American Vampire League
The lobby of the American Vampire League is not what one would probably expect. Comprised of entirely windows on the outer walls, and chrome on the inner ones, the building is designed to let exorbitant amounts of sunlight filter in during daylight hours. A greeting desk is set immediately across from the doors, with a massive AVL logo painted on the wall behind it. Several arrangements of red and blue leather furniture can be found scattered around the lobby, allowing visitors who are waiting to be as comfortable as possible. As well, there are a host of flat screen televisions, constantly showing AVL promotional materials, as well as news-casts where prominent AVL figures have taken part.
Elevators lead the way up to a second floor, where cubicles have been set up for volunteers and employees alike. Each cubicle is made of chrome and glass, and each has a telephone which volunteers use to happily answer questions that the general public might have.
"See you tomorrow," Ella calls out to a fellow volunteer who slips out through the front. She comes down the stairs from where the volunteer cubicles are located. Toting a half-empty water bottle, she has probably just finished up a shift chatting on the phone. Taking a quick swig, she pauses by one of the many flat screen TVs in the lobby to take a gander at the latest promotional video. The blonde tilts her head to the side, taking it in thoughtfully.
Desiree hasn't been back to the AVL since her "encounter," so very few people have seen the results of said event. She doesn't draw attention to her broken arm, but it's hard to miss, as is the bandage on her throat (though she's wrapped a red scarf around it). The bruising on her face is a lot harder to spot, thanks to the wonders of modern make-up. Dressed in her Armani suit, she enters the ground floor just as the sun sets, pausing in the lobby to watch the latest video.
Cenimatically, it's not bad. They use simple camera angles to make the speakers seem more human. "Make up can do wonders, can't it?" Desiree murmurs, more to herself than anyone around her. "Makes them look rosy cheeked and healthy." She shakes her head, trying not to feel the AVL vampires are hypocrits. It's only after she speaks that she realizes she's not alone. "Pardon me," she says to the young woman near. "Pay no attention to me. I'm not the droid you're looking for." Humor, what a concept.
"Oh, it's practically a miracle," Ella flashes Desiree a smile. She's far too tanned to be a vampire, but the water probably gives it away anyway. "I've seen one that could pass for being a lie, so it's not a complete deception." Lifting a shoulder, she shrugs casually. "No problem. Did you work on them? These new ones look great," she notes with a dimpled grin and a vigorous nod toward the screens. "I'm Ella," she introduces herself with a friendly extension of her hand toward the other woman. "I work the phones."
Turning from the screen, Desiree considers the girl for a moment, then nods. "It's amazing, all right," she replies, her tone suitably schooled into casual enthusiasm. "Make-up, special filters on lights, some CGI work — it can make even the most inhuman vampire look as trustworthy as the boy next door." She grins, probably to take the sting out of her words. "I didn't work on this one, no, but I've done a few over the past two years. I portrayed the young mother whose baby was snatched and recovered by the vampire. Do you remember that one? It's old, now. I see they're moving in a more political direction these days."
That dimpled grin and extended hand are hard to resist. Desiree accepts the hand, grasping it casually. "Desiree. I work with Ms. Baker upstairs. In the PR department." She's dressed the part, too, in her suit and heels. "How do you like working here?"
"I remember that one. I saw it right before I joined up." Ella bobs her head, jerking a thumb toward the stairs to indicate the 'cubes. "Ah! A pleasure to meet you." She clearly does not have such a prestigious position, dressed casually in jeans and shoved up to where she is generally heard and not seen. "I enjoy it a lot. It feels so good to be a part of something, trying to make the world a better place. These last two years have been very fulfilling."
Desiree considers Ella as she releases the woman's hand. "Very eventful, I'll grant you that. I'd no idea I worked with vampires until the Great Reveal." She grins. "They started coming out of the woodwork— fellow actors, make-up artists, set designers— all these people I knew and liked. I was going through a rough divorce at the time, so volunteering here kind of kept me sane." She glances back at the screen.
"It was hard in those early days. So much suspicion, so much horror on people's faces. Of course, it's no picnic today, what with the FotS spouting their anti-vampire crap." Desiree shakes her head. "I don't understand why we humans always have to have something to bitch about. Time was, blacks got the brunt of the racial prejudices. That was settled by the Civil Rights amendment." She pauses, once more shaking her head. "Tell me what's so different from protests about integration and protests about vampires having rights? Humans are so … aggravatingly predictable sometimes."
Lifting her hands and shaking her head, Ella looks just as puzzled by the whole thing. "I have no idea. I guess people are afraid of change, of the unknown. Of anything different. It's always such a great feeling when someone calls in and I get to explain some things to them, and they hang up the phone with their minds more open - it may be a small step, but it's something. In 50 years from now there will be something else to deal with, but the dust will settle… someday."
"Someday, yes, but it'll be a long road to that day." Desiree sighs. "I don't mean to sound so pessimistic, but growing up in these times hasn't left me with a lot of hope for humanity. Back in my parents' youth, it was nuclear war. Today— ? Terrorism of one sort or another. Eco-terrorism, religious terrorism, prejudice, intolerance— just terrible."
Looking at Ella, Desiree smiles. A genuine smile of admiration. "I worked the phones for a while, and it certainly does leave you feeling good about things. Makes me hope it's people like you who survive any destruction instead of the politicians and hate-mongers. Otherwise, I'm thinking we're doomed as a species. Maybe it's time to let the dolphins take over." Even so, there's a sparkle of optimism in her expression.
"I have hope for our generation," Ella admits, lifting her chin and smiling with sunny optimism. "I think we'll soon realize we're all different, but in a gloriously wonderful way, and we'll just.. accept each other for who we are." Ah, how naive. "Things will get better." She lacks even a drop of cynicism or sarcasm, smiling serenely. "Anyway - I'd better get going before I'm late to class. It's never a good reflection on the class if the /teacher/ is late," she smirks. "It was nice to meet you, though, I'm sure I'll bump into you again."
"It was nice to meet you, as well," Desiree says, nodding, smiling again. "Your optimism is refreshing, and I'm sure your students must enjoy learning from you. We'll have to talk again. Soon. Over tea, perhaps." She's not being facetious, it's a sincere suggestion. "I'd better scoot up to Ms. Baker's office. I'm sure she has a ton of work for me to file, sort, staple, spindle and mutilate." There's laughter, now, and it sounds almost musical. "Take care, Ella. It's a miserable, wet night out there, so be safe." She turns away from the flatscreen and heads over to the elevators. Giving a wave, Desiree disappears behind the closing door.