Medical City Hospital
Bright, wide lights hang from the ceiling, casting the clean and sterile surroundings with brilliant light. A reception area sits centered before the door where people can check in, or ask for directions to other areas within the hospital. Past the desk is a small hallway with elevators leading to the upper floors, and signs that point to radiology.
Two large metal doors to the left of the entrance lead outside to the ambulance loading dock. The doors are marked 'EMERGENCY ONLY' in large red letters.
Paige is getting out tomorrow, yes, yes she is. The doctor said so. It's been a nightmare, even if she is the wing of the hospital for the less critical patients. Actually, she's been relegated to the 'we're going to kick you out, but not quite yet' hallway. But it's all going to be over soon. Or else someone is going to get the sharp edge of her uncle's tongue. Yes, Paige would set him loose on the staff. But for now, Paige's sitting up in bed, having only finished dinner a short while before, the dishes pushed off to the side on the rolling table, an open book in front of her. The one, point in fact, that Quinn gave her the day before. She's healing nicely, neck still bandaged, and still IVd. But she looks very close to back to her old self, healing bruises and all.
Emails are a pain in the arse.
They make you feel obligated to do something. While Chloe could have just called Skylar to get the down-low, the fact is as soon as she saw the word 'Egyptian', she kind've had an idea of who the vampire was. And it annoyed her. After forwarding the email to the Whip, and not Mr. Grant as was requested, she made her way to the hospital.
With her one source out could, she made her way to the 'other' person that was in the vehicle with him. Female. Making a rather big assumption, she makes her way into the room. She bears no gifts. No cards. No flowers. Just herself and a raised eyebrow as she leans against the frame of the door.
Already her mind is at work. Trying to draw as much info as she can about the vampire from the woman's mind.
"You Skylar's friend?"
At the moment, however, Paige isn't thinking about the attack at all. At the moment, she seems to be reading over magical formulas, most of which seem to be in some tongue-twisting language that's even harder to parse in your head. Thankfully, it's not unfamiliar to the woman, so it's not as much of a mindbender as it might be for someone else. But as the door is darkened, Paige looks up, a curious, inquisitive look crossing her face, "Yes, may I help you?" Skylar certainly didn't mention anyone coming by, nor did her uncle. And she's certainly never seen the woman before. But once she hears the woman's question, Paige nods, closing the book she's been working on. And the spells go away, replaced by the woman wondering if this is the 'Scarlett' that Quinn mentioned. She certainly has red hair, though, so, possibly?
"No, I'm not Scarlett. That's the Fontane girl." Chloe shakes her head, then moves into the room. "Skylar seems very concerned about you, but before I do what he asks of me, I really need some information." She frowns. "You are the woman with Hugo during the accident, right? The one who got bitten." Eyes automatically fall to the bandage at the neck. "It will honestly heal faster without the bandage. I can't tell you why, it just will." She has no clue but for the first while she wore a bandage and it seemed to take forever to heal.
Paige frowns, looking more than a bit surprised, as the woman answers the question she thought to herself, but, well, since she knew Skylar, well, maybe she knows the whole Scarlett thing as well. She's just going to run with that. "Yes, I was with Hugo in the accident. As Chloe mentions the bandage, Paige shakes her head, "I've been asked not to remove it while I'm here. People have been coming around, trying to ask questions and trying to gawk. It just seemed easier to not give people something to look at. I'm sorry, I'm Paige. May I know you name?"
"Seems to me that people are going to stare more at a bandage than a bite that can be hidden with your hair." Chloe shrugs a little, then smiles. "I apologize for storming in like I did. I'm not here to gawk, but I do have questions." She moves closer to the bed and offers her hand. "Chloe. Skylar knows that I have some friends that are of the undead persuasion so thought I might be able to help. Especially since your life has been threatened by one of their own."
Paige ahs, wondering if Michael actually made good on his promise to speak to those in the vampiric community that could help track the egyptian. As to the bandage, well, there's also a moment of thinking that its rather disgusting to even look at it in the mirror, the bandage is just as much for her, but she won't say that aloud. The hand is accepted and she shakes, "Please, have a seat, there's water. I wouldn't try that pudding though. Even if it is chocolate. "What can I help you with? Did Skylar tell you what happened?"
Not a fan of vampires. It's an attitude Chloe gets quite often, so she just quietly takes a seat being good to keep her mind open. After all, she might not be overly fond of vampires if her first encounter with them had been what Paige has had to go through.
"Thank you, but I'm fine." She crosses her right leg over her left, then shakes her head. "Just that you were involved in an attack, are now under threat, and that the vampire in question has promised to kill you. I assure you, this won't happen." If it does, she'll stake the bastard herself and deal with the consequences.
"What I'd like to know is… did Hugo tell you his name?"
A shake of her head, as Paige waits for Chloe to take her seat and make herself comfortable. But the woman seems to want to get to business, and she'll be just as happy to do the same. As she speaks, she does do an inner dialogue, going over the events, to see if she missed anything. She's been doing a lot of that lately. "No, Hugo was hit very hard, he was barely conscious when the vampire tore him out of the car. And he passed out during the fight. He doesn't even remember the vampire being there, barely remembers the accident. But he was middle eastern, I think egyptian, because he swore on the name of Anubis. And he did say that Hugo was his. That was all I knew."
She's going to need to wait for Hugo to get verification after all.
"Egyptian. Easily identifiable." It's Texas. Really, there aren't going to be a million Egyptians wandering the streets at night. It will be relatively easy to find him. "You are going to need some sort of protection, Paige. I have a very strong feeling that Tareq," oh yes, she uses the name even without being certain, "is not going to hold to the laws within the vampire world. Do you have a place you can go that's safe? Do you think you'll be able to stay at home for a few days and claim recovery? Not let anyone in?"
"Well, it's good to be able to put a name to a face." There's more than a bit of hatred there, though it's specific, not a sort of, I hate all vampires. "I have my home, and I have my uncle's house, and he surely has quite a bit of security there. I have no fear about going to his home and being safe there. I can certainly stay home, and send in my work or have it picked up. I'm not about to make myself an unwitting target." Paige is telling the truth about that. She's not going to be looking for him. "I also have a friend in the vampire community that I have asked to speak to them on my behalf."
"Good. Don't invite anyone in. Even if they are a friend. A glamoured human can still pose a threat." Chloe isn't a cop. She's not a fighter by any stretch of the word. "You should be relatively safe here despite it being public. Pretty sure a murder in the hospital would bring too much attention." Frowning, she offers a nod. "A friend in the vampire community is good, but…" But likely doesn't have her connections. "… I've forwarded Skylar's request to someone who can handle it, and handle it quickly. He won't fail." Chloe may have a lot of her own irritation and quite possibly even hatred for the Whip, but she'll never deny that he's good at his job.
"I will do the best I can to keep everyone away. And I have a few gifts from friends that I hope will help to keep me safe." She thinks of a necklace, some jewelry given to her by Quinn from Scarlett. And Jed's protective magic. "I hope not. I did make a promise, to keep Hugo and Officer Winters safe. I can't do that as well as I normally might, but I can call in every favour that's available to me."
"It's for your safety as well as theirs." Keep them from being sitting ducks all in one location. It's about the only tactics Chloe has. Her last attempt at rescuing someone involved nearly killing herself and friends. "You probably won't know when it's done and over with. I might not know either, but if I'm able to find out, I'll do my best to contact you." Through Skylar or some other way. "Rest assured, Paige, this won't happen again."
"My first priority is their safety. And the safety of the people that I know in the city. Tareq threatened to kill me after he killed everyone I cared about. Whether or not he can or would try to do that…I don't know. But I hurt him. I can only hope I hurt him enough to keep him away until the vampires can deal with it." Which is really what Paige is hoping will happen and Chloe has assured her will happen. "Thank you for your assurance. But I will feel safe only once I know that he's dead. If I never know it's done, however it was done, but that it was done, I will spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder. Jumping at shadows, expecting to see him stepping out of them. So I appreciate you telling me, if it does come out." There's nothing more terrifying, to Paige's mind, than not knowing if what's wanting to hurt you is gone or is still looking for you."
"Never doubt for an instant that he can or would. Vampires generally don't make such threats lightly." At least not that Chloe has seen, and she's seen quite a bit in the last seven months. "They also heal quite rapidly, depending on the injury. Hours maybe. Longer if the injury was because of silver." Frowning she wonders if she'll get beaten for telling Paige these things. It's a really good thing the only telepathic vampire she's come across is generally in a good mood. "I'll do my best to find out then. I can understand needing to know the outcome no matter what."
"Well, if he does come after my family, he'll have to go a very long way. Except for Jed, who's heart family and not blood family, mine are all in Alaska. And I do NOT think he'll find them as easy a target as he found me. And that was only because he hit us with a truck first. If I had been at full strength…" Well, she's not going say it out loud, but she would have tried to kill him. Dead, deader than a doornail dead. "Thank you for that. But if it puts you at odds with the people you know among the vampires, then don't. I wont ask you to risk your own safety that way."
"I'm not at risk," Chloe says with a smile, confident that she's not. She's not said much to give Paige any indication just as to who or what she knows. "I'd suggest not really killing a vampire though. If you're caught at it, it'll create more problems for you. You'll be a larger target than you are now." Brow furrowing, she sighs. "Now I know where I know you from. You're one of the ones touted as a 'hero' for shooting the wolf." Chloe would say thank you… if it were the right wolf, and not some innocent kid. "You should be really happy you weren't the one that pulled that trigger."
"Then I am glad to know that you're safe. One less person that needs to be looked over." Paige shakes her head though, "I have no problems with vampires in general," which is certainly the truth, in words and in her mind, "But a threat to my life and safety is still a threat to life and safety. My Oma had a shotgun in her house. And she was the sweetest woman you could ever meet, still is, but if you come into her house or threaten her family, she will shoot you. I won't do anything different regardless of the other person's race." There's a wry expression at the mention of the wolf, "I put myself in front of the child, that was all. Hyde decided to be a vigilante and start shooting before he started thinking. I'm no hero."
"Pretty sure you're a hero to the kid that still has a life because of what you did." Chloe rolls her shoulders in a small shrug, and gets up to her feet. "Please don't let me keep you." Beat. "Not that I'm keeping you from much beyond recuperating, I guess." Maybe she should have brought the woman a crossword puzzle book, or something to occupy her time. "If you happen to see Hugo, let him know I stopped by and that our mutual acquaintance is going to look into this."
"Perhaps he does see me as one, but I only did what needed to be done. What I was raised to do. I don't want the accolades or the praise." Paige laughs, looking down at her bed, "Oh, I'm not going anywhere tonight. But if you come by tomorrow while I'm packing, we might have issues." But the warmth remains, even after Chloe mentioned Hugo, which sends Paige's mind in a completely different direction. Self-blame for not doing more to protect him, worry for his health. "I will tell him. I'm certain he'll be glad to know we have people working to help us. Thank you, Chloe."