William "Darcy" Pemberly
Fullname Lord William Horace Jonathan "Darcy" Pemberly, Earl of Pemberly
Birthday 12 April, 1795
Species Vampire
Age 210 (30)
Height 1.93 m (6'3")
Weight 84 kg (185 lbs)
Eyes Brown
Hair Brown
Occupation Gentleman of Leisure / Purveyor of Interdicted Goods

Claim to Fame

If you are in the right circles, Darcy is known as someone who can acquire certain items: hard to obtain, for the discerning collector. Discretion is the word. He appears to be incredibly wealthy, but has also been rumoured to supply anything (even V) for the right price. Needless to say, he is not too concerned about following laws setup by humans or vampires. People might also know about his love of fine artworks and artists, and his enthusiasm for high cultural pursuits.


Not much is known about Darcy. Unless someone has shared some experience with him from his past, it is doubtful anyone really knows the full extent of his life's history. The vampire is purposefully secretive; he prefers to hide behind evasion. To those humans and vampires who have business contacts with him, the name "Darcy" is enough to associate with this man. For those vampires with deeper resources and political connections, the name William Pemberly is available. If you would like your character to have background knowledge about Darcy, please page or @mail me and we can figure out how to connect the dots. I'm very open to expanding his past relationships, and to playing with the concept of prior associations.

Character Details

Darcy is best described as an "aloof Romantic," a representative of the Regency era in the Britain of his youth. He has the ability to be charming, polite, dapper, cultivated, and dignified; but also willing to do what it takes to survive. A spendthrift, he lives well beyond his means and is hopelessly mired in debts, overdue bills, and promisory notes. He adores beauty and finery, and will spare no expense to surround himself with elegant items or baubles. This is why he can often be found wearing fine clothes and baubles without a penny in his pocket. While politic and gracious, Darcy can also appear arrogant and proud; even haughty and cold. Aristocratic sentiments run deep within him, and his politics lean toward favouring the conservative and the privileged. No matter what his present material circumstances, Darcy considers himself a member of the upper-echelon. A creature that enjoys amusement, his temperament can occassionally lead him to explore sadistic and ruthless desires.


Name Race Relation Notes
Anna Vampire Maker An ancient vampire turned in 410 A.D., she is somewhere in Europe to the best of Darcy's knowledge. He has not seen his Maker in well over one-hundred and fifty years, but her memory and their torrid love-affair still remains ever present in his thoughts.
Vivienne Michiels Vampire Companion They first met in North India, modern day Afghanistan, in the 19th-century, travelling together through the jewel of the British Empire. Over a century later, their paths would once more cross in Dallas, TX.
Aislin Nuallan Psychic Snackable How often do you find an artsy, AB- toy to sink your teeth into and play with?
Adam Daemon Camedon Witch Lackey Fraudsters always have their uses, and this charlatan is my kind of criminal scum!

Character Gallery


Title IC Date OOC Date Quick Description
Dance with the Devil July 5, 2010 July 5, 2005 Faust meets the Devil and a deal is struck.
Art Appreciation July 2, 2010 July 2, 2005 Darcy and Connor discuss the various art movements throughout the years; Michael drops by later and weighs in.
Testing the Leash July 1, 2010 July 1, 2005 A chance meeting at the Hotel Carmilla finds Susan and Darcy alone as Marcus steps outside to make a telephone call. An overture is made.
Wrong Place, Wrong Time July 01, 2010 July 01, 2005 This scene begins during the end of Discourse at the Lake and proceeds from there. After being psychoanalyzed by Bethany, and given a "lesson" in deportment by Marius, Desiree needs some alone time. Unfortunately, she doesn't remain alone for long. WARNING: This scene is rated a (Heavy) R for violence and adult situations.
Jazz and Cocktails June 29, 2010 June 29, 2005 Having been unsuccessful selling his "acquired" BMW during his first night in Dallas, Darcy stops into Bass Clef Club to listen to some jazz. He meets Aislin over cocktails. WARNING: This scene is rated a 18A for violence and adult situations.
Red Right Hand June 29, 2010 June 29, 2005 Abbey receives her gift from Mischa's Hawaiian vacation; a bit later Darcy wanders in and makes a compelling sales pitch.
Merry Meet June 29, 2010 June 29, 2005 Dahlia is open, Chef is on duty, and Darcy comes into visit an old friend.

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