An old warehouse has been converted into a roller skating rink. The entrance is the main entrance into the warehouse has neon lights that read InterSkate. Another in a window that when lit says the rink is open. Not lit when the rink is closed.
Upon entering, the area is very spacious. To the left of the door is a counter and cash register, where you pay to skate, and rent skates. Behind the counter are shelves of rental skates in all sizes from toddler to adult skates. As well as tools for cleaning and repairing them. As well as a door marked 'Private', with a dog door cut into the bottom of it. Where the office and the stairs that lead up to the owner's apartment. The counter travels all the way along, paralleling the wall. The counter is mostly all wood, carpeted so that skates can be repaired etc. There is also a glass display area, below, for new skate styles of boots. The upper holding the latest styles in wheels regular and in-line, laces, and pompoms for the ladies skates. There are also carrying cases available for sale. Then there is the food area. Glass displays with candybars. With signs here and there with the brand names of boots available, and wheels. There is also a small kitchen, where hot-dogs, burgers, fries, sodas and other foods are cooked and served, with it's own cash register. There is a small area with tables and benches to sit and eat. Then the area for the restrooms.
To the right of the door is a mini arcade, that even includes ski-ball, pool tables and all the really cool old video games. Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Pinball games etc. As well as a change machine./
There are three separate rinks. The main floor just for general skaters, that's quite spacious, all wood and surrounded on three sides by a half wall, with entrances here and there on the larger side. With benches on the outer sides, for patrons to sit and put on their skates. In one corner is the sound booth, where a large variety of music is stored as well as the equipment to play the music. The second rink, surrounded by three half walls is a smaller rink. Meant for the really young skaters. Though on adult night, those that want to practice fancy tricks and stuff can do so in there as well. The walls are padded, the decor is pretty well preschool'ish. As well as Disney Characters and other kid favored characters. The sound booth is more or less between those rinks. The third rink is in a separate room and odd shaped, with a banked floor for roller derby and speed skate races. Surrounded by glass and bleachers. All well lit, unless they are doing specials, like couples skate, etc. There is a disco ball in the middle of the main floor, as well as strobe lights, and all sorts of fancy lights, that create patterns and pictures over the floor. There are signs here and there, advertising birthday parties, the rules, hours, etc.
(OOC) I know have coded admission prices and a coded menu. Just type admission for the admission prices, or menu for the menu prices
"This might just be the very worst idea you've ever had, Lex." Mignonette pipes up from the peanut gallery. Or, more to the point, the bench around the main skating rink, where she's currently tightening up a pair of rental skates, fresh off the racks, looking over at the familiar form of her cousin not so far away from her. "Do you remember what happened in the Village when we went out during spring break?" Oh, it has been years since the Savoy family has seen a catastrophe to rival Mignonette's last attempt at skating…but today might just be the day. "Did you wear your kevlar?" She holds out her hands, for a hand up, the music and the skaters already moving to a flashback soundtrack of the best of the 80s and a few disco classics.
"It is not my fault you have the incapability of keeping your balance on anything, including solid ground." Alex responds as he glides over via wheeled shoes towards where Migs is holding out her hands to be helped up. "If you'd simply let me perform that frontal lobotomy we might be able to finally clear up your issues, oui?" The french tilted accent on the last word is accompanied by an extended hand in the direction of the woman, although the man's eyes aren't quite on her and rather on the rather cute little bouncy girl skating with what is presumably her boyfriend. Regardless, Alex offers a smile and wink in her direction.
There is a freaking KICK ASS roller rink in Dallas, and no one thought to tell the off-the-rocker 80's pop-punk vampire?!?
Ronnie would be like, totally upset if she actually cared about not knowing. Truth is, she just sort of… well stumbled in here after hearing the 80s music from outside.
The most amusing thing is that she actually looks like she belongs here. Glaring neon green spandex pants, with a matching tank top. Over which is a white off the shoulder tee tied under the bust. The tee of course blazoned with at least twenty different neon colors in swatches and splashes. There are hot pink leg warmers scrunched down over a pair of black roller skates.
"TOTALLY TUBULAR," she cries, racing her way with alarming speed onto the rink. Twirling about three times, she stops and just WOAHS at everything. "Man! I like, totally knew that Wil Wheaton was wrong about the year! So awesome!"
Abbey glances around the skating ring as she wanders her way through some people and leans against the railing. Its been a while since she wander into this place, last time it was to help Wayne with the music and so far it seems to be working well at least. Skating isn't something she's /that/ good at, though she has a pair of skates with her, a pair that a certain vampire dropped off at her garage a few months ago and who happens to be here this very night. Still she came after a conversation with Migs and she looking around for her and most likely Alex out on the rink itself. Her clothing is a simple tshirt, jeans and sneakers, her hair pulled back to keep out of her face only.
Mignonette takes the hand Alex holds out, using it to yank herself up to her feet, bumping forward into him, though she tries to cover it up, by using it as an excuse to smack him upside the head when she notices him ogling the girl in the daisy dukes twirling her way around the rink. "Quit, or your eyes will pop right out." Still, she does follow the pair skating, which does two things, the first, allowing her gaze to pass over and settle on Abbey, which brings a smile, as she pushes herself to standing on her own…you know, except for the deathgrip on Alex's hand, and call over to her, "Abbey! Hey, we're over—" Woah, Ronnie, at twelve…no, nine…no…oh damn, why try to track a vampire screaming through a rink, "Ronnie!" Hey, the vampire might be rolling at rocket speed, but she doesn't have vampiric hearing for nothing! Migs can always hope she catches the sound of the human voice calling out her name.
"If you hold my hand any tighter I fear it may cut off circulation Miggledoo." Alex comments dryly as his eyes slowly peel away from the daisy duke girl and looks down at Migs, "And don't judge me, it's not my fault she is eye-screwing me." He even lifts a hand to offer the girl a little wave on her next pass before looking up at the individuals that are being indicated, Abbey and apparently a Ronnie person. The man looks around then down at himself in his rather usual out and about wear, jeans, t-shirt and cannot help but comment, "Why did I let you talk me out of the leather pants and fishnet shirt?"
Wheels come to a sudden halt, causing Ronnie to wobble forward and back a few times. "WOAH!"
Once she gets her body under control, she does another twirl. Foot extended behind her. Showing off her wicked-awesome skills.
"Dude! Coco! You've been like forever gone!" Flashily skating right over to the pair she grins.
Then she reaches out to poke at Alex's shoulder. "Wow! Coco! Who's the total babe-o-rama? I mean, he's like, no Corey Hart, but he's totally built. He should be like, in one'a them hot pink mesh shirts or something."
Lucky for Red, the crazy vampire has yet to spot her.
Abbey hums softly as she glances towards Migs and Alex off on the ring itself. "Hey." Is offered along with a wave of her hand, not that she figures Migs will actually hear her. She blinks and glances towards another voice and catches sight of Ronnie. A soft oy escapes her before she turns around and finds a chair sitting to put her skates on. I'll take her a few moments before she can get out into the mess of things on the rink floor.
"Oh, sorry. I forgot to leave my fashion sense card at home. Besides, those jeans look great on you." Ever hold onto something so hard your hand cramps up? Yeah, like that. It takes a minute for Migs to work her hand out of Alex's, "You say that like every girl that crosses your radar doesn't." Migs actually looks happy to see the manic roller-skating vamp, stepping slowly over towards the rail as Ronnie derbies her way over to where she's standing. "I know, it seems like forever." She uses the now uncramping hand to indicate Alex, "Ronnie, this is Alex, my cousin. Lex, this is Ronnie, she's a friend of mine, haven't seen her in ages." Migs looks back towards where she sees Abbey getting ready, and waves, motioning to where she's standing, as if to say, 'We'll wait for you.'
Alex opens his mouth to say something when abruptly Ronnie introduces herself by calling him babe-o-rama. He mouths the words to repeat them before looking at the girl. "I was just commenting fishnet and leather woulda been a better look." His french accent falling on thick, a warning sign for Migs. "Ronnie is it, pleasure to meet you." His hand stretches out.
"I like, totally couldn't find that spot again. You'll definitely, like, have to take me to the park sometime and show me where we were." That was some great bunny hunting after all, and the vicinity of the lake? Perfect for drowning the evil.
"Oh! Dude! Coco! You should've like, totally seen the other night! There was a puppy-doggie helping me find the bunnies! It was so wicked cool!"
An appreciative glance is given to the cousin. "Dude, she's not wrong on those jeans, but you like totally need the fishnet for a rockin' 80's look. I can like, hook you up or somethin'." She does seem to be a girl in the know.
The hand is stared at for a long time. Just stared at. "I'd shake, but Wil Wheaton like, told me that'd be rude. We're supposed to nod. It's more classy or somethin'."
Abbey nods slightly as she catches the movement from Migs, an one her skates are on she is stands up after tucking her shoes under the chair she was sitting upon. "Hope I don't fall on my ass.." She mutters while making her way towards where Migs, Alex and now Ronnie is. So far so good! "Hey Migs, Alex." Is said with her normal friendly tone, Irish accent heard a bit as she speaks. A glance is offered to Ronnie and she hums faintly while nodding to her
"Anytime. You remember where the house is right? And you're always welcome to come over. I'm pretty sure we've got a bad infestation up by the lake, rabbits hopping around like Mexican Jumping Beans. We could make a good night of it." Migs seems to completely brush over the handshake thing, her hand slipping back into Alex's, though now it's not deathgrip, but, well, very much like little sister/big brother. It's just…part and parcel of being friendly with the living impaired. No handshakes and bunnies. "Sounds like you had a blast. I'm sure you could get Lex looking right." A flash of a smile as Abbey comes over, "I didn't think you'd be able to make it. When I drove by the garage earlier, it looked like armageddon was raining down in your front yard."
Alex glances at his hand before sliding it into his jeans pocket. "It's alright, I was just trying to use it to cop a cheap feel anyway." Smirking a bit he looks up at Abbey approaches and sighs, "Abbey the love of my life, where have you been?" Holding on to Migs' hand as she transitions from death grip to just normal grip keeps him from offering any sort of wave.
"Totally! It's the one with the garage, right?!" It may sound like a very stupid question, but Ronnie knows a lot of houses in the area. She only remembers one with a garage though! "Dude! They're like, totally everywhere. Like the coyotes aren't eating them or something. I mean, it'd be wicked-cool if I could find Frankie-George and just keep him with me, but y'know, he's totally this awesome free-spirit puppy-doggie."
There is a giggle, a laugh as he mentions that. "Woah, dude. I like, so haven't had anyone say that to me since uhh… maybe '84?" Then again, she totally believes it's only 1985 so that could be why.
"RED! I so like, KNEW you'd come skating sometime! Like the gift? I told'ja I'd get them for you."
Skating away, twirling in another circle, then circling around the swampy-people (and puppy!) types she grins.
"Man! When did this rockin' place crop up anyhow? It's like way wicked cool and stuff. I mean, like AWESOME!"
"I know, right? I really need the cash to make rent this month so an extra class to teach is, well, perfect. And it's not at 8 AM either, so it's win-win." Ella chats into the cell phone tucked between her ear and shoulder, smiling breezily. "Okay, I'm here, gonna get my skate on. Talk to you later." With that said, she clicks the phone shut and tucks it away into her jeans back pocket. A pair of old, fairly worn out - but probably loved - plain black skates is hung over her shoulder by the laces. Settling down on one of the benches near the rink, she glances up and gives the already gathered group a bright, dimpled grin. The blonde makes quick work of stretching out her leg to remove her sneakers and tug on the skates. With nothing else to do but glide out and into the rink, she's a bit slow at first - but well balanced, if not particularly talented.
Abbey offers a smile to Migs. "Nearly didn't, though that's the great thing about being a boss.. Can leave when ever the hell I feel like it." An lately she has been doing just that. Not that she has much to do when off lately. She peers at Alex and just chuckles. "That depends.. Which car did you wreck this time Alex?" This questioned while she grins and then looks back to Ronnie at the Red comment. "Ya.. Well there's great. Used them a few times before now." Skating isn't her thing, riding a bike or fixing a car is more up her ally but this is suppose to be for fun.
Alex gets a grin, as Migs slips her hand out of his, moving over towards the railing, leaning against it as she works her skates back and forth, trying to get a feel for it, allowing Alex to wander off in Abbey's direction. "See? That's what I say every day." Definitely has it's perks. A nod, in answer to Ronnie's question, "Yep, that's the one. I'll probably be around when you'd be stopping by, so don't be shy. A couple of weeks, I think? I heard it was closed down for quite a while for renovations or something." Migs turns back to the benches, looking back just in time to catch the smile from Ella, and that's returns, before she follows the woman's progress into the rink. Ah, to only be so graceful. or at least not to fall on her behind. "I haven't skated in years."
Soon as Coco has her hand free, Ronnie skates right up to the side of the rink, making a SCREEEEEEEEEEE~ noise with her skates, on purpose. Just to bounce against the board and laugh. There could be a lot more grace there, but what's the fun in that?
"Rock on, Red! If you like, have trouble or anything, I think they've got those cool arm-bumpers? I can totally snag a pair!" And be back in five seconds flat too.
"Dude, like, I won't come into the house or nothing. No sense making Wil Wheaton upset… but if you've got bunnies in the back, I'll get rid'a the evil critters for you!" She will too. Drain them all dry and find a place to get rid of the corpses.
"C'mon then, Coco. Gimme your hand. We'll go for a spin and I'll show you how to skate. I mean, you'll totally be the bomb when I'm done with you!"
Abbey chuckles as she hears Migs. "Ya, you have said that a few times before." She glances after Alex and then looks to Ronnie and lifts a brow. "Arm-bumpers?.. I think I have better balance then /that/." A faint smirk is offered. She's given up trying to get Ronnie to call her anything but 'Red' an really she's been called worse. "Ah.. Good luck there Migs.." As long Ronnie isn't dragging the wolf around the rink she'll be fine with that!
And into the rink Ella continues, skating carefully around the edge. She is certainly trying to steer clear out of anyone's way, as she's moving slowly but surely. She skims a hand along the edge as she begins to wobble at one point, but promptly catches herself. "Sheesh, you're so good!" she calls out to Ronnie, watching the woman twirl with ease. Her eyes widen, her expression an impressed one. But, alas, talking distracts her from accidentally bumping into the wall. Oops. "Ouch," she hisses through her teeth, though she soon smiles through it.
Rather than head in Abbey's direction, Alex quickly excuses himself, which might just be for the best, as Ronnie makes her offer, and heaven help her, the poor skating-impaired human accepts. "Oh, I think the garage is much better anyway. Easier to wash off the dirt." And blood. But no need to say that out load. "Hey, take care of Lex for me, Abbey?" Migs makes her way carefully over to the opening in the rink wall, and holds out a hand to Ronnie, "Just make sure I stay near the wall, that way, if I need to stop, I can just roll into it." Migs finally steps out onto the ring, pointing towards the blonde she saw a while ago, "I don't know if I'll be able to be the bomb, but if I could at least do that," which is to say, skate consistently, "I know I can do that." But her tone is pleasant, jovial, in that slow southern way of trying to make the little hurts not seem so bad, "Hey, you alright over there?"
"Totally don't sweat it, Coco… I'll catch'ya!" Ronnie won't go so fast that she'll make Mignonette vomit or anything, but she'll definitely do some fun stuff while showing her around the rink. "Dude, don't argue with me. I'm like, right. You'll be the best."
She moves forward a bit, holding the woman's hands in her own, twisting so she can face her. "Okay, I like, got you! Stick your leg out behind you and balance on one foot!" There's no point in starting with the easy stuff. It's not like Mignonette is going to fall!
With the concern of her friend for another, she starts to wriggle backward toward the fallen girl.
Cyndi Lauper starts to blare on the speakers, and Ronnie squeaks loudly. "GOOD ENOUGH! WOO! Man, this place is totally awesome!"
Abbey chuckles softly as she leans back against the railing, her arms resting against it. "Sure, if he ever comes back out." This said with an amused tone. Her pale gaze follows after Migs and Ronnie before she glances over towards where Ella is watching her curiously.
Boy, does Ella look mortified. Although she's pretty tanned, her cheeks - at least for a few moments - turn bright red. "Oh, ah, I'm fine," she sputters out sheepishly. Lightly rubbing at her arm, she gets all straightened up on her feet before laughing at herself. "I'll just have a very beautiful bruise in the morning, no worries. Thanks!" Back on two feet, she moves further toward the middle of the rink to stay out of Ronnie and Mig's way. (So they don't have to trip over her if/when she falls again.) As she skates past Abbey as the woman looks toward her, she gives the woman a wide, polite smile.
Meandering his way out of the bathroom, Alex pauses by the door to glance around. He nods a bit and wanders more fully out back towards where he was, not paying any attention to the girl who follows shortly after he leaves. Hey look, it's the daisy dukes girl. Stopping a few paces off, he makes sure to smooth his hair and checks his pants over once, fly check, then resumes walking towards this contingent.
Well, on the one hand, Mignonette sucks with a capital S at skating. But, on the other hand, if you have to have someone around to keep you on your feet, what could be better than, well…a Ronnie? Mignonette flashes a smile at the blonde, "I think I'll have enough to match you," before she takes both of Ronnie's hands and allows the rocker to lead her out onto the rink, rolling more by Ronnie power than her own. But she is trying, and she's sort of got a rhythm going. "You want me to what?" Stick her foot out where? Oh….in for a penny, in for a pound, and Migs does as instructed, "Just don't ask me to sing!" Nobody…and I mean nobody wants to hear that. Ever.
"… Old fashioned superstitions, I find too heard to break!" Poor Coco is let go of for a second so Ronnie can spin quickly around on one foot, her right leg bending upward and resting on her knee. It takes just a second or two then she's grabbing for Coco's hand again. "OH MAYBE YOU'RE OUT OF PLACE!"
It seems that singing will be taken care of by the crazy 80's vampie.
In a moment of clarity, she calls to Ella, "That's just blood rising to the surface!"
Then she's back to her antics. "Dude, you totally skated on your own for a second! See? You're like, gonna be the bomb, I tell ya!"
Glancing over her shoulder, with a near full on exorcist twist, she calls out, "YOU ARE so NEXT RED!"
Abbey hums as she watches Migs and Ronnie, a soft chuckle escapes her as she hears Ronnie. "I don't think so.." Is offered with an amused tone and shake of her head. She isn't sure if she wants the vampire teaching her anything, let along skating. Her head lifts slightly as she catches sight of Alex wandering out and then towards another so lets her gaze follow back after Migs and Ronnie as they move around the floor.
Deciding that perhaps it's time for a break, Ella glides on out of the rink and toward the concession stand to purchase a bottle of water. She returns to the edge, rest her arms up on top of the wall that probably just gave her a bruise to remember in the morning. "True," she calls back out to Ronnie with a flash of a grin, peering down at the reddened patch on her arm in question. As Ronnie calls out Abbey as her next victim, she gives Abbey a curious smile. When Alex approaches, she gives him a friendly nod and smile. "So.. is it 80's night?" she inquires, generally, leaning against the edge of the rink while sipping on her water.
With her life firmly in Ronnie's hands, for the time being, the part of her group she's left behind is momentarily forgotten, as Migs does her damnedest to stay up on her feet. The startled sort of screech she lets out when Ronnie legs go of her hands and she goes gliding off into got knows where—oh, okay, hands back on. This is giving her ahn-gina, as they say, but she can't deny a part of herself is having fun, as the pair, lawyer and rocker continue their circuit around the rink, "I'll never doubt you again, Ronnie."
That's right! People should never doubt Ronnie! She's like, not evil, and not going to nomnoms people. She much prefers bunnies. And Corey Hart. But since she can't have the hottie, she'll like totally have the bunnies.
"Okay! Now I just had like, the most totally choice idea! You go grab that bodacious babe you came in with." Quickly and carefully she skates Coco over to the wall again so that she can take hold of it. "I'm gonna go grab Red!"
And she makes a mad dash for the puppy-doggie-person.
Abbey is anything but a puppy! Not that she can tell them that mind you. "Ronnie just likes everything from the 80's.. its sorta amusing at times." She pauses as her phone goes off and she grumbles while pulling it out from her pocket and eyes it. "I'm gonna kill Sam.." So much for trying to have some fun. "Sorry Ronnie.. I'll have to take a rain-check on the lessons." She then waves towards Migs. "Call you later." This said before she turns and is skating her way off the rink, her sneakers are grabbed before she leaves heading back to the garage it seems.
"I think I can do that." She's had decades of practice, yes she has, as Migs is lead over to the boards, and scoots her way over towards where Alex is standing, just catching Abbey as she disconnects her phone and takes off towards the door. Migs doesn't even have to ask. She knows it's another calamity at the garage. "This is what happens when you leave the men in charge," Migs offers in answer to Abbey, as she comes up on Ella first, "You sure you alright?" She does hold out a hand, though, "Mignonette. Call me Coco, or Migs." A certain nefarious person calls her Nonette, but she'll just ignore that. "This is Alex and Ronnie." She doesn't both pointing out which is which, using a tip of her head instead. her hands are busy holding herself against the railing. No safety net now!
Nodding as Abbey departs, Ella is content to watch the skating taking place - skating muuuuch better than hers had been. "Oh, totally fine," she beams a smile toward Migs. "Nothing a nice dose of humiliation can't fix. Completely fine. Thanks." With her water bottle emptied, she tosses it into a nearby recycling bin before accepting Migs' hand. "Nice to meet you! I'm Ella. Just.. Ella." She says with a little laugh. Turning toward each person as their name is spoken, Ella smiles and waves toward both Ronnie and Alex. "A pleasure. You seem to have grasped skating pretty quickly! I, ah - it's been a few years since I've done this," she admits with a sheepish laugh.
"Awww now this is totally hellacious!" Red has gone and left. Even with the apparent disappointment, the vampire is grinning. There was promise of a next time! She'll get Red out and skating eventually!
Ronnie eyes the blonde. "You'll do." She reaches to take Coco's hand, and then the blonde's. "C'mon, Cindy! Let's go skating." Eyeing Alex she laughs. "You to, you hot Clydesdale! C'mon… get your feet in this rink!"
Though she's not being too forceful so as not to draw oodles of attention, she does have a bit of strength to try and yank everyone to the center.
"Nice to meet you, Just Ella," Migs offers as the woman introduces herself, "Don't let these skills fool you, it's all Ronnie." Migs reaches across the boards, to make a grab for Alex's hand, but she's just a second too slow, as Ronnie takes off at, well, not at speed, but fast, and Migs, instead uses the hand she was making the grab with to point in Alex's direction, "You better come and get me, Lex!" And with that, she's off, following in Ronnie's wake, which is, well, the only thing one really can do, when caught up in the 80s tsunami.
"Ha, fair enough. Still, you're doing very well!" Ella says encouragingly, grinning at Migs. "Cindy?" Ella repeats Ronnie's words, puzzled before whirled into the ring by Ronnie. She seems to be doing fairly well now, balanced on her skates - and this time, she's careful to look forward the whole time and not cut it so close toward the wall. Finally, a bright laugh escapes her lips. "I forgot how much fun this is! I need to do this more often." While not even close to being a pro, at least she does not fall on her face.
Watching the skaters as he has been for several minutes now, simply being content to observe Alex nods towards greetings offered before he finally smirks. "Catching you Migs isn't the problem." He calls out when she's pulled away, "Avoiding your crashing is!" A shake of his head before he resumes simply crowd watching, notably eyeing individual females as they meander by.
"Cindy. Like, y'know, Cinderella. Cindy!" Cindy will be easier for Ronnie to remember, as it's closer to an 80's name than Ella is.
"Okay, so like this will be totally rad to the max! Take each other's hands and let go of mine. Then like, switch places and totally grab mine again!" Ronnie skates backward all the while, keeping her eyes on the the man.
"Total lady killer I'm bettin'!"
Once she makes sure she has both women's hands again, she skates toward them. Ducking under their arms while releasing their hands.
Migs has absolutely NOT a clue what she's doing, but she's certainly going to do her best to follow instructions. Lord, but law school was not as tough as this, as she releases hands, clasps hands, and still manages to try to make an effort to grab Alex when Ronnie lets them get close enough, "Come on, Lex, you can't stay out there all night!" A snort, at Ronnie comment about her cousin, "Oh, you have no idea, Ronnie. He's got them lined up."
"Ohh. Cinderella. I've never heard that one before, but now I know what my next Halloween costume is!" Ella admits to Ronnie with a very amused laugh. Glancing out the corner of her eye toward Migs as Ronnie cues them of their next move, the blonde looks… skeptical. Hesitant. "If I crash into either of you, I am so sorry in advance," she murmurs solemnly. But, hey, they seem to manage to pull it off! She brightens up immensely. As they swing by Alex, she curiously arches a brow before smirking slightly.
With Emma's passing, Alex returns the smirk and offers a little wink at her before calling out to Migs, "I don't intend to . Just catching my breath, getting quite tired simply watching you three do your roller-dance."
"Sounds like a plan! I should totally line my bunnies up." That would make for quicker nomnoms!
"There was like a song I used to jump rope to! Cinderella dressed in yella went downstairs to meet her…" Just like that, Ronnie is skating off.
Right toward Alex. Where she attempts to grab his hand and yank him back out into the rink. "… FELLA!"
With, or without Alex, she's going to head back out to the rink with a twirl and some flair.
"Mmm… bunnies sound good. Bet they just have the beige stuff here…"
"It would make for a fun night." And having been privy to seeing Ronnie actually vanquishing hopping evil, she would know. "Oh lord," comes Mig's next as she finds herself now Ronnie-less and with Poor Ella in hand. This is going to end really really badly, as Migs just keeps going in a straight line, heading right for the back wall. "I don't think I'm gonna be able to stop before the wall, you should probably get clear!" Hey, at least she's warning the poor girl.
"Bunnies?" Ella asks initially, before her expression indicates that maybe she doesn't really wanna know. "Oooh, uhhh.." Though the two are abandoned, she tries valiantly to draw Migs in toward the center of the rink in a circular pattern, and /not/ headed straight for the wall. While short, she's fairly athletic - but not so strong that just tugging a person comes easy, exactly. "Angle your feet! Uhh." In the event her efforts don't work before it's too late, well, too bad - she's going down with the ship.
Feeling his hand grabbed by Ronnie, soon Alex is pulled out onto the roller rink and is gliding along with his wheeled feet. One would perhaps wonder how he and Migs could be related, for as inept as she is, the male seems to be able to keep his balance rather well and skate. A shake of his head comes as he watches Ronnie pull him out and he comments, "Now she'll take my hand."
"Now I'm getting you to skate!" Ronnie twirls him toward the two women and tries to catch Coco before she crashes into a wall. Lex seems to have his balance and all.
"'sides, vampires don't generally like being touchy feely. I mean, we can totally be touchy feely, but greetings are nods. Wil Wheaton made sure I knew that so that I don't go scarin' people!" Even though she does tend to scare people away quite often, which makes her cry.
"You need to learn to use the toe stop! Like this!" A demonstration is given, Ronnie forcing herself to careen toward the wall after making sure Coco isn't going to crash into anything. About a foot before hitting it, she twists to the side and uses the toe stop. "See?"
Thankfully for Ella, Migs is a small woman herself, so it's not too difficult to get her righted, "This is really not my sport, I am telling you!" gets sort of shouted to the woman over the music, but it all seems to work out in the end as neither of them end up going down on their behinds. And soon enough, Alex and Ronnie are heading back towards the group, and that's for the best, right? Oh, how wrong one can be, as Ronnie moves to demonstrate the toe stop, and Migs ends up on her own. And the attempt…oh, The Three Stooges could not have done it better, as the toe stop comes down, and Migs tumbles forward, right into the padded wall Ronnie was aiming for, bopping her head, before she does end up on her butt, looking lightly startled, dazed even, for a moment, before she bursts out laughing.
As they all skate on their own, Ella seems to be in a better swing of things now. She's balanced, and not entirely distracted enough to crash into the wall again. As Migs smashes into the wall, her eyebrows lift, her eyes widen like saucers, and she /skiiiiids/ to a halt with the aid of the toe stop after hearing the crash of Migs-wall contact. She's on the other side of the rink, and for a moment she's about to turn around and go against the flow… before she remembers that it's a circle. Duuur. It will take just as long to go the same way. So she does. "Now it's my turn to ask if you're alright!" The blonde slides by Migs, leaning over and pressing her hands against her knees.
Finishing his rolling towards Migs, Alex shakes his head and extends a hand down towards her with a grin stretching his lips. "That took you longer than I expected. You're either getting better or you're drunk again. And if you're drunk again I am /not/ holding your hair back." Keeping his hands out he looks over at the other two women, shaking his head with a tsk'ing noise.
Human wasn't supposed to hit the wall. Human is fragile and breakable, and Ronnie doesn't want to clean up swampy human blood. Blech!
The vampire is about to reach down to help Coco up, but Lex offers around the same time. She'll let the guy have the honors of being all radically chivalrous and stuff.
"I should uhh… like… I don't know… totally go before you bash your head in, Coco…" Rubbing the back of her neck she twirls away from the group.
"Plus it's like, totally quarter past bunny time."
Migs just cannot stop laughing, even as Ella comes over, and Alex holds out a hand, which she accepts, "I'm okay, honestly. believe me, I've done worse to myself before." All said between hiccups of laughter, "Shut it, Benoit." No telling her war stories, no no no. Migs hauls herself to her feet, using the wall and her cousin's hand to do so, "Don't worry, Ronnie. I've got a thick skull." But she can certainly understand the vampire needing to get back home before it's well, in her case, too early, "Come by the house, we'll go hunting." She finally gets the laughter under control, getting it down to a couple of, yes, snorts, before she's herself again, "And I don't drink…anymore. Thank you very much."
"What?" Ella arches a brow toward Alex, laughing a little bit. "Hey, I didn't shove her into the wall. I tried to help!" Shaking her head, she glances toward Ronnie and waves. "Nice to meet you! Good night," she calls out brightly. As Alex helps Migs up, she gestures toward the benches around the rink. "I think, ah, I'm due for a break - how about you guys? Sodas for all, on me?" Her gaze briefly swings toward the snack bar, before it turns back to Migs & Alex.
Alex glances at Migs, over at Ella, at the departing Ronnie, back to Migs and finally once more to Ella. It's a good thing his head can swivel. "Right, you stopped drinking. And I'm not going to pick up some girl to bring home this weekend named Clarissa." The line seems obscure unless you're a member of the family in which case it causes him to grin. At Ella's offer of soda's Alex blinks and looks at her once more, almost confused.
Migs takes a few minutes to make sure she's steady on her feet, "Actually," comes the tart answer, "I was the one who brought Clarissa home, and we didn't see the two of you again until Monday morning." Migs slips her hand into Alex's, forgetting herself, and holding onto only the last two fingers of his hand, as she used to do when she was small enough that that was all she could hold onto. "Only if you let me buy the hot dogs. I am starving." A grin, to man and then woman, before she tries to wall-walk her way back towards the nearest opening.
Ella looks clueless at the joke, so ah.. she looks away, shrugging a shoulder. She returns Alex's confused look. "What, do you not drink soda? Pop? Soda-pop? Or do you just call it Coke?" She cracks a dimpled grin. "I teach yoga, and even I drink it." There's a pause. "..Though I'm gonna need something stronger later this evening." As Migs heads off the rink, so does the blonde, gliding with a little more confidence now that they're all done. "Sounds good," she says with a laugh, settling down on the bench she previously abandoned to swap her skates for sneakers once more.
Alex kicks his foot once and shakes his head laughing as he rolls alongside of Migs. "A Yoga instructor with a penchant for stronger drinks. Does she realize how much trouble she is in being around me?" He asks towards Migs before flashing a smile at Emma, about to say something else until a ring from his pocket occurs. A distinct ringtone that pulls a frown from his lips and his hand to his pocket to retrieve the cell.
"He likes to pretend he only drinks things that get fermented in a barrel," Mignonette offers as she continues along her merry and safe way towards the exit to the rink, "No, I don't believe she has any idea, Lex." Moving out onto the carpet, just as Alex's phone rings. Clearly the ringtone is recognized, because Migs turns back to watch Alex, "Get me an update as soon as you can." And with that, she settles in, removing her skates with the same sort of look she might have walking into the nearest Donna Karan store. She's in heaven, now that the footwear from hell is coming off of her feet. "Oh, I should have introduced you, that's Alex, my cousin."
"Trouble? Aw, I bet you're harmless." Ella teases with a wink. Waving a hand, she laces up her athletic shoes and stands, rocking back and forth on her feet. Muuuch better. Sighing with relief, she ties the laces of her skates together so they are not separated. That would be unfortunate. "Ahh," she nods as Migs explains the drinks situation. "Nice to meet you," she nods toward both Migs and Alex. It appears it may be business time, so while the other two are occupied she idly whips out her own cell phone to check for messages.
"It'll be awhile." Alex says towards Migs after he listens to the phone for a moment, "Can you taxi it back home?" The last part is said as he reaches down to start untying the laces of his skates. Finally getting them free he starts for the exit without much word but does pause to glance at Ella, "We'll have to grab breakfast another time."
Could there BE anything nicer than slipping her feet back into a pair of heels and getting rid of her socks and the rental skates? Migs doesn't think so. And she's soon back on her feet, "Yeah, I can make it home, go. And be careful." Once Migs has the rental skates back together, she rises, not even bothering to get a dig in on Alex as he leaves Ella with his comment, "I guess this means I get to eat his hot dog too." A grin, before she heads off with Ella to see about some sort of culinary payment for their skating trials and tribulations.
"Breakfast?" Ella looks momentarily confused. "Well, ah, pancakes. I like pancakes." The blonde calls out to Alex, tossing him a wave before he trots off to take care of business. Now it is snack time. Bliss. She grins at Migs as they move toward the concession stand to celebrate!