
Bass Clef Club

Bass Clef is a fair sized Jazz club with the lighting dimmed so that the booths and tables along the back and side walls of the cafe area are slightly shadowed and more private. Eight booths line the bricked walls, four on each side of the club. To get up into the booths there is a single step so that they are not on the same level as the rest of the floor. The walls are decorated with posters from past and upcoming events and entertainers. Several cafe-style tables have been set up in the center of the club with two to four chairs surrounding each. Closer to the bar there are taller tables, being close to forty-four inches in height so that someone could stand next to it and rest their elbows upon them as they leaned in against them.

Across from the large wooden door that is the entrance, there is a very short stage comprised of black marble. In the center of the stage is a grand piano, and enough room for the remainder of the jazz-band to set up. The stage is normally lit up with a spotlight, making it the most illuminated area in the entire club.

Settled on the right wall is the bar. The lights around the bar don't seem to be as dim as those in the rest of the club, but the lighting is still very low in order to keep the atmosphere of the rest of the establishment. Behind the bar the wall is done up in aqua-colored tile before the shelving for the various types of beverages; including soda. A door behind the bar presumably leads to the kitchen and storage areas.


The sun's been set over the city long enough that the Bass Clef Club's in full swing, the band's playing swing, the intention obviously to put some life in the club, the musics designed to be danced to and few people could resist at least tapping their feet, of course one such exception is Michael, for his part Michael seems to lounge in one of the booths, as usual he gives the strange impression of being totally at ease and relaxed while not moving a musle. He rests one hand on the bottle of True Blood, his eyes resting on the stage as he listens to the music, the faint smile is the only sign that he's enjoying the music and even that seem to lack any real feeling.


Rachel enters the club slowly, pausing just beyond the threshold of the lounge proper. As the music greets her, an easy smile touches her face and her shoulders seem to relax just a touch. Indeed, the woman actually seems to take a deep breath, as if slowly testing the air. It's a subtle move, really, but evidently the place puts her at least somewhat at her ease. "Good luck finding a seat," a passing patron says to her as he jostles past, perhaps just a little gruffer than he needs to be. Her attention moves quickly to him and she gives a bit of a half-smile, but says nothing. Instead, she simply moves forward, brushing by a table or two, in search of a seat a little further in, away from the bar. As her eyes sweep the room, she automatically catalogues what she sees and takes stock of the patrons there. It's a habit, one she doesn't even consciously think about. Her eyes linger for just a moment on the bottle of TruBlood in the ancient vampire's hand, recognizing it for what it is. Automaticaly, her eyes raise to note his face. Her own expression, though still superficially relaxed, has tensed marginally — unnoticeable to any but the most astute. It's probably more obvious in the slight shifting of her heartbeat… though how that might be discernible among the dozens of others in the room is hard to say.


Michael is rarely not paying attention to his surroundings, even when it seems otherwise. He doesn't hear the heart rate change, it's not like he's listening for a specific heart beat, but he does catch the glance, and the faint tension his only response is to offer a nod to Rachel, and an a quick gesture to the seat opposite him, an invitation to join him, partly because it's just good manners in a crowded bar, and secondly because those that are uneasy around vampires generally amuse him, even if he does try to put them to ease.


Rachel's had reason, in the past, to learn to be wary of vampires. And, on some level, the idea of joining one for a drink in the one club in town that promised her some genuine entertainment isn't really high on her list of 'smart things to do'. That said… There aren't that many other seats around and, new as she is to Dallas, making some sort of contact with the local vampire community could be beneficial… providing this first encounter doesn't prove to be unusually unpleasant. As a result, schooling herself as best a human might, she offers a courteous smile and an oblique incline of her head in acknowledgement. She nears the table. "Good evening," she says in greeting — at least remembering some manners to start. Her accent is a blunted northeastern, clearly recognizable to anyone that's well-familiar with New York as more of a central city cadence than a borough-specific cant. "I don't usually like to intrude on strangers; though this place is quite crowded, this evening." A beat as she pauses a moment in consideration. Then, another concession to manners. "Rachel," she says by way of introduction, not just yet daring to sit. Her head cants faintly in askance, to see if he returns the introduction.


His own accent's virtually impossible to place, after all his original language is one that's now dead, and since then he's spent enough time all over Europe and the Americas to have picked up traces of everything, inclines his head again. "Michael, it's a pleasure." He motions to the seat. "Please help yourself." His own smile becomes just a little more open although it's still far from truly warm. "It's a busy evening, I'm surprised the tables haven't started doubling up sooner, but more than a few people seem content to remain on the dance floor."


Rachel lowers herself into the empty seat, glancing briefly to the stage after the vampire has introduced himself. "Jazz is good for dancing," the woman replies, returning her attention to her table companion. "Is it often this busy here?" She notes the change in his expression, and how its still somewhat disconnected from humanity. A waitress comes by about that time, perhaps a trifle curious at the new face seated opposite the vampire, though it's hard to say. Certainly, if nothing else, Rachel is a new face to the club, never mind Michae's company.

"What can I get you, hon?" the woman asks.

Rachel considers it for just a moment. "Gingerale," she says quickly enough. "Please." Whatever her plans before, now no longer seems the time to imbibe.


Michael nods to the waitress in a way that implies he know her, there's actually a little more warmth there now, but he soon turns his attention back to the woman cross from him. "Yes, Jazz is good music to dance to, and it very much depends. I've seen the place with no more than half a dozen people in here, or I've seen it packed to the rafters." He shrugs a shoulder sipping his drink he notes the order and his smile fades. "I seem to make you uncomfortable." He seems almost hesitant in his words. "That's certainly not my intention, I can assure you though my plan is to finish this drink and leave."


The vampire makes Rachel as uncomfortable as any predator might. "Cautious," she clarifies. "No offense. It's really nothing personal. Unfortunately, most of the other vampires I've dealt with haven't been the friendliest of people. I suppose it makes me a little gun-shy." And she can't quite bring herself to apologize for her caution, however, though she will hope the vampire understands on some level. She watches him to see, though she isn't truly convinced she'll see anything other than what he wishes her to see.


Michael nods with an amused smile. "Ah, I can see that. I'll admit I'm not the friendliest of people myself, but I am well mannered, and I detest unnecessary violence." He shrugs a shoulder sipping his blood. "But I'm sorry you've had bad experiences with my kind. People seem to put a lot of stock in them. First impressions and such."


Rachel gives a mild shrug now, glancing up at the waitress returns with her gingerale. She thanks the woman with a nod and small smile. "It's unfortunate," she agrees. "But, to be fair, I've met lots of of humans I'm not much fond of, either. And I tend to be cautious with them, too." It's simply that most humans she meets don't automatically get branded as 'sociopaths' in her books, whereas vampires do. It's the emotional disconnect she often sees in them. Were the tv series Dexter actually on the air, not simply in development, she'd probably just nickname them all 'Dexter' and be done with it. (Alas, she won't get that chance for at least another 16 - 18 months.) Of course, even that's a misnomer, but hardly the point.


"Ah, but you give them the benefit of the doubt." Michael laughs as he does finish his blood, he considers the woman. "It's perfectly natural that you don't trust us, but if I'm being honest I've not killed in a very long time centuries in fact, and in all my life I probably killed more people while I was alive… To be fair I was in a war, but either way the point stands." He chuckles. "We're disconcerting because we look like you, but we don't move like you… we don't move enough. I don't fidget, my feelings don't get shown on the outside." He frowns very slightly. "The simple truth is my body doesn't move until I will it to, so my feelings become that much easier to hide… it's never a good idea to be any more expressive than necessary." He shrugs. "I'm sorry that I make you uncomfortable, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening." He bows before turning to leave.


Rachel considers his words. "Well, should we meet again, perhaps I'll be more inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt." It's an offer of sorts. Of truce, more than anything else. She's actually not all that interested in creating a hostile or antagonistic relationship with the vampire. She rises, nonetheless. "It's not my intention to drive you off, however. Particularly when you were kind enough to share your table." If he chooses to leave, so be it, but she's not actually keen on being the cause of his exit. "I'm sure I can find someplace else, if it suits you better."


Shaking his head Michael motions to the table. "No, I offered you the table because I was planning to leave once I'd finished my drink." He shrugs a shoulder. "And you didn't drive me off. If truth be told I appriciated the company, it's good to discuss such fears with someone who shows an open mind, most of those who have negative images of vampires generally hold onto them regardless of any reason or attempts at compromise, and understanding. Your response was refreshing." He inclines his head. "Good evening Rachel, it was a pleasure to meet you." With that he turns and heads for the door."

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