo?" That bit of information piques his interest, and he continues, "I'm dating a girl.. a vet at the local clinic. She'd probably love to see it." There's a momentary stumble as he continues, "If you don't mind. Her name is Dr. Summer Houston." He grins soon after, the expression relighting his face. "She'd love it, I know it."
"Sure, we can arrange something," Tian replies. A moment later and he's retrieved one of his business cards from his wallet to hold it out. It proclaims that he is, indeed, a 'Doctor' by means of the PH.D after his name and it also makes mention of him as an independent contractor.
"We have a giraffe that should be calf-ing in a few days. I'm sure I could arrange for her to be there when she goes into labor."
He fiddles with the medical alert bracelet on his right wrist absently after the offered card is taken.
"I need to grab some lunch before I head back though. Tell her to give me a call?"
"That'd be great."
Reaching out, Brett takes the proffered card, the shiny bracelet glinting in the afternoon sun on the other man's wrist. It's noticed, certainly, and once he looks at it briefly before pulling out his wallet and secreting it there, he gestures to it. "You okay? I mean, not my business, but.." Medic Alerts are serious things.
"But, don't mean to keep you if you have to go. I'll pass along the information to Summer, and I don't doubt for a minute that she'll call and set up a time." He's got more squirrel-watching to do..and after he gets home, a couple of test runs. ahem
"Yeah, fine." Right now. Sebastian doesn't seem put off by the question. "Diabetes," he explains. "It's why I'm not still out there with the parentals crawling through the jungles and running the plains." Despite his earlier complaints about growing up 'Wild', he seems a little sad over it all.
One shoulder rolls up in a slight shrug. "I'm good, s'long as I eat on time, stick myself on time, all the usual and customary procedures for the condition. So, yeah… need to get on that eating thing."
A beat, a grin, a wink.
"Next time, bring a jar of peanut butter and watch him try to figure that out." He offers a mock sort of salute. "You're welcome t'come with her if you'd like."
Nodding in the information, the twinge of concern fades as Sebastian assures him that everything is pretty much under control. "Good. Glad to hear it."
Brett reaches down to grab his bag of peanuts and the hot dog that is sticking out of the top. "Peanut butter, huh?" He laughs, seriously considering the idea. "That.. would be pretty funny. I'll have to try it."
"Go ahead, and don't let me keep you. And, I appreciate the invite. Just might, though I'd probably be lost half-way through.. okay," Who is he kidding? "I don't think I'd get halfway. Nature shows is the extent of my knowledge, remember?" A laugh escapes before, "Take care of yourself.. and it's a pleasure meeting you. I'll have to tell my brother I ran into you. He had to sit and watch too."
"It's not like you have to have knowledge to watch," Tian points out. "First hand, best way to learn." If you don't mind things like blood and slime and afterbirth and…
He offers one last wink before he turns and walks off the way he came. A few strides in and he speeds it up to a trot, then back to his jogging pace.