Fitness World
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Nothing like a good workout when… Well, pretty much whenever. And Steve looks like he's pretty much in the good workout zone, judging by the sheen of sweat on his face and the places where it's soaked through his shirt. He's benching at the moment, but seems to be winding down a set.
There are totally oodles of good things about Fitness World. First, they totally haven't kicked Ronnie out of the premises yet. She can like, come and go as she pleases. She can use the rowing machines. She can use the weights. She can just waltz around and have a good time.
Tonight may be the night they like, finally get totally fed up with her though. Tonight, the young vampire is standing in front of the wall of mirrors. She's dressed in a pair of neon pink spandex, with a white sleeveless bodysuit over it. Over that she's got on a sleeveless blue tee-shirt that's sliced down the middle and tied up just under her bosom. In her hair is a white headband.
She's currently prancing in front of a bunch of fat, sweaty guys, doing more singing than actual workout.
"Let's get physical, physical! I wanna get physical! Let's get into physical! Let me hear your body talk, your body talk~! Let me hear your body talk…"
Steve sits up after his set and towels off his face, coming out of his zone enough to look over at neon pink Olivia Newton John over by the mirrors. He stares for a moment, probably quietly boggling.
Twirling around the fat sweaty men that smell like swamp, Ronnie breaks out into some sort of improvised Jazzercise type dance moves.
When one of the men tries to use the standing weight machine, she gives him a little push.
Her little push though is enough to send the man flailing back toward the change room door which puts him on course with the free weights over by the benches.
The singing stops immediately as she watches the fat man crash into the empty bench beside Steve and topple over onto his head with his feet kicking the side of the man that's staring.
Glancing left, then right, she runs toward an exercise ball and dives behind it before the gym attendant can reach her.
Steve slowly gets to his feet, keeping his right knee slightly bent. He cranes his neck and peers over at the perpetrator of this crazy-powerful shoving. "Uh…what's going on?"
The exercise ball shifts a bit, but Ronnie is otherwise silent and motionless. She can't let them find her, they'll throw her out and then she'll have to go face the music with Wil Wheaton. That means no more bunnies, and no more MTV.
That'd totally blow chunks.
Two gym attendants come over. One stops by the fallen man to help him up. The other seems to be on the hunt for the vampire girl. He's drifting behind stacks of dumbells and mats, peeking into the aerobics room, and stopping to see if anyone saw where she went.
Finally, he winds up in front of Steve.
"Yo, dude! You see where that chick went? Dude over there has a sprained wrist."
Steve watches the ball briefly, then goes back to toweling off. "Uh…no," he answers the guy. "I wasn't really paying attention. Sorry."
The second attendant looks at Steve, and just says, "Uh huh, right." He rubs the back of his neck then starts the search anew. This time he heads toward the change rooms though he's quick to get a female attendant to head into the other change room. No sense upsetting the female members!
Attendant one is helping the fallen man toward the small first aid area near the gym's entrance to get a tensor bandage for his wrist.
When sounds of everyone leaving are done and over with, a headband head peeks out from behind the ball on the right side. Then it disappears again to peek out shortly after on the left.
The coast appears to be clear for the moment.
Steve lifts his eyebrows at the peeking gestures. He slowly approaches the exercise ball, revealing the fact that he has a pretty severe limp. "You'd better get out of here," he murmurs. "Meet you downstairs, though."
"Dude, chill." Ronnie sneaks out from behind the exercise ball. Then in a rush of wind, and a blur of a body the change room door opens and the young vampire is gone.
Really, she's gone mere seconds before she's standing back at him looking much like the Road Runner (MEEP MEEP). Her hair looks normal, her clothing 80s punk chic.
"I totally don't go places with strangers. Wil Wheaton wouldn't like it, y'know. Thanks for the save though. That was like, totally choice of you."
Steve looks a little disturbed, but nods slowly. "Uh…yeah, whatever," he says. "I don't know who that is, but… Yeah. Awesome. Boyfriend?" he finally guesses. Yeah, he's a little lost.
"Wil Wheaton? Ew, grody to the max!! Barfarama!" Ronnie makes puking gestures, pretending to shove her finger down her throat. "No way, dude. I'm totally crushing on Corey Hart."
Under her breath, the crazy 80s vampire starts to hum, Sunglasses at Night.
"They likely only have beige around here. Need to find something not beige," she mutters to herself as she heaves a gym bag over her shoulder.
Now where did that come from?
"Dude, do you like, know where there's a park close to here?"
Steve makes a totally bewildered face. "Corey… …/Really/? Do you guys not have TV, or what? I don't get that." He heaves a sigh. "I don't know," he says, "There are parks all over the place. I suck at giving directions."
"Duh, like MTV!" Ronnie eyes him curiously, then shrugs. If he doesn't know who the Corey of her heart is that's no big deal. She doesn't need to explain herself.
"It's like, totally not the middle ages you know." Scratching her head, she starts to stalk toward the door. Trying to avoid being seen by the gym attendants, and failing miserably. None seem to really bother her yet though.
"Man, I totally wish Frankie-George were here. She'd know how to get me to a park. Parks are where the non-beige is."
"You mean, like…MTV twenty years ago?" Steve asks, brow furrowed. "Look," he says, grabbing up his cane where he'd stashed it earlier and leaning on it as he follows her. "Look, I'll get you to a park, I just have to go outside to get my bearings."
"Dude, MTV is so not twenty years old." Ronnie rolls her eyes at the man, then shakes her head.
"Totally cool, I can find a park from here. It's called, like, getting outside and running." She's not going to just dismiss the offer though, so she turns back to face him and offers a toothy smile. No fangs, but lots of glittering white teeth. "Thanks though. I mean it. That was like, way cool of you back there."
Then, like the flashy blur she was just moments ago, she's sending the outside door swinging back and forth on the hinges and off to find something not beige. Preferably something white with a fluffy cotton tail.
"How is it that none of you people can keep up?" Steve asks, but it ends up being to himself. Since Mystery Girl is so totally gone.