Golden Theater: Atrium

Tonight, even though it's a Tuesday night, the theater is packed! The show has totally been rocking for the last few hours, and there's still a half dozen tribute bands that are totally going to be rocking the Golden Theater!
Up next? A Twisted Sister tribute.
Ronnie, the totally wicked cool awesome 80's pop-punk rocker is definitely in attendance! A few people recognize her but most think better than to disturb a vampire that's currently skating (yes skating) around the lobby in black and red roller skates with little skulls painted on them.
"Turn it down you say, well all I gotta say to you is time again I say , NO! Nononononono!" She does a little pirouette and bangs her head a bit. "Tell me not to play, well all I gotta say to you when you tell me not to play, I say NO! Nononononono!"


Abbey isn't that sure why she made her way out to the 80's night, but here she is wandering along through the crowd, a unlit cigarette tucked behind a ear which she plans on smoking when she leaves the place. She pauses, pale gaze drifting over the place as some quick movement is caught and she blinks while tilting her head and peers towards the movement which is Ronnie, she just hasn't figured that part out yet. Her clothing for the evening is a black shirt with long sleeves, black leather pants and of course black boots to finsh it off. She has her red hair pulled back, a pair of sunglasses tucked into her hair to keep some of it out from her eyes.


Todd is out for the concert, though he isn't as dressed up for the occasion as some of the crowd. He has been standing toward the back of the crowd, watching the bands and occasionally even singing along to the more well-known songs. During the breaks between bands he wanders aimlessly through the crowd, smiling cheerfully and generally putting people off with his slightly queer behavior.
Eventually, Todd makes his way back to the lobby, only to see Ronnie. He pauses near the wall, watching her skating with a curious and interested expression. He brightens to a grin as she skates somewhat near, as she's skating away again, he chimes in, "Nononononono!" Hey, it's catchy.


It would totally seem that someone is doing their very own Twisted Sister tribute right here in the lobby, and appears to be quite happy to be singing it. Spotting Todd makes the roller-staking Ronnie groan a little. He's going to mention singing, and she's gonna totally want to pelt him with slouchie socks, but she can't. 'cuz Wil Wheaton totally won't let her, the total bully-o-rama!
Instead, she totally grabs the poor man and twirls him toward Abbey, not once faultering on her skates. "Red! What'cha doin' here? Did you like, totally get the skates I left at the garage for you? This is Todd by the way, but he likely doesn't remember his name."


Abbey hums faintly as she watches Ronnie skate around the place, she shakes her head slightly as she glances up towards the stage at the music that is getting played. Her attention goes back towards Ronnie and Todd now and she blinks as Ronnie takes hold of Todd and shoves the man towrds her. "Hey.." Escapes her and lifts her hands to stop Todd before she gets run into. "Ya.. I got the skates, there at the garage."


Todd gets twirled around, with a slightly startled expression, though it definitely serves the purpose of distracting him from the singing. He catches his balance, not quite soon enough to avoid getting caught by Abbey's hands. He blinks a few times, gives Abbey a kind of embarrassed smile and steps away quickly. "I totally /do/ remember my name," he corrects, with a glance toward Ronnie. "I'm not /stupid/."


"Duh! I totally didn't say you were like… stupid. Just that you're like, forgetful!" Ronnie points at Abbey. "Red, Todd. Todd, Red. You two should totally hit it off. Go dancing during the next set or something. Hey, you haven't seen any bunnies around here, have you?"
The 80's vampie just sort of skates around them after releasing Todd and then tilts her head. She's careful, very careful not to mention how demonic bunnies are. "You know, Wil Wheaton would totally have rocked this concert. I should'a got him some tickets. I bet he'd'a totally bought me a bunny to snack on during intermission. They only have that gross synthetic stuff that tastes like beige."


Abbey smirks as Ronnie continues to call her Red.. Well she's been called worse so she lets her continue with it at the moment. A soft huff escapes her. "I've met Todd before." Though she ponders if the guy even remembers her. She lets her arms fold in front of her while she watches Ronnie skate around. "Will Wheaton?" She questions for a moment.


Todd waves to Abbey a little and smiles politely. "Um…Nice to meet you…" He's still keeping an eye on Ronnie with all her skating around. "Hm. Well. You could have a corn dog. I bet they have corn dogs," he offers, and glances back to Abbey. He gives a grin, and shrugs one shoulder. "Sorry," he apologizes, since he doesn't remember her.


"They make dogs outta corn? Woah! Dude! Totally? That just sounds like way gross. 'sides, bunnies are totally the way to go. All the cool kids are doin'em." Ronnie sometimes has no clue what she's spouting out. She simply speaks without thinking.
"Red! You know Wil Wheaton? He's totally my daddy." The veracity of that is absolutely zilch. He's her caretaker, but her 'daddy'? Very far from it.
"Do either'a you know who's like, up after Twisted Sister? I don't have one'a them booklet thingies that tell me who's playin' and I only know two'a the songs. I need to practice."


Abbey offers a smile to Todd and nods slightly. She recalls him not being all there last time that met at the park so isn't that worried. "Sok." Is offered before she glances back to Ronnie and lifts a brow slightly. "Ah.. No I don't know who Will Wheaton is." She shrugs. "No clue, just wandered in for a little while when I heard something was going on."


Todd frowns a little. "I…don't really think they're made out of /corn/…" he protests, mildly, but drops it fairly quickly as Ronnie goes on to confuse him further. "I don't know anything about corn bunnies. It doesn't sound as good to me…" He glances toward Abbey, and gives an uncertain smile as he reaches for his pocket. He seems slightly surprised to find a program there, but flips through it a little before holding it out to Ronnie. "Is this what you're talking about?"


"Corn bunnies? Nonononono! Real bunnies. Juicy bunnies. Corn's not juicy, it's just nibblets." Who in their right mind would want a corn bunny? That just sounds like a total barf-o-rama to her.
"Well now you do, red. Wil Wheaton is my daddy!"
"Yes! Oh, Todd! I promise I won't throw leggings, or slouchies, or leg warmers at you tonight. That's perfect!" Snatching away the little booklet, she flips through it. Every couple of pages she makes a face. At the next to last page, her eyes goggle a bit and she squeals with delight. Twirling in a big circle, holding the book to her chest she acts as though she's going to swoon and hit the floor of the lobby.
"Totally wicked awesome cool! Corey Hart is gonna be here!"


Abbey chuckles softly and hums before shrugging to Ronnie. "Well.. If you say so." She still isn't sure about 'knowing' this Will person. She titls her head as Ronnie lights up and snatches hold of the program, a soft smirk crosses her lips. "Guess that's what she was looking for.. So.. who's up next?"


Todd smiles nervously at Ronnie, "Were you thinking of…doing that?" Still, he can't help but grin at her enthusiasm for the paper booklet. "Oh, that's nice…I guess Corey Hart is good, then?" He reaches for his notepad in his shirt pocket, already pulling out his pen.


"Twisted Sister," Ronnie tells Abbey before twirling around with the book.
Poor misguided 80's rocker vamp has no idea the 'Corey Hart' band in the booklet isn't her Corey Hart.
"He is the ultimate bestest of the best! He's a total babe-o-rama, and he like, wears his sunglasses at night." Even if he was a total jerk and like, made her cry and stuff.
Up above the stage entrance, the red light starts to blink-blink-blink blink-blink-blink, signalling that there's only five minutes left of intermission.
"I totally have to like, go find my seat again! I wanna be wicked close to the stage if like, Corey Hart is coming on soon." No further response is given as Ronnie skates off into the theater. "I wear my sunglasses at night so I can so I can~ watch you weave then breathe your story liiiiiines~!"

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