So, turns out? Badass Hyde? Is quite conservative with his hard-earned money. He did not want, at all, to waste it when arriving at the casino. And indeed, had to be coaxed out of the hotel room (or perhaps threatened). But right now? He's sitting at the blackjack table, his lips pursed thoughtfully as he solemnly stares at the hand being unveiled, his half-assed, meager bet on the table. The tension around the table is high, despite the vibrations of people all around the casino, enjoying themselves.
Scarlett might not care so much about losing a bit of her money. She's set aside some, and was already up $1000.00 by the end of the first night. Since then, she's been playing off her winnings and not really spending any of her own money. Right now, she's not playing. She's pretending to be one of those super good luck charms or something, standing a little ways off to the side of Hyde. Far enough away she can't see any cards, but close enough that she can cheer if he gets a good hand or wins more of the little chips.
The hand is played out, and in the end, Hyde loses. This drives an irritated man to the point of recklessness. "Whatever. I'm all in." His reasoning? Well, even if he loses, he'll have an excuse to drag Scarlett away from the casino and enjoy more…joyous activities. Either way, this is going to be his last hand. Glancing over in an attempt to meet Scarlett's eye - for good luck, if nothing else - Hyde goes through the motions of the game, holding on to his cards when he lucks into a jack and a nine…and then?
He wins.
Surprise is written on his features as he is given a good, solid 5,000 in chips for his efforts.
"Holy hell," Scarlett says, then she runs over to give him a hug. That's right. She hugged him. In public. "You're on a roll, baby. Take this." She hands over her bucket of chips. A bucket that she won with her other winnings on the slots. She's no clue how much is in there. She's not counted yet. She just brought the paper printout to the counter and they handed her a bucket which she dumped into a larger one with her other winnings.
"Play another hand," she urges.
"I…uhh…no, it was luck, playing another hand would be stupid, we should take our winnings and…" But one look at the expectant dealer…one shrug of his shoulders? And Hyde submits, his shoulders slumping. "Fine. I'm…all in again." It physically hurts him, to put so much money on the line. But…well, she wants it.
Feeling the pressure, Hyde is silent as the cards are passed out. And then, he manages to catch sight of his girlfriend, standing beside him. And though he holds his cards with only a grand total of 18 points…the dealer goes over 21. Meaning…
"Twenty-four thousand or so, give or take a few." The dealer smiles easily. "Congratulations. You should play another hand, see how much more you'll win."
But Hyde shakes his head firmly. "Fuck no. I'm taking this money and running. Scar - we need to get out of here. Now. Before we lose everything we've won."
He goes for it, and Scarlett can't help but grin. "You'll do fine, babe. You'll see." Generally she's wrong about these things, and when he only has an 18, she frowns. They may lose it all, and she'll feel like crap, but…
Scarlett stares at the dealer to see if he's lying to them, then stares at her boyfriend. Then turns to stare back at the dealer.
"Go cash it in. Now." It may not be a million dollars, but christ. It's enough to live on for a while without worrying about having to make big sales at the shop.
Hyde scatters out of his seat, holding in his hands the few pieces of plastic that are worth oh so much. He is very much prepared to jet out of there, prepared to do exactly as he said, to take the money and run. But…before he is able to, he pauses. Swirling around, he loops his arm around Scarlett's waist, hoping to hook her into his person without hesitation. "You're my lucky charm," he murmurs, just before crashing his lips on top of hers.
Good day? Oh yeah.
"Eek! Hy— " Scarlett is then forcibly kissed, in public, while her boyfriend is holding twenty-four thousand dollars of chips in his hands. Melting in against him, she returns the kiss heatedly. "Guess you should drag me along if you play poker again," she murmurs with a smile as she draws slowly back. "Let's go cash these in, then it's your choice what we do with the rest of our day. Could always rent a car and drive back a day late…"
Hyde arches his brows slightly at Scarlett's suggestion. "As tempting as the thought of you giving me road head is…" Yeah, he's trying to make up for the sponteniety of his kiss a few seconds ago by being…well, himself. "I can't. I work the day after we get back. I can't ditch anymore. But…alright. I can go cash it in - why don't I meet you at the bar? Order something nice for yourself, and hard for me, okay?" And it is with reluctance that he unwinds from Scarlett, heading off to the booth that transforms cash into chips and vice versa.
That means they'll need to fly again — a prospect Scarlett isn't really looking forward to. With a sigh, she nods. "Flight it is." She understands the need to be at work, even if she makes up her own hours. "Hurry up. Get them to give it to you in cheque form." That way they're not going to get a whole wad of cash to have to worry about.
At the bar, she orders herself a fruity drink in one of those ridiculous hurricane glasses, and she orders him a rum and coke. Then she finds a nice little bar stool with empty spaces on either side that she takes a seat in.
And Hyde is gone! Gone to get the money and make their dreams come true.
But he wasn't the only male in the vicinity with eyes for the Fontane woman. Nor was he the only person who hit it big. When she heads to the bar, it just so happens that a young fellow with a cowboy hat strolls up to take the seat beside her, all smiles and warmth. "Two shots, sir! And, ah…pu8 whatever the lovely lady beside me ordered on my tab. I just won a hundred grand, whooiee!"
There is a visible twitch with the Fontane twin. Scarlett eyes the wannabe cowboy, and points to her drinks. "Thanks, but I'm waiting for my boyfriend." That's all she says as she forks over her own money to pay for the drinks. Sure, she should take the free drinks but why lead on a drunk cowboy? When her gigantic hurricane glass appears it has a slice of pineapple on the side, and one of those pretty umbrellas. Taking the umbrella out, she licks the drink off of it, and tucks it into her hair. Then she glances over her shoulder to see where Hyde managed to get off to.
This news sobers the cowboy up, considerably, but he still smiles. "Oh. Darn, eh? I was hopin' my luck woulda carried out to women too, but I guess that's too much ta ask for in one day. Sorry if I offended, miss. I didn't mean ta. You and your boyfriend here celebratin' something?" It's just simple curiosity that's driving the polite man to question Scarlett. As for Hyde, he's still stuck in line, impatiently.
"I don't take offense to being thought a catch," Scarlett says with a grin. There's a devil on her shoulder, and she very nearly says that they're here to get married, but in case Hyde is within hearing range? She just shrugs. "Fun, youth, drinks." At this point, she's forgotten the challenge and really isn't thinking anything of chatting up a stranger at the bar. "Congrats on your win though! What did you win it all on?"
"Poker! I never thought that playin' with my gramps all these years would pay off, y'know?" The cowboy lets out a laugh of surprise. "It's the best day of my life, today. I can help my momma with her house now. Buy some new equipment for the ranch. Maybe even find me a girlfriend, now that I got somethin' ta offer. I love this city!" When the shots arrive, he downs it in one, before ordeering another exuberantly. He then turns a dimpled smile to Scarlett. "C'mon, take a shot with me, yeah? Winnin' aint no fun if you don't got no one to celebrate with!"
Finally, Hyde has come out with his check, pocketing the precious legal tender carefully. Impatiently, he searches around the bar, in search of his esteemed girlfriend. And when he finally finds her? Well…he can't help the way his eyes narrow darkly.
"Let me guess. Texas Hold'em?" He seems the type. He feels Texan. Scarlett smiles at the man again, "Well that's wonderful! I'm sure your momma will like that quite a bit. A ranch you say? Do you have horses?" The conversation is innocent enough. Then he motions to the shot, and she tilts her head. "Why the hell not?" Taking one of the glasses and nods. "Cheers, and congrats again on your win." Then she waits, and downs the shot really quickly.
He laughs then. "Damn, miss, let me guess. It's the hat, right?" His wide grin is practically sparkling. "But you're right. The name's Rick. And yeah, we got a couple. Not all that many though, the place is rather small, but I like it anyways. And cheers to you too! Congratulations on…er…well, bein' a catch!" Supremely pleased, Rick also throws back his shot without hesitation.
This is all Hyde needs to see, really. Because he's already stalking over to the bar, fingers flexing slightly. And then, without notice or warning, he slids his arms around Scarlett's waist in a way that can only be construed as possessive. Nothing is said to either the stranger or the woman, he merely reaches for his drink and swallows a mouthful.
"The hat, the accent… the ranch…" All little tells that Scarlett picked up on. "Well, thanks, Rick. That's mighty sweet of you to say!" Winking at the man, she starts to turn. Then she's being grabbed from behind. She's about to turn and yell at whomever it is to let her go or he'll make her boyfriend jealous. But then she spots the hand grabbing the drink, and smiles. "Hyde? This is my new pal Rick. He thinks I'm a catch," she says with a grin.
Rick is not offput when Hyde appears. After all, he gave up on his designs to hit on Scarlett the moment the woman informed him of her significant otheer. "Well, yeah! I mean, jus' loook at ya. And you seem like a real nice peerson ta talk to, too and…" But his enthusiasm and cheeriness is being strangles by the intensity of Hyde's dark glare. Soon enough, Rick's smile creeps away. "…Yeah. Maybe I should go, then? Yeah. Was nice ta meetchya…"
"Hn., Bye, Rick." It is with pointed emphasis that Hyde speaks the other man's name, before rolling his dark eyes and finishing off moree of the drink. He will not comment on Scarlett's 'catchness'.
"Scarlett," she offers to the cowboy. "Enjoy your winnings!" Since she can't see the look that's being given the man, she figures he just doesn't feel like chatting anymore now that her 'boyfriend' turns out to be real. "It was nice to meet you," she offers with another smile as the man starts to make his way down the bar.
"S'matter, Surly? Was there issues with cashing in the chips?" And it's back to sipping on the monstrous fruity drink.
How to tell when Hyde is in a bad mood? Check for monosyllibicism or one word replies. "Nothing." Check. Look for curtness and briskness. "It went well. "Check. And watch his expression for signs of brooding…One look in his direction will prove that his brows are furrowed heavily, and he looks quite displeased. All this means….
Hell yes, Hyde is jealous. "Who's your new friend?"
"Rick. Texan, I think. Owns a ranch at any rate." Scarlett twists in her seat to look at him now, curiously scrutinizing him. "Why, Hyde Blakeley, are you jealous?" He'll deny it, she knows. He'll deny it adamantly. But she caught that look, and his brooding attitude. "I mean, he only just won a hundred grand or so and wanted to celebrate." Did she go off with him? Nope. She said she had a boyfriend and waited for Hyde to appear.
Hyde snorts then, rolling his eyes with incredulty. "Jealous?" The word is an insult to him and everything he stands for. Even if it is true. "Why the fuck would I be jealous? Of him? You're stupid." It's just like Hyde to try and 'attack' her in an attempt to get the scrutiny off of him. Finishing off the rest of his drink, he ends up shaking his head. "Ah! Let's move. Go to a…strip club or something. Celebrate."
The insult to her? Just goes to show that he is jealous, and doesn't want her to know. "I don't know. Rich Texan telling me I'm a catch. Looking for a girlfriend? Buying me drinks?" A shot, but hey, that can be drinks. Shrugging, she slides off the stool, drinking from the hurricane glass again. "I thought strip clubs were special for your birthday…"
"Yeah, but you're mine. I'm the one that gets to take you to bed, not him. If he wants to liquor you up for me? That's fine. Makes shit easier for me." Grump, grump, watch Hyde grump. Also, watch him draw away fro Scarlett, not even waiting for her person as he stalks off, looking to head out of the casino and assuming she'll follow after him. "Fine. Not a strip club. A show. Whatever. Let's just go - I'm sick of this place."
"You're so jealous," Scarlett says with a perky grin. "You shouldn't be, Hyde. I told him I had a boyfriend." With that, she follows him out of the bar, content to finish her drink wherever else. "Whatever you want. You did just win a shit load of money." Reaching out for his shoulder, she makes to place her hand on it and turn him around to face her. "I promise you that I'm not that type of girl. I'm a one guy type of woman."
So…Scarlett won that wager of theirs without even trying. It's a good thing Hyde didn't shake on it. "Whatever." he grumps, intent on ignoring her, since he knows that protesting wont lead to anything significant either. However, he is easily manipulatd to turn around, and dark eyes stare back at her without blinking. "What do you think I am, stupid? I know you're not. I know you." This much is true at least. Hyde will never be worried about Scarlett cheating on him. Even with Rick, he wasn't jealous because he was afraid she'd stray. Just…because Rick was looking at something that belonged to Hyde.
"Good." The fact is, Hyde knows her better than anyone outside her own family. Even better than her family in some regards — he knows about the floating thing. "I don't think you're stupid, Surly. I just wanted to reiterate the fact that I'm with you. I care for you." Then Scarlett leans in to playfully kiss the tip of his nose. "You're mine, and I don't ever want to hurt you."
"Yeah…well…duly noted." Hyde grunts, nodding his head in her direction to demonstrate that he understands. But then, he can't quite help but roll his eyes when she continues on. "Tshe. Like you can hurt me." She can. But he's not about to admit this. Let's go waste some of our not-so-hard earned money. There anything you want to buy?"
The more he protests things, the more Scarlett knows what she can and can't do. When he doesn't protest? It means he doesn't care, at least so far as she figures. "Think we can buy our way into one of those tacky wedding chapels? Elvis or something?" She waits just a hint of a beat. "Not to get married, but to play a really rotten joke on my brother, who thought that's what we were running off to do."
Hyde pauses. His heart stops beating. And then, he just stares at Scarlett when she brings up the wedding chapel. however…when she reveals the truth behind it - that it's a 'joke' - he lets out a sigh of relief. He no longer looks tense and unbecoming. "A trick, huh? what sort?" he is willing to hear her out. "We can probably buy cooperation, yeah. Sure."
Scarlett Fontane is not ready for marriage. It doesn't matter to her that everyone she knows seems to be settling into things. The truth of it is, she's having fun and she wants to keep it that way for as long as possible. If that means never getting married? She's perfectly fine with that. "We can buy some of those plastic rings they give out at bachlorette parties, and we can 'pretend' to get married to get the shot. Buy one of those really tacky Vegas wedding dresses," she pauses again to finish off her drink so she can set the hurricane glass on a passing tray. "One of those t-shirt tux deals, and have an extremely hot kiss that gets snapped in the picture which I intend on accidentally giving him when I go over to drop off some papers…"
Rightfully, the idea of doing all this for the sake of a joke shouldn't appeal to him so much. It's still dangerously marriage-like, But…despite himself…he finds his lips curling upwards into a smirk of appreciation. Easily enough, he nods to her, approving of the plan. 'That? I can do. But I want to do it right. An actual tux. A dress that's just a bit slutty. And I heard there's a Darth Vadar that's officiating weddings somewhere around here…" Hyde likes Vader.
What he suggests? Going way above and beyond what she was going to do. Much more realistic. "Think there's a wedding rental place around here? That way we don't have to shell out the cash to keep the dress and tux." Scarlett is sure she can find something if they get back to the room and she can look it up in the phone book. "Darth Vader? That's even better than Elvis," she says with a laugh. "You're on. I'll get copies of the picture made as well so you can keep one."
Hyde just shoots her a look. "We're in Vegas," he points out, as if that should answer any and all questions that she has. "We ought to be able to buy cheap rings too. Return it afterwards. Anyway…" And with that, he licks his lips, looking to grab her hand to march her forward. "Awesome."