White Rock Lake
A cool night in Dallas means oodles of people out at the parks enjoying the fresh air — not huddling up inside smelly old houses with their air conditioning.
This doesn't seem to concern Ronnie one bit!
The absolute, total 80's girl-vamp is dressed with a pink tee-shirt complete with the face of a white teddy-bear vampire, and a light blue plaid skirt. Wrapped around the skirt as a belt is a pink leash, and a spiky black collar is on her neck. Her legs are covered with knee-high socks in alternating stripes of pink and white. To top the entire outfit off? She's wearing a pale pink hoodie… with bunny ears flopping down at either side of the head.
White roller skates with hot pink laces are on her feet as she skates down the path, basket in hand, looking like a demented Little Red (Pink?) Riding Hood.
"… I'd just like to make you mine all night!" Twirling around she nearly takes out some kid with her basket. "Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na! Bunny give it up! GIVE IT UP!"
Oh god, long day..
There is just nothing better than a good .. backscritch in the cool grass alongside a reservoir turned lake, according to a lone coyote. With legs up and kicking, back wriggling against the earth, the animal does a good job at covering every piece of fur on his back with dirt and grass. Rolling back onto his legs, though now in sphinx-position, his muzzle is held high, sniffing the air before a wet *a-choo* hits, resulting in his smacking his nose against the ground.
Rising from his spot by the water, the coyote bounds straight-legged into the air and takes off at a run, pausing to stop in a particularly muddy spot, and digs.. furiously, the dirt flying behind him.. and again, plops into the newly fashioned hole.
Ears quirk as a head pops up from his burrow, head tilts, and there's a moment of what could be described as oh no that appears upon the canid's face.
Not quite as decorative or… uh… attention-drawing as Ronnie, Aislin whistles softly as she walks along the water. She moves along the grass, just alongside the path and out of the girl's way. But oh is she hard to miss. The redhead blinks and stares at Ronnie as she skates down the path like some big lollipop. Or one of those skater waitresses. Or something. Either way, the sight is certainly… a sight. Her mouth opens and closes a few times and Aislin just can't help but stare.
The coyote for a moment isn't acknowledged too much. The sight of a pink singing skater is too much for the mind to comprehend! Aislin sighs and lifts her hands to lightly rub them over her face, not sure whether to laugh or cry. She glances over towards the coyote as dirt begins to fly, the movements catching her attention out of the corner of her eye. And then he hunkers down in a hole. "What the hell is wrong with this city?" she finally says aloud, the Irish accent colouring her words as she throws her hands up in the air, exasperated.
Vamp-senses ACTIVATE!
Ronnie can smell a puppy-doggie! A specific puppy-doggie!
Twirling about again, and knocking a jogger completely off the path, she stops.
"FRANKIE-GEORGE!" That might not be the name she gave him, but it's close.
Her search for demon-bunnies is put on halt, and she speedily skates toward the coyote, zooming past Aislin as she does so! There's a blur as she does and if no one's paying attention it may just look like she teleported right over to the poor puppy-doggie.
The leash-belt is removed. So is the spikey collar. "Ohhhh Frankie-George! I like, totally thought I lost you! You left with that pretty pink collar and everything! But it's like, meant to be! You're like, totally here! C'mere girl. C'mere Frankie-George! I got a prettier collar for you this time. C'mon girl! Come help me find the demons!"
See? That oh no is certainly justified…
Still, with the jet-powered vampire speed skills, there isn't much time for the coyote to do much to react, other than to consider hunkering down in his muddy hole a little farther and see if he can't disappear?
Not happening, obviously.
Wiggling! Wiggling works, and had made it hard for Ronnie to get a good hold on him before, and so, tail in the lead, begins to back out of his hole in order to get more maneuvering room.
Bunnies he can do.. and he yips.. making the grand attempt to stay an arm's length away, but not running from her in fear, oddly enough? Nor striking closer in aggression either.
Another yip comes on the tail of the other, an acknowledgment or an agreement on his part for the bunny chasing? He likes chasing things, he does! Pouncing on things..
Frankie-George? Teleporting on skates? Oh geez. The only things that move like that are vampires. But what kind of vampire dresses and acts like -that-? Aislin squints again and shakes her head, beginning to walk over towards the girl and the poor animal upon which she's just descended. It takes her a few moments, and she just stares at the odd spectacle for a moment with her head tilted to one side. Aislin really isn't sure what to make of this odd scene. "Okay, what are you doing?" she finally asks, looking to Ronnie. Apparently vampires don't immediately intimidate the redhead. "Demons? Really?"
"It's just another manic Bunny!"
Does Ronnie seem upset by the fact that the coyote wants to get away? Not at all! She hooks the leash to the collar and tries to lasso the puppy-doggie into submission. When the collar falls in the mud? She just swings it up and tries again.
Then the puppy-doggie seems to want her to follow without him being leashed. "It'd be totally safer if you got on the leash, Frankie-George! A cop like, might totally come and call the pound or something. Drag you in for being a nuisance."
Hard to skate in the mud, but the vampire celerity allows her to manage without falling on her rear end.
"Woah, like duh. I'm totally trying to like, releash my dog, dude!" Ronnie bobbles hear head then frowns. "Oh. You're like swamp… you wouldn't get the reference." Another head-bobble and she works on trying to catch the collar on the coyotes head again. "No one, like, gets the reference."
A nuisance?
A nuisance?!
No way, no how.. and.. well, the coyote has friends in the police department, and the moment Leigh saw him, she'd spring him. After laughing at him and making mug shots that she'd pass over to Corey. And Toby. And Summer.
But oh no.. nope.. not catching this coyote.
The male swings around, the action bringing his front end up and twisting to the side before he takes off again. There's.. he smells something, and it's not whatever 'swamp' that Ronnie smells. Bunnies! If he can get the vampire's attention onto something else, she'll stop trying to lasso him?
More staring. More confusion. Aislin really doesn't know what to make of the crazy lady. Her arms lift to lightly fold over her chest, her weight shifting to one side. She watches the odd performance before her, a combination of pink, puppy, and mud. The yapping dog is given an odd look before Aislin returns her gaze to Ronnie. "Swamp? No, I'm afraid I don't understand the reference. Should I?" A squinty-eyed look is given to the vampiress and Aislin's head shifts to tilt to the other side. She's met a few vampires, but this is the first odd one she's come across. At least she doesn't seem inclined to bite her.
"What is it Frankie-George? Did Timmy fall down a well?"
Ronnie giggles to herself, then SCHLORPS her foot out of the mud. One skate staying behind this time.
This doesn't seem to phase her either. Her puppy-doggie is hot on the trail of a demon!
Skating on one foot, using the mud-soaked one to push her along the path, she chases after. All to try and find the demon-spawn that's hiding in the cuddly bunny shell.
"You like, totally taste gross. Like stagnant swamp water. Definite barf-o-rama. No evil in you." There is a distinct look of 'bleeeeeeeeeh' on Ronnie's face as she's turned around to face Aislin, still skating along.
Until she hits a bench and winds up in some old man's lap.
"Hiiii swampy man! Sorry 'bout that!" Rolling herself down to the ground, she takes a second before she gets up. "Go kill me an evil bunny, Frankie-George, but don't make it bleed! I want the blood!"
Yes! No leash! No collar, even though it is kinda spikey.. and black.. and he'd look kinda cool—
No! No collar!
And, Ronnie gets it, and with that 'permission, the coyote barrels through a bush, the rustling of the leaves and branches sounding.
Suddenly, a small bunny shoots out of the bushes, ears back, tail up.. and bounds for its life, zig-zagging through the clear meadow, and only a second or so behind, a coyote gives full chase.
This is the best part! The chase!
The zig-zags aren't much of a challenge for that part in the back of the 'yote's brain that still holds some knowledge and understanding of the shifter that is within, and as the bunny takes the predicted path, the coyote is there.. and pounces on the thing, stunning it.
Aislin opens and closes her mouth a few times at the explanation. She isn't entirely sure whether to be relieved or insulted by the statement that she doesn't taste good. Better not argue with the blood-sucker. She clamps her mouth shut for a few moments and watches the girl skate off… and land in the poor man's lap. "Evil bunnies? What is this, a TV show?" Aislin looks at the scene with a perplexed look on her face, lifting one hand to pinch her arm. Nope. Not dreaming. "This has got to be the weirdest thing to happen to me. Ever." She watches the coyote flush out the rabbit and pounce on it, just shaking her head.
Ronnie has such a good puppy-doggie. One that listens to her no matter what. Even without training. It's phenomenal. She just like, has 'the touch' with it.
'course that totally doesn't stop a young woman from screaming about a coyote running rampant in the park, or huddling her baby closer to her. This just gets her a, "Don't worry, ma'am! My puppy-doggie is totally not a dingo! It won't eat your baby!"
"Frankie-George! You caught one!" Zooming over there quick as can be, Ronnie pounces both coyote and bunny. Then she extracts the bunny. She doesn't eat it though. She dumps it in her basket and closes the lid. With a pat-pat to the coyote's head, she's up again.
"A television show? Don't think so. I like, don't see any cameras. I never see cameras anymore. Used to have'em all the time, but not now."
Ah, see now? If he catches the bunnies, the coyote gets.. a rather undignified, ignoble pat on the head. But… but…! It's better than a collar and leash.
Swinging around again, muzzle in the air, the canid seems to be enjoying himself, though he does spare the mother and child a somewhat .. apologetic look? However that gets translated with fur and ears and muzzle.. but it's shortlived, to say the least. He can't approach because, well.. he's a coyote. They're wild animals that sometimes find their way into city limits. A nuisance. A hazard of living in the great state of Texas.
There isn't anything he can catch in the air, and so the black, wet nose lowers and plasters itself to the ground. This isn't too bad either.. and starting a search pattern in circles, moving ever outward once again, he catches scent of another rabbit, and tears down a path.. and puts on the sprint as another is flushed.. and it runs, terrified into the field in which the vampire and Aislin are..
Not dreaming. Not a TV show. Certainly not a joke. This is just… weird. Too weird for Aislin. "Sorry, I'm done." She holds up her hands in surrender, shaking her head as another rabbit is flushed from the bushes. "I really have no idea what's going on, or what I can possibly add to this incredibly bizarre situation. I don't think bunnies are evil. But I'd rather have you eat them than me. Enjoy." The poor redhead is totally lost and exasperated, turning to head back up the path. This is going to be one epic journal entry if she keeps one.
"They are evil. They're like, Pandora's box of evil! They make more, and more, and more bunnies! Demon spawn!" Ronnie yanks her already caught bunny out of the basket and she dangles it at Aislin. "See how evil they are? You have to drown the evil. You have to make it go away!" Bounce-bounce-bounce.
Fangs flash out and she eyes the bunny with an evil glare. "Your evil is going to be vanquished! I remember where Coco told me to take care of you now!" She's about to skate off with one skate, and then the coyote is barreling toward her.
"What's that girl? Is there a demon?" Her voice drops to a whisper, and the hood of the hoodie falls back. Then she drops to the field, crawling on all fours. Trying to help her puppy-doggie find the bunny.
Running before the coyote is a medium sized brown bunny, ears plastered back, zig-zagging very much like the smaller one had. The little thing is pacnicked, and seeing the vampire before it, leaps to the side, and zags suddenly where the coyote thinks that it'd zig.
This creates something of a problem, however, because running full-tilt, and with Ronnie on the other side, there just isn't anywhere the coyote can go.. and runs the risk of suddenly colliding with the vampire.
Closing his eyes is pretty much the only thing the canid can consider and pray that Ronnie actually moves in time…
Please god…
Vampire eyes fall upon the brown bunny. Vampire eyes watch it zig-zag. Vampire eyes turn to the coyote to watch it.
"I particularly like chocolate bunnies, Frankie-George! You should get this one for me!"
As the coyote comes on a collision course with her, she's up and floating.
"WOAH DUDE! I've like, totally never done this before!" She can't really move. She's just hovering an inch or two over the coyote's head. After a second she falls to the grass. Rolling. Giggling.
"Chocolate bunnies! I'll totally share it with you puppy-doggie! You need to be rewarded!"
Everything seems to be going Brett's way, as far as he can see.. in the cosmic scheme of things. At least he didn't collide, but—
She was there, and now..
The coyote takes a couple more strides away, though his head is back and facing the floating… and suddenly not form of Ronnie.
That, of course, gets translated to a yap of confusion, the bunny forgotten for a moment until Ronnie calls out again, 'Chocolate bunnies!' and is reminded..
Bunny! That's right!
His head turns, his muzzle filling with air, his little cheek pockets billowing.. and he's off again to catch that brown bunny! He'll.. ask later, should he remember.
A perhaps once in a lifetime never to be duplicated moment, and he thinks the young, crazy vampire will have knowledge of this?
Psssssh sure! Right! Just like she actually remembers anything past '85!
Ronnie scrambles back to her one-skated foot and tries to skate through the grass. This is more of a push-roll-push-roll type ordeal as she chases after her puppy.
By now, some people have totally called in seeing a crazy girl chasing a coyote through a busy park.
And here it comes again, but this time, the coyote has given up on herding the bunny. That only leads to potential collision, and there is no way the animal wants to get knocked out after colliding with a vampire. There'd be way too much.. to explain.
The bunny is in his sights, and the zig-zagging takes that familiar pattern once again, and upon a particular zig, the coyote zags and leaps straight-legged and.. yes!He can feel the fur beneath his paws, and the brief struggle before it lies, stunned.. and still alive.
A quick howl is given to alert the vampire; he draws the line at being a retriever.. and the second he believes that she'll get there before it comes to, he's going to hot-foot it away.
Alerted to the presence of a chocolate bunny, Ronnie run-skates over. She stops just before the puppy-doggie and pats it on the head again. This time she grabs the bunny and holds it out to him. "Here you go, Frankie-George! Eat the bunny!" She wiggles the stunned mini-critter at the canine, and the ears flop side to side. "You get first pick!" Wiggle-wiggle-wiggle.
Sirens can be heard in the distance and she frowns. Bringing the brown-bunny up to her fangs thoughtfully, she starts to drain it dry. With the rabbit still on her teeth, she chases after the puppy-doggie.
"Nof-nof! Fhe leaf!" The leash is waggled around and lassoed at the coyote one last time. A valiant effort on her part to leash the animal before the police or animal control can get here and tell Wil Wheaton… or worse… Devo.
Oh no.. not going to eat the bunny. That's her
Sirens? Not a good sound.
The coyote twists around in order to bolt, but not before he sees the vampire latch onto the bunny and.. as it kicks, suddenly very much alive and terrified, he turns his head away to start on his path out..
Ew… there's a sight that he hopes he'll forget when he shifts back!
And.. to add further.. squick-ness, as he begins to pour on the speed to get out of the area, Ronnie's got a rabbit stuck in her teeth! How's that for
Not the leash! No.. the moment that is threatened again, it's all the coyote can do to bolt, doing his own bit for avoiding the one-skated vampire with a limp, lifeless rabbit hanging off a fang…
The crazy 80's vampire tries. Oh how she tries! The leash just falls short of the coyote as he bolts.
Poor Ronnie drops into the middle of the field and weeps. No bloody tears. Regular ones. Bunny still attached to her teeth as she drains it.
"Buf Fwankie-Gorge! Uf canf leaf! Uf mah puppeh!" Sniffle. Sob.
When the demon-bunny has no blood left in it, it's just tossed to the side. She doesn't bother drowning it at the water's edge. She's lost her bestest puppy-doggie friend!
Before the sirens end, Ronnie is gone! Like TOTALLY gone! Skated away with her limp into the darkness of the night.
Just as a thunderclap sounds overhead.