Medical City Hospital
Bright, wide lights hang from the ceiling, casting the clean and sterile surroundings with brilliant light. A reception area sits centered before the door where people can check in, or ask for directions to other areas within the hospital. Past the desk is a small hallway with elevators leading to the upper floors, and signs that point to radiology.
Two large metal doors to the left of the entrance lead outside to the ambulance loading dock. The doors are marked 'EMERGENCY ONLY' in large red letters.
It's day two of lockdown, maybe day three. The trouble with being in the hospital and passed out most of the time, is that you really start to lose track of the days. Two, probably, by the calendar. At any rate, Paige is still in her room. But she's actually being allowed to sit up in her wheelchair, which she's been tearing around the hospital in. At the moment, she's sitting at the window, having pulled the rolling table over to use as a desk, scribbling on the pad of paper she had brought in with a few other things earlier in the day. A phone is close by, her cell. But for the next little while, surprisingly, she doesn't look to be wanting to use it.
There are of course visiting hours, and Michael's not available for any of them, but with the ability to glamour he's had no trouble getting into the ward and even getting information, but now he needs details on the events of the evening in question, he'd been hoping to get to speak to both Hugo and Paige, but has had to settle for Paige for now at least. He walks into her room, his expression as blank and emotionless as ever. "Good evening. I hope you're recovering well?"
Paige's eyes rise from where she's working, taking in the form of the vampire she's as friendly with, as well…okay, the only vampire she's friendly with. "Michael. I didn't expect to see you here. Come in." Paige is looking a bit better than she did the night she came in. The bruises are starting to fade and she's not as heavily bandaged. Her neck is still covered, but that's probably more to hide the fang marks from gawkers than anything else. It has been a media frenzy around the place. "I'm getting back to my usual self. Thank you for coming. Did you get the messages I left with Desiree?"
Shaking his head Michael studies the covering on the neck for a moment. "No, I haven't been in town for the last couple of days, I haven't seen Desiree, I heard about the attack and thought I'd come to see what I could learn." He walks into the room standing motionlessly not far from Paige. "I thought it best if I learn the details. What is it I can do for you?"
Paige nods, "Let me tell you what happened first, and then I have a request of you." And with that she moves into the story. The drive home from the Bean, the accident, as the vampire's truck slammed into the porsche. The door ripped off, and Hugo dragged from the car. The off-duty police officer that shot at the egyptian vampire. Until with Skylar, Paige doesn't lie or tell any half-truths about what she did. Michael hardly needs protecting from the truth that 'supernaturals and enhanced humans' are out there. Paige's attempt to blind the vampire with one of her balls of light. The vampire's attack on her, including the bite. His claim that Hugo was his, and that he would now kill Paige and everyone that she cared about, as punishment for besting him. The officer's second shot, that got the vampire off of her, and attacking the officer, whom he called a dog. Though Paige makes no assumptions to his humanity of lack there of. The officer that is. The spell she used to burn off the blood in his body, strong enough to make him flee while he still had the power to do it. "My concern, is that, first, I have no idea why he wanted Hugo. he said Hugo was mine, but mine in what way? In the way that Desiree is yours? Or was he wanted for a different reason, as a means to get to her…or to you. And now that I seem to be number one in his hit list, if he is going to go after the people I care about, and he starts here in Dallas, by simple observation, that would include both you and her." Paige pauses, "Will you listen to my favour now?"
Michael listens intently his expression not changing, no sign that he's concerned for either of them or even himself. He nods very slowly as Paige finishes. "Yes, I doubt he'd do me any harm… or try, but Desiree isn't mine. I can offer her only so much protection. I may have to deal with him." He seems to consider the last question finally smiling faintly. "Of course I'll listen to it, although I make no promises to do anything."
Paige shakes her head, "I do not know how things work in your world, Michael. But Desiree is devoted to you, and you obviously care for her. In my book, that makes her yours. And if this vampire has darker motives than just attacking a single human, if he does intend to try to keep his promise, which I have no doubt that he could, if he chose to. He was so strong, fast, and even after the damage that I did to him, he was still able to fly away. And he swore on the name of Anubis. And I don't think I have to tell you how long it's been since Anubis was a god anyone swore by. Unless your kind also has different ways, or he does. But my favour is this. Send word to the vampiric community, to whatever it is that serves as your law enforcement. Tell them what happened. I have no way of knowing if this was approved or acceptable with your kind. But he has to be stopped. And I will take all of the help I can get, if I can get it."
Michael seems mildly amused for a moment. "Desiree isn't mine… She doesn't intend to be anyone's, not now and not for some time." He watches the woman for a moment, weighing his options, it's possible after all he could cut a deal, offer Hugo and Paige to the vampire in exchange for his leaving Desiree alone, but that's something for after he's spoke with Will and Isobel. "I'll speak to those who need to know, I have little doubt he'll be dealt with." He nods. "As for Anubis there have been groups that worshipped him for as long as I can remember, possibly he's from one of those."
"What people say, Michael, and what they actually feel and do, are two very different things." Her own experiences in recent days with Mr. Bosch are proof enough of that. "But thank you for agreeing to speak to those who might be able to help. I do not expect that many of your kind will care that your food stock is being attacked, but they might care that your kind is being made to look violent and dangerous in the eyes of the humans that they are now trying to live amongst. And if he is trying to use us to target other vampires, who knows how far that may ripple out." No, not every vampire approved of the revelation, but for the most part, the vampires in this city at least, seem to be going along with it. And a vampire going out and attacking people in front of god and everybody is a dangerous thing for the 'party line'. "I am very grateful."
"It's our actions that define us." Michael smiles faintly as he studies Paige. "Some of my kind are monsters others are not, it's not our natures that define this, it's not even how we feel…. or don't feel towards humanity; it's what we choose to /do/. I suspect it's fair to say that Desirees' actions prove that she isn't mine." He shakes his head. "And there's no need to be grateful, he's a criminal no different than a human who would do such evil acts, we want to see him dealt with at least as much as you do."
"Well, I imagine you would certainly know her actions better than I do. And if that is your impression, I'm certain that it's a valid one." Paige pushes back from the table where she's sitting, rolling herself back and forth in place in her chair, "There is a need, for me. I was raised to be certain to thank those who help me for their kindness. And you certainly have no other reason to help me." They might speak now and again, but they're certainly not friends, or anything closer.
Michael actually looks surprised for a moment. "You know of her relationship with Hugo… would you not consider that a sign of her… independence?" He's genuinely interested, for all that he's watched them this is the first time he's actually tried to really understand how humans think. He'd forgotten what it's like to think as a human a long, long time ago after all. "I haven't, but I have reason to stop the criminal. And to be fair I enjoy our conversations, it would be a shame if they were to end sooner than necessary."
Paige frowns, looking rather miffed, as she rocks in her chair, well, rolls, well, whatever, thinking to herself more than anything else. But it only lasts for a moment, as she looks back up, hearing the question posed to her. "From what Desiree told me about her relationship with both of you, Hugo is an attraction of the body. A relationship born of passion and hormones and simple human needs. But that is the sort of relationship I believe she is used to. She's used to people looking at her as a body. As a means of sexual gratification. But it's easy to separate what your body feels from what your heart feels. Her relationship with you has much more to do with what you give her that is outside of your attraction or not, as I have no idea how you feel about her in that way, to her physical body. She enjoys being with you because she care about her. Her heart, her mind, her hopes, her dreams, even her fears. She's a person to you, a whole person, in a way I do not think she has had much of in her life. Having a deeper connection to you does not preclude having a shallower connection to him. Although I have never been in one myself, there are people who enjoy open relationships, even up to and including being married to one person and seeing them as their primary mate, the person they truly love, and having other outside relationships with other people. I believe Desiree is doing that. If she had to choose between you and anyone else, she would choose you, every time. I'm certain the concept of having more than one person at a time is not a new concept. is that not precisely what happens in cultures where a man might have a primary wife, but many other lesser wives? It is not an uncommon way to live ones life." And then there's a smile, almost a laugh, "I also enjoy our conversations."
Shrugging Michael listens to Paige's explanation with mild interest. "In my culture such things weren't done. I don't say I understand the thinking, still perhaps you are right." He looks out the window once more motionless as he thinks, when he speaks again it's with a thoughtful tone. "You may be… visited by interested parties on the matter of the attack. I may speak to Hugo to see what more he knows."
"It wasn't done where I grew up either. But we all come from different places, and need different things in our lives to make us feel whole. And I think Desiree, for good or ill, is doing everything that she can to feel whole." But as Michael shifts the conversation back to the vampire, she nods, "If I am no longer in the hospital, I will call and leave word with Desiree as to where I am." And she pauses, taking a blank sheet of paper from the pad and writing down her contact information, "But this is where you can reach me, most likely."
Michael seems amused at the idea of Paige telling him about the differences in culture, although he doesn't comment on it as he takes the paper a nod of the head is offered. "I'll likely be in touch, if possible I'll work as liason to keep the number of people who know of your… abilities down, but I can make no promises. Now if you will excuse me, I should be seeing to other business. I will contact you when I know anything."
"I would appreciate that. I know that it will be difficult not to reveal what you know, but if it is necessary to do what has to be done, then I will accept the consequences of it. You will always be able to get in touch with me." And with that, paige nods, falling silent as the vampire excuses himself to see to other business.