White Rock Lake
A reservoir, White Rock Lake covers 1,254 acres and was once used for a portion of Dallas' drinking water supply. Now that it's use as a water source has been supplanted, the area has become one of the favored recreational locations in the city. The forested shoreline is dotted with numerous small cabins, fishing piers, and sailboat docks.
The lake is surrounded by White Rock Lake Park, which is home to the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden. Running through the park is a 9 mile trail designed for hiking, running or cycling.
Though swimming was banned here back in the '50's, it is still a popular location for area teens who generally enjoy the more deserted areas, using the beautiful backdrop as a makeout spot.
It's early evening. The sun has set, and the red hues of the evening sky gives way to the dark star pattern of the night. The constellations can be seen on a clear, wide-horizoned sky, and as the moon is in its waning cycle, it doesn't outshine some of its neighbors. While the heat and humidity of summer has set in, near the water isn't quite so bad; particularly within some of the copses of trees. There can be found teens and young adults making the best of the warm weather.
Marius sits at the water's edge, his feet tucked up, knees bent; a moment of quiet in his night's activity while his blue eyed gaze out over the water, staring at perhaps nothing, or maybe something of grand import. In hand, a small bag of.. something obviously edible as the vampire takes one out at a time and flicks it into his mouth, pauses.. and chews.. and swallows.. and with each bite, there is a drip of crimson that comes out of the corner of his mouth.
Something keeps drawing Desiree back to White Rock Lake. It isn't the lake itself — which isn't all that impresseive. There are many prettier in the Dallas area — nor is it necessarily the ambiance. She doesn't much care for jogging, hiking or running, though she doesn't mind walking the trails. Well, she didn't until her "unfortunate encounter," but she's pretty much gotten over her fear of being attacked again. Now, at least, she carries a can of mace in her pocket. That will work on human predators, if not supernatural ones.
Tonight she simply strolls along the water's edge, shoes off, pant legs rolled up. So lost is she in her own thoughts that she doesn't notice the figure in her path until she's almost on top of him. Stopping short, Desiree gives a sharp gasp of surprise, backing up. "Um… sorry. Didn't mean to intrude." Recognizing the man, she's more than willing to give him wide berth.
Several days ago it was the heat that kept Dr. Bethany Brooks up and in the park. This evening it is something far more grave. Dreams and portents aside, the nightmares have taken over her restful slumber leaving her far more awake in the evening then she wishes to be.
Barefoot she walks through the grass near the waters edge. Cool air in a gentle breeze washing over her. There is a distinct welt upon her neck, a fresh wound, to punctures. It is not covered nor hidden. There is no need to when she is outside of the practice.
Quietly she approaches the water. The long skirt she wears is held up in her hands to prevent it from getting damp. Toes gently dip into the water. She appears to be in no rush to move or to leave. No hurry to join conversation. She is just there.
Marius doesn't have to look up to recognize the pace, the catch of breath in the throat. Even as she speaks, his eyes do not rise from the vision that lies before him.. whether he watches the woman at water's edge or beyond.
"If you were intruding, I would have said as much," is the softly spoken, accented reply.
His hand reaches once more into his bag to take out out a morsel, and in the night, it looks to be small, round and dark.. and pops it into his mouth. He chews it quickly before adding, "Where is your pet?"
Turning his head now to look up at Desiree, his expression is blank.. impassive, and his eyes hold nothing but empty. "I have not seen him for days."
"Still, I almost tripped over you," Desiree says, a note of wariness in her voice. "I should've been paying more attention." That much is obvious. For someone who has a close association with one of the undead, Desiree should know better than to let her mind wander while she's not in the safety of her own home.
She watches Marius eating whatever is in the bag, her brows knitted. "I thought Vampires couldn't eat real food." She peers at the bag, trying to read any words on it. "What is that?" Curiosity, thy name is Desiree.
It's the "pet" comment which makes her head tilt and her expression grow confused. "My /pet/?" Voice is a normal conversational level, but Desiree seems not to get the meaning. "Do you mean Michael?— if so, I don't know. I went to visit my brother down in Galveston for a few days, and haven't seen him since I got back. I'm sure he's around town some where, probably taking care of his business interests." A pause, then, "Is there anything you want me to tell him if I see him?"
Watched or not, Bethany is there.
There is no ability for supersonic hearing. Little chance that any conversation can be heard fully. Bits and pieces flitter through to the woman as she crouches near the edge of the water. Taking hold of the skirt with her left hand, the right dips into the sand and comes out with a small shell. The action is much like that of a child yet very neat and precise. Once she has found what it is she seeks she quietly strolls along the shore toward the old one.
Still without a word, the calm, quiet woman kneels beside Marius.
Then she looks up at the other woman. "I do believe it is an olive of sorts," she states gently.
"If I did not wish you to trip over me, you would not."
Marius turns to look out in the direction of the water, though it becomes a little more obvious that his gaze follows the woman that takes her time to wander back up to where he sits upon the ground. "Real to you, or real to me?"
He inclines his head in acknowledgment of both the arrival and the answer that comes from the now kneeling woman beside him, "It is."
It is, however, to the topic of Michael that Marius returns. "Has he yet found his way to claim you? Or do you still belong to yourself?" The sound of his voice holds an edge of mockery. "Or have you finally cast him aside when he asked for permission to take you to him?"
Only when the other woman speaks does Desiree take full notice. She looks up, smiling pleasantly enough, but with some degree of caution. It's on the tip of her tongue to point out Marius is dangerous, but for once Desiree manages to control her tongue. "Ah … yes, it does look like an … olive." A pause. "I prefer the green to the black, myself …" Stupid remark, and Des knows it the instant the words are out of her mouth.
"Real to me, I guess," she confesses to Marius' question. "I was just kind of … taken by surprise to see you actually /eating/ something. From my limited experience," meaning Michael, of course, "that doesn't happen."
She watches as the woman kneels next to Marius, and idly digs a hole in the damp sand with her right foot. There's a stiffness in her voice when she answers the final questions. "We've discussed it. I'm not ready for a … " She pauses, considering her next words carefully. "… permanent relationship right now. I mean with anyone, human or Vampire." The last suggestion actually earns a snort. "Cast him off? Hardly. We're very close friends, and that's not going to change anytime soon." As for a "claim" — there's no real answer there.
Whilst the old one deigns to talk to the woman, Bethany contents herself with adjusting the skirt and wiping bits of silt and sand off the shell. She is not personally being addressed and thus does not wish to pry too much into affairs she knows nothing of.
It really is just her way.
Sometimes, however, the psychologist in her just cannot be quiet.
"You suffer commitment issues, thus you flit about from man to man like a bee to pollen. That is truly a sad and lonely existence. One you should strive to overcome." Observations aside, she does not seem to be looking at the woman at all.
Marius pulls out another olive and holds it up between two fingers in display, and a second later, crushes it with his fingers. In the dark, the liquid from the 'fruit' traces a line down his hand in contrast with the pale of his flesh. Bringing his hand back towards himself, he licks the trail before the morsel is consumed. "It is formed of that which gives life. I eat nothing that I cannot, and while I find other methods a great deal more satisfying, this amuses me for the moment."
Dead blue eyes rise again to Desiree, and he is for a moment silent. When he speaks, it's in an almost.. lilting tone; the malice and mockery seems to be gone or truly hidden, and in its place, something spry. "In your limited experience. Your limited experience has finally given you some sense." He shifts slightly, the movement a gesture in itself, "Come.. give me more of the wisdom of your limited experience with us. I would know what you know to be true. Tell us a story."
Looking to Bethany, she holds his full attention for those few moment, "Is that what it is then, lamb?" Marius sounds amused. "Commitment issues?" His gaze rises again, just in case Desiree hasn't yet joined them. "It sounds as if she is correct by your words. Oh.. and there is no greater commitment.. responsibilities.. duties.."
The shock in Desiree's face is readily apparent. Her mouth gapes open, her eyes widen and there's a sharp intake of breath. "That's … that's not entirely true," she says, voice as soft as the other woman's. "I don't exactly 'flit from man to man,'" she protests. "I'm very … particular about … about my personal … about things like dating." It's a difficult subject to discuss, and Desiree shies away from it by way of diverting the conversation. Manners, after all, dictate one should introduce one self. "May I ask your name? I'm Desiree, and I don't believe we've met before. I'm curious as to why you feel you know so much about me."
There's no rancour in the words, nor anger. If anything, there is some degree of genuine curiosity mingled with caution. Her eyes go to Marius, watching him as he displays the fruit. It is, perhaps, fortunate Desiree's not squeamish, for many humans would turn away or sicken at the sight. "As long as it amuses you, enjoy," she says after he speaks.
It's what comes after that makes Desiree stiffen. "A story?— ?" She shakes her head. "I'm sorry, I'm a dancer not an orator, but I'll say this much. I've met quite a few Vampires, but I'm close to only a few. Michael has treated me well, and we're close." There's a slight increase in her heartrate as she feels a small degree of frustration. "What do you want me to say? It's not necessarily a 'commitment issue' to not want to jump from one relationship right into another. Especeially if the first relationship was … bad. I just got divorced, so why should I want to immediately settle down again?"
Desiree shakes her head again, dropping to the sand. "I have enough responsibility and duty in my life with my business and the volunteer work I do. Committing to something like what you describe isn't … " She just stops talking. It's better that way.
"Limited experience is just that," Bethany says though to whom she is not certain. "Limited. One cannot think to form a sound opinion based on limited interactions."
The words are spoken gently, calmly. Not meant to draw ire. They, like she, simple are what they are.
The blood olive is watched with much fascination as though she is trying to discern the properties or ascertain how easily the man could pop an eyeball in a similar manner. The blood trail is eyed. The only sign of fear within the woman is a jump in her heart rate. A new pulse to the steady flow of her blood.
"I believe so," she says, addressing Marius. "I have seen it time and time again at the practice. Scorned women who value their newfound "freedom" and thus refuse to commit to another relationship out of fear of being ill-treated one more." To the doctor, Desiree is no more different than the damnable beast of Marius'. Requiring a gentle hand and plenty of coaxing to relinquish her pent up fears.
"You protest far too much," she says now addressing Desiree. "You have a man yet he holds no claim to you physically or with your heart. It is less about dating and more about who you are. You speak of the old one as though he is trivial to you. A fancy. A toy. Something to play with."
Bethany locks her eyes onto Marius' briefly.
"You are a fool for treating an old one with such disrespect." Where it would seem that Dr. Brooks is calm, Desiree appears to be stiff and fearful. "You would do better to accept that what it is he offers. It may mean that you live a longer life."
Yet, her name is not given. Her name is of no importance.
Marius can feel the shift of emotions, can read it in every muscle in the breather's body. The heartrate rises, a beat is skipped in as the lamb stammers through.
"I meant, tell me what it is you have learned about our kind to be so certain that 'real food' cannot be consumed. Or is it simply something assumed after watching those you know?" Limited means.. yes.. limited.
When Bethany explains the term 'commitment issues', after he'd questioned it, Marius nods his understanding, his voice quiet. "A new concept. In earlier times, it would not be so. Commitment was a duty and an honour. Something one did simply because it was expected. There is nothing wrong with that. It means there are no surprises.. and each functions in their proper roles.
"Now, pay heed to the good doctor. She understands, truly." Placing his bag upon the ground, Marius reaches out to touch Bethany as she finishes speaking with a gentle stroke of the back of his hand upon the warmth of her arm.
"You will answer me first as to what it is you believe you know of us, and then answer her logic."
There is a momentary expression of sheer surprise which fills Desiree's face as she looks at both Marius and the other woman. Emotions are mingled, mixed, going first from surprise to anger to disbelief and then to … calmness. Not serenity, certainly, but Desiree's body relaxes and her features soften. "I cannot argue the logic, but I can protest the accusation." She takes a breath, exhaling slowly. "I've never treated Michael or any other 'Old One' (to use your term) with any degree of disrespect. It's not being disrespectful to show reticence regarding a committed relationship. Indeed, I counter that to do the opposite is far more disrespectful."
Desiree digs her toes into the damp sand, wrapping her arms around her knees as she speaks. "I'd think it worse to enter such a committed relationship when I'm not ready to accept the responsibilities and duties which go hand in hand with it. In my estimation, /that/ would be disrespecting and downright insulting to Michael." She pauses, dropping one hand to the sand, idly drawing lines. "As long as /we/ are satisfied with things, why should it matter to anyone else? When the time is right, an informed decision will be made."
As for Marius' question, Desiree looks him squarely in the face. None of the demure, eyes downcast. "It was mostly an observation. Most Vampires I've met don't care to eat human food, even if it's mixed with blood. I guess it's up to the individual." She brushes sand off her hand. "Michael has joined me for dinner many times, but he doesn't eat. He drinks True Blood while I enjoy the meal. That is the sum total of my knowledge regarding vampiric consumption— or should I say, non-consumption— of solid food." She stops for a moment, lowering her gaze to the bag. "I'm not ignorant about Vampiric life, just not widely experienced— a condition which is hardly incurable." Another pause. "I hope that's a sufficient answer?"
The touch of the old one is accepted for what it is; approval.
Bethany does not draw away, nor does she lean into it like a cat. She accepts the gentleness and even smiles at it briefly. A far different way he has with her than when dealing with the horse.
"It is disrespectful to treat him as a plaything you toss aside when another strikes your fancy. Though that would be disrespectful to anyone. You pride yourself on your freedom, yet you are truly no more free than a lady of the evening."
The doctor stops, eyes finally moving to Desiree. "Perhaps you should make an appointment with Dr. Wilder at the practice. She specializes in cases such as yours." For her to offer Desiree anymore insight it is going to cost the other woman.
"Beyond which, you answered out of turn which is disrespectful to Marius. He also did not ask you only of feeding habits but what it is you have learned overall."
No, not serenity.. and the calmness that comes across Desiree reads to Marius as more a challenge than an actual calming. A dare rather than peace. His gaze moves over Desiree, and he can hear the breathing, the pulse as it races, bringing blood to each part of her body. The heat that the anger that flickers gives off.. and he's not in any way fooled into thinking that anger won't rise again when prodded, putting an end to her supposed calm.
"Which brings you back to what was stated as 'commitment issues'. He seeks to protect you from the world's evils, and plays at calling you a trifle, but he fools no one."
Marius looks out over the water, his expression falling easily and naturally to the impassive. "It is the 'not ignorant about Vampiric life' I wish to hear about. Tell me.. what do you know of, say.. our claims? Or, our relationships with one another. Do you understand what it means to us? Has it been fully explained to you?"
Bethany's chastisement of Desiree is met with another .. gentle touch upon the arm, his hand lingering in the warmth. "The doctor is offering professional advice. Perhaps you may wish to heed it, or perhaps another doctor would do to handle your case?" Marius isn't all that certain of the terms, and simply echoes Bethany's wording.
Her attention is solely on Marius, the "good doctor" ignored for the moment, though the expression on Desiree'd face would indicate she heard every word spoken. "Michael has told me of claims, yes," she replies, allowing herself to relax. "Whether or not he's explained all the nuances remains to be seen. As well, what a claim means to you may differ from what it means to him. I've no way of knowing how each and every Vampire interprets a claim." Desiree no longer seems surprised or of mixed emotions.
"Frankly, I fail to see why my relationship (or lack thereof) with Michael is any of yours /or/ the Good Doctor's concern." No rancour in the words, just a simple statement. "You've made it no secret you see humans as lambs to the slaughter. Problem is, I don't see myself as quite that timid."
Then Desiree looks to the "Good Doctor." She blinks. Once, twice, then simply chuckles. "That's so absurd it doesn't even deserve a responsel." She slowly shakes her head. "I've no need of professional advice when it's offered in such a judgmental, Bertha Better-than-you manner. None of us are perfect, Doctor. We each have our own personal hell. I'll stay out of yours, so please stay out of mine."
Then, she looks back at Marius. "I offer apology if I've offended or insulted you at any time. I've never meant to treat you, or anyone else, with disrespect."
"To the contrary, Desiree," Bethany replies very gently, "your very attitude screams of you needing professional help. The entire reason it is of anyone's concern is the way you flaunt and flout it. Such is your right. If you wish no one to speak of your issues with commitment, or your inability to see that the freedom you seek is not at all good for you, you would do well to quit speaking of it to others. A private life is only as private as you keep it."
There is no raised voice. There is no anger. No sign of insult. Dr. Bethany Brooks has heard far worse than that from patients in the past.
"There was no judgment, though you are fairly quick to make one of your own. Unlike you I have not claimed perfection in my methods. Merely offered insight as to who you are."
The shell which had lain forgotten on her lap is lift up and held loosely in her hand.
"Pardon my thought that you may want to better yourself in some way. Please feel free to continue down your path of destruction as is your right."
"You assume we are individuals, following our own laws.. and that is not the case. Michael's 'definition' of a claim is exactly the same through our kind's world. How it is accomplished, how the word is sent out, how it is protected.. everything is the same. His is like mine whose is like any other vampire in this world. If it were not the case, how could our laws bind us?"
Marius keeps his gaze out on the water, his expression deathly neutral. "Your relationship with Michael is making him a laughing stock. I speak to his chattel thusly. Your loud cries of independence reflects poorly upon him; he is not capable of keeping a mere breather under control, what hope has he in his own circle? If you claim this affection, you will cease broadcasting it to the world and beyond thusly, as my lamb has stated.
"Thus ends the lesson."
When Desiree begins to speak to Beth in the manner and tone, there comes a warning note in Marius' own words. "I give warning only once."
Bethany's response, however.. that calm, assured sense that exudes from her that the vampire can pick up brings his attention around. Soothing the savage breast? He can hear her own pulse beating, the blood moving through her body, and he can easily recall the delight…
"I am finished."
Some distance away from the group of Bethany, Desiree, and Marius, two young Texan college students have parked their RangeRover SUV. Outside the vehilce, they smoke innumerable cigarettes to try to calm their nerves. And what is it they are terribly uneasy about? The arrival of a bloodsucking corpse, for one. Darcy appears next to the pair, giving them a horrible fright, standing motionless as if he had been waiting for them. "Do you have the money?" the vampire asks the fatter of the two. "Um, yeah, here you go!" the man replies, handing over a rolled up wad of hundred dollar bills. Two small vials are exchanged between them. What the hell is going on out here in the boonies?
Desiree listens, her brow knitted in thought. Finally, she nods, once, saying, "I'll take it under advisement, certainly." Her voice is cool and even, almost emotionless. "Thank you for the … lesson." If there is anger — and there probably is — she's keeping a tight control over it. No sense in waving a larger red flag than she already has. "If you'll excuse me?"
It's not exactly a retreat. Desiree's anger-fed bravado prevents it from being that. Instead, she rises in one fluid movement. She turns first to Marius, bowing her head respectfully, then looks to Bethany. "Doctor." One simple word, conveying a multitude of underlying meanings. "Thank you for your … opinions." Cool, those words, and she gathers up her shoes, moving past the pair in silence.
The angry woman Desiree really is nothing, a trifle. She is no patient. She is of no importance. Thus her parting anger and irritation roiled within her voice are highly ignored.
With the small shell still held gently in her hand, Bethany rises to her feet. Though her movement is perhaps a little less fluid than that of the dancer, it is no less graceful. Perfect poise and gentleness are her means of movement.
Once upon her feet her head bows to Marius. "So you are. If you will kindly escort me to the street…" He can choose whether to leave her there to walk home alone, or to follow her and feed. His choice.
Take it under advisement.
Willful. Presumptious.
Marius reaches for his bag of olives before gaining his feet and offers a gesture of dismissal at Desiree's 'If you'll excuse me' statement. He will.
It is to Bethany, then, that Marius turns. "I will bring you home safely." As is his duty under the claim. To keep her safe. Turning, then, to begin the walk back, he cants his voice lower as they put distance between themselves and the area now departed, "I need to speak to you at greater length regarding particulars of.. my kind…"