Millermore House
In a word, ornate. The inside of the house opens into large receiving room, one of which is the sitting room, cordoned off for visitors.
The sitting room is styled in red; lush red velvet draperies hang, with matching dark wood, red upholstered bench love seat and two side chairs (one with armrests and one without) undoubtedly for the gentleman and lady of the house, respectively. There is a white marble-topped table upon which a blown-glass oil lamp sits, and two floral patterned chairs sit at each end. A fireplace, of course, is the center piece of the room, with a small harpsichord set off to the side. Busy wallpaper adorns the walls and a red and grey patterned rug covers the floor.
The rest of the house is no less opulent, upstairs and down; the vision of a man who made his fortune in the cotton and cattle trade.
Late night. Many locations at the Heritage Village are closed at this hour. Working within it gives her some special clearances though. One of which is getting into the Millermore House after hours. Tonight is her only night off this week, so she hurriedly returned Elliott's message that was left at the pharmacy for her and set up here.
Alexa is sitting in the receiving room. Her outfit glaringly pointing out that she's not the supposed ghost that resides in the manor home. Her demeanor is quiet though she does seem to be muttering to herself. "Behave. This is not our house and I'll get in trouble if you make a mess. Besides," she adds nervously, "if you cause havoc you may upset the real ghost, and he won't like us much anymore…"
The response time to his message almost appears to be in record time. This normally could be considered flattering yet he has the warning of her so fresh on his mind. Certainly it can't be true and yet he is not about to push the envelope to prove it to be incorrect. The locale for their meeting is somewhat odd to Elliott but it means little to him in the end. This evening he's wearing a pair of black slacks, a black tee and a white sports jacket. His hair is slicked back even. Waking as early as he does gives him time to do such things. There are no sounds made when he arrives, at least not by his actions. As stone faced as he is the baby vampire allows only his eyes to betray his curiosity.
The light from the oil lamps creates a great deal of atmosphere. Alexa is keeping her eyes glued to the door so that he doesn't sneak up on her and scare the poltergeist right out into the open. When he enters she gets up from where she sits. She's meaning to keep her distance so as she walks she nervously plays with her hair, keeping a table between them at all times and not meeting his eyes.
"Mr. Hartigan. You said you wished to speak with me? That you had found some things out?"
There are some behaviors that he will recognize. Even in this setting he will be able to hear the rhythm of her heart. Elliott is aware that she's not fully comfortable and so comes to a stop. His hands slide into the pockets of his slacks and he eventually brings her eyes back to her. "Interesting." The location, he means. "I did, although I had not expected such a prompt response. I was able to speak with someone dear to me and learn a point or two about this ancestor of yours."
"The rest of the village is generally closed before sundown, but I got allowance to come use the manor." Alexa did promise to do some dusting before she left which is why she was allowed in this late. "You look different," she points out quietly, wondering why he's made the change. To perhaps not look so much like Mr. Grant? "That is what you said in your message. Though I'm most curious as to what it is you've learned."
No longer does he look about but rather keeps his eyes focused on her. It may be intense but he's not in the correct frame of mind to not be 'creepy' this evening. Everything is weighing heavily upon the young vampire . Eventually Elliott allows the tiniest of smirks before getting to business. "I couldn't sleep. Also I would hate for anyone to think the wrong thing." To see two people looking so much like to other people could lead to the wrong ideas. The tiny moment of pleasantries is over, however, as he decides to get it over with. "I'm afraid there isn't all too much that I can tell you. What I can speak of, however, you likely will not wish to hear."
For her part, Alexa is still not actually looking at his face. Her eyes are kept carefully averted for the simple fact that she doesn't wish to look at him when he's being 'creepy'. The hair is twirled around her fingers again. Her feet pacing her back and forth a few steps to and from the table. Nervous habits. The smirk doesn't really help much. "I'm undecided if it looks better on you or not." It's just different. "Do you want to sit? I brought a bottle to True Blood from the pharmacy. I'm afraid I can't really heat it up here in the house though."
"You worry too much." It could reflect so many things, this comment of his. Yet Elliott does move to actually sit, doing so slowly so as not to further upset her. "Miss Whyte, I gave you my word that I'll not harm you and I will keep that promise. The only thing you have to fear from me is quite possibly what I have to say." Even though Elliott is trying he averts his eyes as well since everything he does seems to be making things worse. "You are also kind for such a gesture. I will drink when appropriate although I ensured that I would not be hungry upon arrival." For both of their sakes. "I can't convince you to calm but that does not mean that I won't try. You have nothing to fear from me."
"It's the house," Alexa lies, trying to make it sound smooth and believable. She fails. "It's haunted." She's on edge due to her poltergeist, right? "You likely won't think it's such a kind gesture when I point out I did it so you wouldn't feel it necessary to eat me." The hint of a smile is on her lips. She's not in anyway calm but she is beginning to relax. "Your words aren't very reassuring," she points out quietly. "If I am to fear what it is you have to say, then it stands to reason that I may have every right to fear you."
Eventually his eyes move back to her form. "Miss Whyte. I have been nothing but open and honest with you." This is Elliott's way of asking for the same in return. "I am not a child, not at least by the amount of years that I lived before becoming as you see. Honesty likely is the best policy." Despite the fact that he wishes her to calm he finds a smile at her honesty. It is far from sly and is about as warm as he can be at the moment. "Such as that. I will say that I am full and will not make any attempts to bite you." The man's hands clasp together before they come to rest on his lap. "You should be familiar with the phrase 'don't shoot the messenger'? That would be what I would categorize this as. So you may not entirely like what I say but I have no intention, now or ever, of harming you."
They've been over the lying thing before. Alexa can't help it though. She doesn't like to insult people overly much and pointing out that he frightens her is generally a great way to insult him. "Honesty may be the best policy but it does nothing to help people from being upset." Her hand slips from her hair. Instead she begins to tug at the corner of her shirt ensuring that it is down far enough. "I will take you at your word and the bottle of blood is there if you do find yourself peckish." There's the honesty. Then she gets quiet. Uncertain. "I do not like a great many things, Mr. Hartigan, though if you have nothing but bad news to tell me, I would much prefer that you called me Alexa. Bad news, to me, seems a bit more personal."
This is something that they've discussed before. At some point she may very well learn from what he says. "I might be more offended at the way that you under estimate my patience." Yet even the way he says this doesn't sound truthful. Lying has never been something that Elliott has been successful with. "It is there, indeed." Yet the synthetic is barely even considered. "As you wish, Alexa. Yet if I am to address you as such I'd rather you call me Elliott." She's not going to calm any so he delays no further. "I learned in my inquiries that this ancestor of yours can be traced to an ancestor of mine. History did not play out kindly for them as she was less than a respectable woman. Clearly this is far from the way that you are yet she does live on in the memory of some of those in Dallas currently."
"So it is not that they are creepy stalker serial killers, merely vampires with exceedingly long memories who were not overly fond of this umpteenth great aunt?" Alexa appears more concerned over this news than she was over the thought that they were simply trying to stalk and kill her. The fact that she resembles someone who was less than respectable is unsettling. Especially since she got the vibe from those who have spoken to her that they were not exactly people with an utmost gentle touch. "This is what you wished to tell me? Does this mean that I am unsafe?"
"Would you rather I have not said a word at all?" It is a heavy question perhaps but he must ask it. She must think about all of what she is about to learn and what she already knows. Even now Elliott is not afraid to look at his although he does remain about as soft as he can be. "This does not mean that you are unsafe. It simply means that those with memories that span so long are cautious. There is fear involved and I'm most certain that you understand what can happen when any are afraid." Even with what he know she still has a hard time linking her to her ancestor. "Alexa, there is no immediate danger for you. I believe that there could be more for me than you are to worry about."
"How is that fair at all? Because these people with long memories recall something unpleasant about someone, I am to be treated as though I am this person even though I haven't done anything except live my own life?" Alexa's worry is making her anger apparent. She is not so able to hide things. "It means that I am unsafe from those who remember, though you wish to say that I am safe." Pacing back and forth in front of the sofa, she begins to twirl her hair on her fingers again. "I am not worried of immediate danger, it is more worry over danger that is going to lurk forever in the minds of these vampires due to my looks."
He is in no position to argue. There is no attempt to stand and calm her, not immediately. Elliott remains seated yet looks away. "Life is not fair, Alexa, nor is unlife. It was requested of me to be cautious of you due to both of our particularly unique situations." In the end he is related to Will even if it is only in this current life. "I have already requested a meeting with Mister Grant. I wish to take the steps to ensure that you are not a threat." Perhaps this is why he will not face her. "Even if I am to do so from a distance. I believe that you are not this other woman and will do what I am able to in order to have others believe this as well."
"That I am not a threat" Anger is piqued now, and Alexa's fists clench. She who is generally quiet and goes about her business in order to keep the poltergeist hidden. She who never asked for any of this. Just had it all dropped on her thanks to some weirdo buying things at an SCA event. Suddenly a nearby unlit oil lamp goes flying against the wall. A trail of the oil trickles down onto the floor and she gasps.
"I told you not to start!" Pinching her nose and trying the breathing techniques to calm herself down she paces away from Elliott again. "You don't need to tell me that life is not fair. I know. I've lived my entire life with this poltergeist. I didn't ask for any of this. I have no interest in becoming a vampire. I have no interest in dredging up the past. I just want to live my life."
The flying oil lamp catches his attention. He's not heard of another in the building. All he's seen is her reaction to his words. This is something that he considers as he watches the location of the oil spill. Slowly he brings himself to stand, eyes moving towards the angry woman. "In comparison, mine is an endangered race. They are cautious. This does not mean that I agree with how they feel yet I am rather new to this. I do not have the insight that they do. I have lived to see the positive side in everyone." Even as this is said he takes a few slow steps closer to her but will back away if she demands it. "Please, Alexa, for your own health. At least sit and allow your anger to release. Take it out on me if you would prefer. It would be a shame to see something happen now of all times."
With fingers still pinching her nose she shakes her head at him. "I can't take my anger out on you, you didn't make me look like a spitting image of this supposedly unrespectable woman." Genetics made it happen. Very odd genetics. Alexa keeps pacing not sure if she wants to sit. Finally she does, choosing to seat herself beside the spilled oil. Watching it pool up. "It is stupid. I can't talk to a potential friend because they are cautious? I think it is more that they're scared. That's not fair to either of us. I had thought most vampires had sense in them but this is ludicrous." A piece of glass is lifted up and set in the still somewhat intact lamp base.
It is good that she is sitting. He follows her though and kneels at her side. This is done to attempt to clean the spill for her. "There is more to the story than I am able to relay. There is, in fact, much more to the story than I even know. As much as I promised to learn what I could even I know when to hesitate with asking questions." Elliott will only then look up from the mess to her. "Although I believe that I am too creepy to be considered a friend?" A fangless smile is offered at his attempt at humor. "I also did not make me have a passing resemblance to Mister Grant, either. We are still far from this I fear but one day, Alexa, I would like for you to trust me. I will do what I can to ensure all is well." So long as he doesn't directly go against those of his own kind.
"That hairstyle makes you more creepy," Alexa says, following it with a very pitifully forced laugh. "I apologize for being upset. It's just so silly, isn't it? Because we have the appearance of others, we're to be feared?" Lifting another piece of glass from the lamp, it shatters in her hand leaving it a bit of a sliced up mess. Wincing she quickly moves to wrap the hand with the lengthy part of her shirt. "I will try to trust you. At least you've been as honest with me as you can be. Maybe this poltergeist is my evil great aunt come back to haunt me into letting her take over my body so she can be all unrespectable again."
It's forced but it is a start. A hand moves to ruffle the creepy hair, allowing it to fall messy. "And this is a better style?" Fashion is far from his strong point. "I also believe that it has something to do with some fearing a repeat of history. It does seem rather ironic that two who appear so similar are roughly the same age again." This is but a musing as he attempts to help her. The moment she cuts her hand he stares at the blood there. Instead of losing it on her he removes a handkerchief and offers it to her. "Do not soil your clothing. Here." He'll even tend to her wound if she'll allow him, which he doubts. "I also question this thing that is haunting you. Yet this is not something I'm familiar with."
"It is less creepy." Not necessarily better, just not so creepy as a slicked back hairstyle. "Ironic, perhaps, but as my only issue is this haunting…" When the handkerchief is offered to her, she takes it and wraps her hand. "You would think I would carry a first aid kit with me in my purse," she muses quietly, "but no such luck." At work this would have been handled quickly and efficiently. "I wish that it could talk to you. Maybe then I could get some answers. The priest that came to exorcise it though, he said it was a poltergeist not a ghost. So they just make a lot of mess."
"That's the extent of what I'll do with it. A haircut is not an option at the moment." To keep her mind on the lighter things is the goal. If she can relax than more things won't break. "I can get you anything you would need for that, or take you anywhere that would allow you to dress it properly. A medic I am not but I would prefer your hand not to become infected." Elliott's doing very well to keep away from the blood, from making it seem as if he's using her for it. Then he returns to the mess and finishes what she had started. "It also did not seem to take well to your anger. That may be something to monitor. You could consider it more of a guardian than a curse?"
The hand clenches around the handkerchief and she shakes her head. "They aren't deep. Flesh wounds. It'll hurt for a while but I don't think I need stitches." Alexa's only concern is that the smell of the blood seeping through the material might be too much for him. "There is the bottle of synthetic in my purse though if the scent is overwhelming." She'd rather not be a chew toy if she can help it. "I definitely much preferred it the way you had the hair when we first met. It looked more natural and less like you were trying so hard." That may be a bit harsh but it is what it is. "A guardian? It does keep me out of troublesome situations by distracting with its attacks. I suppose in a sense that it is, but it's still worrisome now. I wish there was some way to contact it and make it go away."
This time he is different. He gives her a stern look as if she has said something wrong. "I will not feed on you, not now or ever. Not unless invited to and even then I would find difficulty in doing so. Worry about your health before what I might consider." If he was going to lose his control he would have done so already. There are reasons that he is quite full already. "Then I will make a mental note not to try so hard around you." Despite the fact that he is to keep his distance. "I am not a master of these things. I truly know little. But I will keep an eye on things if you would like. Although if you remain calm you may never see it again." Elliott is not convinced she's haunted at all but he has no idea what she could be.
"I did not mean to offend you, Mr. Hartigan." Alexa exhales a soft sigh, staring at her handkerchief wrapped hand. There is blood seeping through the cloth but not in vast quantities. It is merely there. "This is the second time I've sustained injury in front of a vampire. I must say you seem to have very rigid control." Mr. Grant does as well even though he had to leave swiftly after the incident. "Please don't do it for me. Be comfortable with who you are. If you like your hair slicked back do so. I am just much more used to men who prefer to have their hair either much longer or natural looking. It comes with working the renaissance fair circuit."
His time around her isn't long, no matter how calm he's acting. "It's okay, and please. Call me Elliott." If they are on a first name basis it should be for her to call him that. The vampire does stand, though, the mess in his hands. "Are you certain that you are well? If you are in need of anything I can retrieve it for you prior to leaving." Leaving honestly isn't such a bad idea, Elliott has to agree. Besides, he's been told to keep his distance. "My hair is just that. Never in my time have I had a need to do much with it yet boredom happened to have gotten the better of me. I will take your advice into consideration."
"Very well. Elliott." Alexa glances around. She remains seated when he stands more for her own safety than anything else. "I'll be fine. I'll give this a second or two to finish coagulating. Then I'll go get a mop and clean up the spill so they don't think the house ghost did it." Not her poltergeist, the supposed haunt of the manor. The girl seems quite happy to leave things at that, but finally she adds, "Thank you for telling me all of this, Elliott. Even if it is not favorable and it means that we lose the chance to be future friends. I appreciate the candor of it."
He's keeping his distance no matter how much he'd rather help her. Full or not there are limits to what this child can be around. "Let me know that it heals well?" For one who has claimed to stay away he certainly doesn't seem to indicate that those are his intentions. Elliott will take the broken bits with him, he's decided, as he'll make a hasty retreat. "I gave you my word and there is no greater vow. Not for me. I will not be unavailable for you, Alexa, but I will be cautious. Please be well, and if there is anything else that I can offer for you do not hesitate to ask."