Alexandre is the son of Miriam Jolie Benoit nee Christensen and the late Charles Alexandre Benoit. Following the death of her husband, Miriam moved to the Savoy Estate to stay with her sister Meredith, three years her junior, and brought her son, then four, to live with her. Approximately a year after they arrived, Mignonette was born and having no siblings of his own, and Mignonette's mother and father being as close to him as his own mother was and father used to be, the now five year old took over the role of big brother. Even in his young age Alex showed a disposition that was described accurately as determined, setting the tone for the young children. Protective of his little 'sister' even amongst other children and never one to back down from situations, Alex pushed forward to accomplish even getting a cookie if it was what he set his mind to. This mentality grew further with Migs and soon what she wanted, Alex saw to it she got as well.
Alex would spearhead the academics as best he could doing well enough to earn accolades but his true vibrancy showed in some of the physical realms. In High School at the private charter institution he attended, he was the starting Quarterback and did exceedingly well, so much so to earn recruitment to the University of Tulane. Alex's departure to university was difficult for the two 'siblings' as the separation did lead to some anxiety on his part. It was not uncommon for the pair to get together to visit and rarely did Alex seem embarrassed or even remotely put off by the fact that his younger cousin would visit him. Although he never professed it to Migs, several possible rendezvous with female admirers were blown off in order for him to go home or make time to ensure she was doing well via visits. After all there would be other women but only one Mignonette.
It was one of these blow offs that would eventually dwindle into the realm of more serious however a falling out between the pair would lead to them separating, something that hurt Alex rather deeply. This fact is never spoken about however due to the concerns it may upset Migs if she were to ever believe it was her fault. Even if she is aware of it the truth depths are not discussed.
Following his time at Tulane University where he attained a major in Engineering, Alex would enlist in the Navy in order to avoid going home and to escape the loss he still felt over the rather brutal breakup. Once more teary goodbyes were shared with his family as he went off into the Navy and quickly joining the SEAL division. There he would rise in rank over his six year term where he served dutifully and with honor. Specializing in Marine Engineering tasks that often found him in third world locations, Alex developed a reputation as a problem solver. His exposure as a child to various firearms (being in his family as he was) along with letters from Migs would cause him to be well liked within his unit, eventually becoming its leader. Multiple times during his tour, a letter would arrive from Mig, a clairvoyant message of an event that was coming he would be able to plan for which only served to advance his reputation.
Following his Naval service, Alex would return to Baton Rouge and the family, taking up as head of security with his background. While there he would find a good niche both in providing family and business security but also providing the occasional corporate investigation and espionage as needed. Keeping his hands clean and record spotless he maintained a community reputation as a problem solver which has carried with him as he transferred to Dallas to take over the firm security there, and to be in better position to take care of Migs.